Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Leviticus 11  After the dedication of the tent of meeting and the consecration of the priests.. and after the judgement of God on Nadav and Avihu when they burned unauthorized incense to the Lord,  He said that the priests were to teach the people of Israel so that they would be able to distinguish between the "holy and the common" and "between the clean and the unclean".   This chapter begins that teaching, starting with dietary or "Kosher" laws.

Adonai gave specific laws about what foods the Israelites could eat and which ones they should not.  He called some "unclean" and he called some "detestable" for them.  To eat something that God called detestable, would defile them and make them detestable.  God's desire for His people is holiness... "For I am Adonai your God; therefore consecrate yourselves and be holy, for I am holy; and do not defile yourselves... You are to be holy, because I am holy." ( v43-45) 

The purpose of these laws were to give the people the ability to "distinguish between the clean and the unclean.." 

We know that some of these rules helped the Israelites health-wise, but, according the the rabbinical commentary they were primarily a spiritual issue.  So, when Jesus talked about the fact that it was not what one ate that defiled them, but what is in the heart that defiles a man... He was "raising the issue of kosher to a higher level".

The restrictions given to the Jews were for their good... physically, spiritually, and morally.  And, this is true for us also.  As Paul wrote in I Corinthians so clearly.. although many things are permitted, they are not helpful.. not profitable.  We have been "set apart for God".... made holy by the blood of Jesus.

"Everything is permitted, you say? Maybe, but not everything is helpful. Everything is permitted? Maybe, but not everything is edifying. No one should be looking out for his own interests, but for those of his fellow. Well, whatever you do, whether its eating or drinking or anything else, do it all so as th bring glory to God... Do not be an obstacle to anyone.... so that they may be saved!" ( I Corinthians 10:23-24;31; 32;33b)

To be holy as our God is holy, which is His will for each of us who are in Christ Jesus, we need to learn how to distinguish between what is holy and what is not.  Paul's teaching helps us to see this more clearly.  It's not the kosher food laws that Jesus wants us to observe, but  discernment in our own lives about what is helpful, what brings glory to God, and what will not be an obstacle in anyone's way.. "so that they may be saved!" 

Father in heaven, You are holy and worthy of all our praise, all our trust, and all our obedience.  We desire to have the spiritual discernment given by Your Spirit in us, that we might do all things for Your glory.  Help us to live in this way so that we might please and honor You with our whole beings.
May our love for You.. with all our hearts and minds and souls and strength.. grow deeper and deeper we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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