Wednesday, March 4, 2020

John 15  Jesus is the true vine.  Life is in the vine and the branches receive that life as long as they remain attached.   It is the only way for fruit to grow.  Jesus says that we need to "stay united" with Him. Stay in His love by obeying His command to love one another.  He chose us to be fruit bearers.

Again, Jesus tells us that when we are united with Him.. when His Word is in us.. that we can "ask whatever [we] want, and it will happen.. "  Ask the Father in His name.. and He will give it.. so we can go and bear lasting fruit.

We need to know that this is only possible for those that have come out of the world and no longer belong to the world. The world will hate the fruit bearers. The world will persecute us and hate us.
As Jesus has said before, they love the darkness.. because they don't want to give up their sinful deeds that are done in darkness.  So, they hate the light that exposes sin as sin..

This is our world today.  They don't want to hear that abortion is murder.  They don't want to hear that homosexuality is sin.  They want to do what they want without anyone "judging" them.  They don't want to hear that they have already been judged by God and that their only hope is redemption through Jesus Christ.

Father in heaven, protect Your church and purify her from the lies of this world. Bring the Truth back to the center of Your people and help us to stand firm, resisting evil, in the Your Strength. Be glorified in Your church as Your love flows in us and through us, so that we can bear fruit that is eternal.  We ask  You for workers to be sent into the harvest fields.. that many more will come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, the only Way, Truth, and Life. It is in His Name we ask this. Amen.

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