Thursday, January 2, 2020

Luke 18:35-43  Sometimes it just takes a bit for the Word to hit home... The long chapters in Luke, that stack 3,4, or 5 events together sometimes seem incongruent.. but, looking back today, I see something I didn't before...

Jesus spoke about the widow who kept coming to the judge and how her continuous entreaties finally brought her an answer.  Then He talked about the 2 men praying and how the tax-gatherer pleaded for mercy and was granted his petition.  He also spoke about how we need to be like children to receive the kingdom.  Then He encountered the rich young ruler, unwilling to give it all up for the One he called "Good"...

This final encounter is with the blind man on the road near Jericho..

This man called out for mercy... and he kept calling out even when others tried to silence him.  He was like the widow who kept trying.. and he was like the tax-gatherer who needed mercy and asked for it.

He was not like the rich young ruler.. for he had nothing he needed or wanted to hold on to. Instead he was like a child, who when asked what he wanted.. answered it humbly and honestly - "Lord, I want to regain my sight!"  

Lord, I also want to sight... to see You clearly, to know You fully, and to grasp the height and depth and width and length of Your love for me.  Lord Jesus, Son of David.. Son of God, have mercy on me!


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