Friday, March 20, 2020

Numbers 10 gives us more information on God's plan for organizing Israel for traveling.  Two silver trumpets were made and used for summoning the people and to communicate the order for moving.  In verse 13 Israel begins their first major journey, moving out according to the order that God designated for them.  Perfectly ordered, with Judah at the front to lead the way, and with the Levites separated in a way that the tabernacle would arrive first and be set up before the holy things arrived and were ushered into where they belonged.   Let us be reminded that our God is "not a God of confusion but of peace.." ( I Corinthians 14:33)

Numbers 11:1 "But the people began complaining about the hardships to Adonai." 

The "mixed crowd that was with them grew greedy for an easier life..." v4
The people of Israel wept and complained about the lack of meat and other foods.. v5

And the wrath of God "flared up violently" v10.
Moses was overwhelmed and cried out to the Lord.

God addressed this situation in two ways.
First, He had Moses bring in 70 men from the 12 tribes and took " some of the Spirit which [rested] on [Moses] and put it on them."  Others to share the burden that Moses felt for the responsibility of leading Israel.

Second, He brought meat - quail.  So many quail that the people gathered them for two whole days. Heaps and heaps of quail.  But... " while the meat was still in their mouth, before they had chewed it up, the anger of Adonai flared up against the people, and Adonai struck the people with a terrible plague."   The name of this place was called "graves of greed, because there they buried the people who were so greedy." 

As they say.. there is nothing new under the sun...  We are living in a time when people are complaining.. and growing greedy.. wanting an easier life.. It is overwhelming.  We need to pray for those in leadership positions.. our government as well as church  leaders.  Let us pray for wisdom from above.. as James 3:17 tells us - wisdom that "is pure..peaceable , gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, and without hypocrisy." 

Paul had some things to say about Israel and what we should learn from their mistakes in
I Corinthians 10.  He reminds us that all of them had come "under the cloud and all passed through the sea."  They "all ate the same spiritual food and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from the spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ."  But, Paul goes on, "Nevertheless, with most of them God was not well-pleased." 

"Now these things happened as examples for us, that we should not crave evil things, as they also craved."  How?  Paul tells us:

".. do not be idolaters... "   Paul quotes Exodus 32:4 "The people sat down to eat and drink and stood up to play."   Wow - if that isn't a description of our world today!   People are focused on food, drink, and entertainment... on the things that give them pleasure - beyond just satisfying normal needs.  These cravings, as Paul calls them, are idolatry.

Also, Paul says, " Nor let us act immorally.. "  In Numbers 25 there is a description of gross immorality where 23,000 Israelites were killed by a plague for what they did. We know our world is filled with immorality that we couldn't even imagine just 10-20 years ago.  Should we wonder about a plague.. or are we in the midst of one?  Hmmm....

Paul goes on, "Nor let us try the Lord" v9; " - which brought judgement
"nor grumble" v10- bringing destruction'

Greedy cravings; idolatry; immorality; grumbling; and trying the Lord.  All roads to God's wrath and to destruction.   Paul warns us, " Therefore, let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. " But, he doesn't leave us there..  but gives us hope... " No temptation has overtaken you but such is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it." 

Father in heaven,  You are holy.  We pray that Your Name would be exalted, that all people will know Who You are and would bow in worship before You in spirit and in truth.  We pray that Your Kingdom would come in power with Your glory and majesty manifested in us.  We pray that Your will would be done here on earth as it is in heaven. May the wonders of Your glory and majesty that are constant in Heaven be done right here and now in us, in our families, in our church, and in the world.  May the Kingdom of Christ overcome the dominion of darkness.. now and forever more.
Father, we ask You to meet our needs for today. We know all things come from Your Hand and we are thankful.  Be glorified in us today we pray, Lord, that we might please You in every way.  In Jesus' name we pray... amen.

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