Friday, January 10, 2020

Luke 21  Verses 1-4  Jesus observes a poor widow who puts her last 2 coins in the offering.  She has given more than any other, he says, because she gave all she had.  Giving out of our abundance is one thing... giving out of our poverty is altogether different.  God sees our hearts..He knows.

As they gaze at the temple, Jesus begins to tell them what will happen.  This beautiful building will be torn down. Everything will change... a day is coming when all that we know now will be gone. How do we prepare for that?

"See to it that you be not mislead... " v8
"... do not be terrified.." v9
"... make up you minds..." v14
" ... straighten up and lift up you heads, because your redemption is drawing near.." v28
"Be on guard.." v34
".. keep on the alert.." v36

And a key verse.. " By your endurance you will gain your lives." v19

The details that Jesus shares with His listeners are kind of overwhelming...

There will be some who claim to be Him.
There will be wars... and more wars..
There will be earthquakes, plagues, and famines.
There will be persecution of Christians.
There will be hatred of believers.
Jerusalem will be desolated and trampled.
Israel will be in "great distress".
The sun, moon, and stars will bring dismay to the nations.
The sea and waves will cause fear to the point of men fainting.
The "powers of heaven will be shaken". 
And then Christ will come.

Jesus tells His listeners that "when you see these things happening, recognize that the kingdom of God is near." 

We need to pay attention and believe that the things we see happening in this world are signs that the time of Christ is near.  "But keep on the alert at all times, praying in order that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man." v36

Reminded again that like the widow.. Jesus wants us to fully surrender.. to be all in.  And as He taught we must also be alert.  Lay down our lives.... take up our stand.. and follow Him.. endure until He comes... and He is coming soon.

Father in heaven, we thank You that You are patient and are still bringing men and women to salvation in Jesus Christ.  We pray for unsaved loved ones yet again.. asking that You would change their hearts and lives through the gospel of Jesus Christ.  But, we look up, with expectation, Lord.. recognizing that some of these signs that Jesus taught us have already happened and are happening even now.  We do pray for strength and endurance that we might gain our lives and stand before Jesus, our Lord and King. We pray this in His name, the wonderful, powerful name of Jesus. Amen.

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