Friday, January 3, 2020

Luke 19:1-10  

Zaccheus "was a wee little man" - He was also:

A chief tax-man.
A rich man.
A curious man.
A happy man... when Jesus invited Himself to his house.
A changed man... repenting of his sin of "defrauding" others.

And a saved man.  "Today salvation has come to this house.. "  Jesus says.

What a wonderful proclamation Jesus makes, "For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."  Even Zaccheus.  Even me.  Even you....

The critics grumbled that Jesus would choose Zaccheus to visit. This man was a sinner in their eyes and they gave him no grace.. no mercy.. and no chance to repent.  But, Jesus saw his heart and knew that he was "a son of Abraham".   A man who needed salvation.  A man who knew he needed Jesus and was earnestly seeking Him.

No matter who it is.. no matter how impossible it seems that someone could change... no matter how bad of a sinner he or she might be... God is able to save them!

Thank You Jesus for coming to seek and to save all of us.. for we were lost but now we are found!  Amazing Grace.. how sweet it is!  Father in heaven, continue that work in us that You have begun.  Help us to live for You each and every day.  May we draw closer and closer until that day when we see You face to face!  O Praise to the King!  Amen.

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