Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Luke 20

The chief priests, elders, and scribes began their confrontation with Jesus by questioning His authority to act and to speak.   Jesus questioned them about the baptism of John.  They would not answer Him because they couldn't admit that they didn't believe John's words in front of people who believed John was a prophet.  The question in my mind is why didn't Jesus just tell them?   He spoke about the fact that He only did what the Father told Him to do and only spoke what the Father told Him to speak...  So, there must have been another reason that He refused to answer them at that time.

Instead, Jesus tells the parable of the vine-growers who refused to give the owner His produce.  They killed his slaves and also his son. They foolishly thought that they would inherit the vineyard!  The owner would come and destroy them and "give the vineyard to others."  The scribes and chief priests recognized that this parable was about them.  They resolved even more to get rid of Jesus.  They did not recognize the lesson that Jesus was giving them.  God's kingdom could never be taken by those who were desperately trying to usurp Him.  God alone will choose who to give His kingdom to.. and He chose Jesus, His Son.  And Jesus has given it to all who will believe and follow Him.

Jesus is asked some questions by those who want Him to incriminate Himself.  He answers them with such wisdom and truth that they can not answer and give up asking more questions.  But, Jesus has a question of His own.  "How is it that they say the Christ is David's son?"  David would not call his physical son "Lord".  Yet, he wrote, "The Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand until I make thine enemies a footstool fo they feet."  

The Lord - is more than the son of David,  He is the Son of God.  The priests and scribes and elders had no idea who Jesus was.. but they could have if they would have stopped their evil ways and really listened.

Perhaps what we need to learn from this passage is that God's plan is so much greater than we can ever truly understand or think about... but when we stop and really listen to His word we will find Him waiting to tell us what we need to know... and it will all be focused on His Son.

Father, teach us Your ways and increase our understanding so that we can know Jesus more.  We look to You so that we can find life and hope and rest. For all authority in heaven and earth has been given to Jesus Christ our Lord and He has redeemed us and made us Your children.  This is our cornerstone and we stand on this firm foundation forever and ever. Amen.

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