Wednesday, January 22, 2020

 Leviticus 6-7  Here the Lord gives instructions to the priests regarding the sacrifices that He had initiated..

What stands out to me most are two things:

1.  Every offering is considered "especially holy".
2. Parts of the offerings are given to the priests as their portion to eat.

An offering to the Lord, whether a sin offering, grain offering, guilt offering, or peace offering, as we have noted, is meant to bring the worshiper near to God.  It is set apart - holy - because it is offered to Adonai. Anything or anyone that touches it is made holy.  Anyone unclean who touches it is condemned.  There is a sacredness that we don't grasp in our day and age.  Perhaps there should be!

When we give to the Lord, whether it be an offering at our church or a gift of support for a missionary.. it is sacred- holy, because it has been set apart for God's use.  It is not meant to be an automatic, recurring, contribution or tax-deduction.  Yes, it is used to support the church or organization and for the furthering of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but it is more than that.

And, that is where I am sensing a need to change my thinking about how we give...

Father, forgive me for giving our offerings from habit or conviction... although that is not a bad thing.. but it has made me forget that every offering is meant to be a personal connection between me and You.  I want to understand and to consciously experience that connection.. that drawing near to You.  I imagine that in the temple when a man slaughtered an animal that he had raised, or brought grain that he had grown in his own fields.. that it was very personal and very sacred.. to physically lay it at Your altar.  How do we learn to do that with a check stuck in an offering envelope?  Change our thinking and attitudes towards giving, Lord. Help us to understand that this is a holy offering.  Teach us Your ways, Lord.  I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

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