Monday, March 23, 2020

Numbers 12  Miriam seems to be the one who started the rebellion.  She was unhappy that Moses married an Ethiopian woman. She wanted some of the attention that Moses has gotten. "Hasn't [God] spoken with us too?"  she says to Aaron.  He seems to agree, but the judgement is put on Miriam alone. She is afflicted with leprosy for 7 days.  Adonai heard the criticism and addressed it directly.  Yet, because of the prayer of Moses.. Miriam was healed.

There is no such thing as a hidden sin.  God sees it and judges it.  Only by grace does He forgive it when we confess and repent.  But often, as in Miriam's case, there are still consequences.

Which leads to the next two chapters, 13-14.  The 12 spies are sent out to scout out the promised land.  10 give a negative report, while Caleb and Joshua, give a favorable one.  By faith, the land would have been conquered and secured by Israel.  But, without faith, there was rebellion.  And rebellion brings judgement.  God would have wiped out the entire nation except for the prayer of Moses.   Still, consequences were given.  The 10 unbelieving scouts died . Every adult over the age of 20 would die in the wilderness.  There would be 40 years of waiting until Israel would enter their land.  Yet,  Caleb and Joshua were allowed to live because of their faith.

Two things I want to focus on in these passages..

First, the prayers of Moses in 12:13 and 14:17-19:

"O God, heal her , I pray." 
"But now , I pray, let the power of the Lord, be great, 
just as Thou hast declared, 
'The Lord is slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, 
forgiving iniquity and transgression;
but He will by no means clear the guilty, 
visiting the iniquity of the fathers' on the children
to the third and fourth generations;
Pardon, I pray, the iniquity of this people
according to the greatness of Thy lovingkindness, 
just as Thou also hast forgiven this people, 
from Egypt even until now."

Second, although the majority of people had a spirit of fear and spurned the Lord.. putting Him to the test.. not listening . ( v22-23)  Caleb had a "different spirit"  and followed the Lord fully. ( v24). 

Whether our rebellion is personal and directed towards an individual.. or our rebellion is birthed out of fear or anger.. God is not pleased.  He takes it personally! He considers it "contempt" - "How long will this people spurn Me?"   Spurn - blaspheme, condemn, despise, provoke.  

We believe God or we don't.  We follow Him fully, or we rebel.  We act out of faith or out of fear. 
These truths apply to every single one of us.  Our only hope is in Jesus.  He is still "slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness".  He still forgives.  And we have a world full of fearful, rebellious, and angry people who are spurning God instead of finding forgiveness that comes by faith.  

Let us intercede for the Moses did for his sister and then for his nation. 

Father in heaven, let Your power be made known and Your name be exalted among the nations of our world.  We believe that You are merciful and mighty.  We believe that You are slow to anger.. and thank You for You have been more than patient with the rebellious people of our nation.  We pray for those living in iniquity and rebellion.. that You would bring them to repentance that they might be saved.  We pray for healing, Lord. We pray for forgiveness.  We pray that Your people will  have the Holy Spirit and follow our Lord fully.  Strengthen us in faith and love we ask, that Christ might be exalted in each of us.  We pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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