Monday, January 13, 2020

Luke 22  Jesus and His disciples join together in their last Passover before His death.  Jesus says, "I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.."  It is a monumental moment.  The end of His time on earth as the Lamb of God.  Jesus is the prepared Passover Lamb.  His body will be broken and His blood will be poured out.  It is a planned sacrifice according to the Father's will. It will institute a new covenant between God and man.  And it all points to a new and glorious Kingdom.

Jesus tells us that the Passover will be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.. and then He will again eat with them.. He will drink the fruit of the vine again when the kingdom comes.  He grants His disciples a seat at His table in His kingdom.  That time is coming.

Meanwhile there are other things that must take place to fulfill prophecy concerning Jesus .  He will be "numbered with the transgressors.  He will be betrayed.  He will be denied.  He will be crucified.

But, He will also be resurrected and will "Be seated at the right hand of the power of God."

The day of Christ's return approaches.  We look at the world and wonder how long will He continue to wait.  Psalm 46: 10 has spoken to me deeply this week.. " Be still and know that I am God,  I will be exalted among the nations.  I will be exalted in the earth."   We don't see God being exalted as He should be.. it doesn't show up on the news..  But, His word is True and that day is coming and it will be glorious!

Be exalted O God above the heavens!  Be exalted over all the earth!

Father in heaven... May Your name be hallowed.. honored.. and exalted today as Your people call on You and give You all praise and glory.  You are God and we are recognizing, discovering, acknowledging, and growing in our knowledge of You.  Help us to see You, hear You, and love You more and more we pray.. In Jesus' name. amen.

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