Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Numbers 7  The tabernacle was completed and set up, anointed and consecrated.  The Lord called upon each leader of the 12 tribes to bring an offering.  They provided oxen and carts for the Levites which would be used for carrying some of the parts of the tabernacle when they moved.  Only the most sacred items would be carried by hand - those under the responsibility of the Kohath division.
Each of the tribes offered the same thing -
1 silver dish
1 silver bowl
1 gold pan
fine flour
1 male goat for a sin offering
2 oxen, 5 rams, 5 male goats, 5 male lambs - for peace offerings.

This took 12 days as each tribe presented their offerings one at a time.
In this way, the tabernacle was equipped for the priests and Levites to begin the ongoing sacrifices according to the Lord's commands.

In Numbers 8 the Levites are dedicated.  They were presented as a wave offering before the Lord. They belonged to Him, redeeming the first born from all the other tribes.  The Lord set them apart for Himself. They accepted God's call, "acted in accordance with everything Adonai had ordered.. purified themselves and washed their clothes."  Aaron "offered them as a holy gift before Adonai and made atonement for them in order to cleanse them." 

This makes me think of Romans 12:1  " I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship." 

We have been called into God's service, just like the Levites were.  We have been shown great mercy by the "unsearchable.. unfathomable.. God"  who calls us into His service.  We accept this call by turning away from the world and being "transformed by the renewing of [our] minds.. " We receive the atonement provided by our Lord Jesus on the cross.  We offer ourselves to the Lord.. with the righteousness of Christ that has made us holy and acceptable.  We are a wave offering.. set apart for our Lord.

Father, we humbly bow before You.  It is with great reverence and love that we look to You and offer ourselves to You as living, holy sacrifices.  May we serve You with clean hands and pure hearts all the days of our lives.  In Jesus' name.. the Name above all names.. the only One who can bring us to the Father.. we pray. Amen.

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