Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Leviticus 5 - The guilt offering is slightly different than the sin offering.  One is offered for omitting a specific action that is required and the other is for committing an action forbidden by the Law.  This could be by ignorance or forgetfulness.

Either way, God calls these things "sin".  And He considers us "guilty".  The only option for a person is to confess the sin, bring an offering, and have atonement made so that he can be forgiven.

We are given some specific actions -

"dealing falsely with a neighbor"
not returning an item that you find to the owner;
"swearing to a lie"   Lev.  6:2-3

(The Hebrew Bible includes the first part of chapter 6 with chapter 5.)

The main point here is that we sin in ways that we are not always aware of.. or do without thinking.  We are still guilty and we still must bear the consequences .   But, God has provided atonement for us... not with the blood of bulls or lambs,  but with the blood of Jesus Christ who gave Himself up for us.  Burnt offerings, grain offerings, sin offerings, guilt offerings - all were meant to bring the worshiper near to the Lord God... to provide a way back into relationship with the One who made us and who loves us.  And, this is what Jesus did for us, once and for all!  He has made a way for all who will believe in Him, to come near to the throne of Grace.. to the feet of our Holy Father and to know Him fully.

Thank You Father for the salvation bought by the blood of Jesus Christ who poured out Himself for this world.. for me.  I take this time to draw near to You, to bring a thanks offering and an offering of praise to the One who sits on the throne and to the Lamb!  Forgive my every sin... those of omission as well as those of commission.  And if I am unaware of something that I need to confess... Lord, may Your Spirit speak clearly to me that I might repent and find once again Your all sufficient grace and forgiveness .  I come to You, drawing near to You in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

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