Thursday, January 16, 2020

Leviticus 2  Directions for the grain offerings.

Grain offerings consist of fine flour, olive oil. and frankincense.  These offerings can never include leaven or honey.  A portion of the flour and all of the frankincense are brought to the altar and burned completely.  The rest is given to the priests.. "It is an especially holy part of the offerings for Adonai made by fire." v3, 10.

We are told that the burned portion makes a "fragrant aroma for Adonai."  Just as the burnt offerings were also a "fragrant aroma".

Adonai, is pleased with the offerings that draw us nearer to Him.  It is a sweet smell to Him.  Think of that!  Our Creator has given us the gift of being able to smell.  It is a way that we are made in His image.  Like Him, there are things that give us joy to smell.... a baking turkey on Thanksgiving morning,  the scent of bread fresh out of the oven, the smell of spices and herbs, and the wonderful aroma of roses...

But, there are also things that we don't like to smell.  Something dead.. something rotting.. something sour or putrid.  Proverbs 10:7 " The memory of the righteous is blessed; but the name of the wicked will rot."  Ezekiel 8:17 is a word of the Lord to Ezekiel as he watches men in the Lord's house, bowing to the sun,  turning their backs on God...  "they have filled the land with violence and provoked Me repeatedly.... " the Lord says, "for behold, they are putting the twig to their nose. "  Idolatry is a stench to God.

Are our offerings to the Lord.. acceptable?  Do they bring Him pleasure as a sweet aroma?
Or, do we make a stinky, rotting, dead smell before Him?

Will our names be remembered for the righteousness that we have done... or will leave behind a legacy of rottenness?

Our God calls us to live for Him and to draw near to Him. We have to start with honoring His Word and being obedient to His will.  To bring our offerings according to His directions. Cain's offering was not accepted, because it was not what God required.  Able brought the better offering.. in obedience and faith.  Again, I am reminded that God calls us to trust and obey... There is only one offering that is acceptable to God, the blood of Jesus Christ.  It is through Him that we can come close to the Father and bring a pleasing aroma.. There is no other way.

Thank You Father for making a way when there was no other way to draw near to You, and to be saved from the wrath we deserve.  We offer ourselves, as living and holy sacrifices to You, through Jesus Christ.. in worship and surrender.  Be glorified in us we pray. Amen.

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