Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Numbers 16  This chapter is all about rebellion... Korah, a Levite, joined forces with two men, Dathan and Abiram from the tribe of Reuben, and 250 "men of renown".  These were the leaders of the tribes, respected men, who thought they should be in charge. They challenged Moses and Aaron for the positions of authority over the nation.  The result is certainly tragic.  The whole households of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, along with everything they possessed were sucked down into Sheol as the earth split open underneath them.  The 250 men of renown were burned up.. consumed by fire from the Lord.  And, it doesn't end there!

The next day, the people started grumbling about the deaths of the rebellious leaders. The Lord's anger falls upon them and a plague begins, killing 14,700 people.  Only because of the intercession of Aaron, making atonement for them, does the plague come into check.

In chapter 17 God makes it abundantly clear that He has chosen Aaron to be the High Priest.. making his rod bloom and grow flowers and ripe almonds overnight.   There was no doubt that God had confirmed His choice of Aaron.  The Lord tells Moses to warn the people to "stop grumbling against Me, so that they should not die."  Only then do the people realize the truth, " Oh no!  We're dead men! Lost! We're all lost!" 

Rebellion is a symptom of unbelief.  Pride plays a part in it too.  This leads to grumbling, bitterness, and anger.  The result is always destruction.  In Korah's case, it led to an awful death.. for him and his entire family.

 I'm reading from a devotional by Randy Alcorn, who uses sermons by Charles Spurgeon.  This is what  I read today,
" To doubt an honest man is to cast a slur upon him. But to doubt God, who cannot lie, who has sworn by an oath, is to make God a liar or even a perjurer! Our souls shrink back from infamy so cursed.  Did ever a fiend in Hell commit a more detestable sin than that of doubting the truthfulness of a God of perfection and truth?"

Here's the point that Spurgeon wants us to get... God's promises are True.. and they are for us.. personally.  He goes on to say, " Come soul, there is the promise'; there it stands before you.  You say, 'I dare not believe it'.  But I say, ' How dare you doubt it? Where did you get your arrogance from?  How can you speak so exceeding proudly as thus to think of God and say of him, that he has promised what he cannot or what he will not perform?'"

God's promises are true.  He promises that all who believe will be saved.  He promises eternal life.  He promises that Jesus is coming again.  He promises that there will be a new heaven and a new earth with no more death, no more sin, and no more curse.   How can we doubt it?

Father in heaven, let Your kingdom come and Your will be done!  We pray for those who are lost, filled with unbelief and pride and rebellion, and we ask that their eyes be opened, so that they recognize their need for a Savior.  Like Aaron, lifting the censor of incense, we lift up our prayers on behalf of those who are dying, lost and without hope.  You are Mighty to save, Lord God.  Your hand is not short and nothing is impossible for You.  Thank you for what you are doing in our world right now,  working in hearts.. drawing men and women to Yourself. May there be a great harvest of souls for the Kingdom.  We pray this in Jesus' name. amen. 

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