Wednesday, January 15, 2020

 I received a surprise in the mail yesterday.. a thoughtful and encouraging friend sent me a new bible - The Complete Jewish Study Bible.   So, as I head to the next OT chapter, Leviticus, I am excited to  learn from a new perspective.. from a decidedly more  Hebrew translation of God's Word.

Leviticus 1

This book is called Vayikra - "He called"  since it begins with Adonai calling to Moses from the tent of meeting.  Adonai begins to give Moses instructions for the offerings, the priesthood, the laws, etc.
This first chapter introduces the burnt sacrifices.    Offerings - korban - a word from the root word meaning "come close" or "draw near" .   The commentary explains that an offering is an opportunity to draw near to God.  This could be any object that helps us draw near to God.

This opens our eyes to the offering of Jesus, as He gave Himself for us - that we might draw near to God.  He is the ultimate and only offering that can bring us to the Father.  That is what He came for and that is what He clearly preached.

But, it also makes me think about the "offerings" we bring to the Lord.  When we put money in the offering plate.. is it really fulfilling its purpose?  Are we giving out of the desire to draw near to God? Or are we giving out of habit or obligation?  If we are not giving at all... what does that say about our desire to draw near to our Father in heaven?

I'm drawn back to one of my favorite chapters.. Romans 12:1 "I exhort you, therefore, brothers, in view of God's mercies, to offer yourselves as a sacrifice, living and set apart for God.  This will please him; it is the logical "Temple worship" for you. " 

Adonai calls to us as He called to Moses.. to come near to Him.  To come closer.  He calls us to true worship, through Jesus Christ, the True offering.  He calls us to come and offer ourselves first, and then to bring offerings with a grateful and willing heart.  So we can be nearer to Him.. because He loves us and wants us....

Father in heaven, open our eyes and help us to see You more clearly.  Help us to know You better and to know the greatness of Your love for us.  Thank You for this word. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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