Thursday, January 23, 2020

Leviticus 8  In this chapter we read the record of Aaron and his sons actually being consecrated for the priesthood.  Aaron is washed, dressed, and anointed by Moses according to the command of Adonai.  His sons are also washed and dressed accordingly.

There are several sacrifices offered:

First, there is a bull offered as a sin offering.
Then, a ram as a burnt offering.
Then, a second ram as an offering of consecration.
And finally a wave offering consisting of matzah, oiled bread, and a wafer along with parts of the ram of consecration.

Next, Aaron and his sons are sprinkled with anointing oil and blood from the sacrifices.  Then they are commanded to stay at the door of the tent of meeting for seven days and seven nights "since Adonai will be consecrating you for seven days."   The atonement was made, but they still had to obey the command to stay at the tent of meeting "so that [they] may not die." 

Aaron and his sons obeyed the words of Moses.

But... Jeremiah records this " You may as well eat the meat of your burnt offerings along with that of your sacrifices. For I didn't speak to your ancestors or given them orders concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices when I brought them out to the land of Egypt.  Rather, what I did order them was this: 'Pay attention to what I say. Then I will be your God, and you will be My people. In everything, live according to the way the I order you, so that things will go well for you'" 

They didn't listen or obey. The sacrifices became meaningless.  They even went as far as to place idols in the holy place reserved for God Himself.

What was most important in all that Moses was commanded them to do - all the washing, clothing, anointing, sacrifices, and consecration - was that it was done in obedience to God's voice. It was specific.  It was solemn.  It was holy.  But, it wasn't the acts in themselves that mattered as much as it was the obedience to God's Word.. by faith in the real and holy God who was bringing them into an amazing relationship - " I will be your God and you will be my people." 

This is what God desires for us too.  He offers Himself so that we can be His people and He can be our God.  He has not changed who He is - He is holy... He is Sovereign.  He is God alone.   He desires obedience and faith.  He wants the best for us because He loves us.   It is an offer that we must receive by faith in Jesus Christ, the anointed One. "Trust and obey.. there is no other way."

Father in heaven, we hallow Your name, for You are Adonai our God, Mighty and Holy, the only True God.  We surrender to Your will, praying that You will be glorified in our lives as we walk by faith in Christ Jesus. Open our eyes and ears, Lord God, that we might listen and obey Your Word.
We ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

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