Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Amos 6  - In spite of all the warnings.. by Amos and other prophets.. Israel sat "at ease" and felt "secure in the mountain of Samaria".   They thought they were untouchable.. They reclined on beds of ivory, sprawled on their couches( in drunken stupor) , ate the choices meat, played their songs.. trying to imitate the psalmists, and drank wine by the bowlful.. They were the epitome of hedonism.. living in luxury with no concern for their nation. Arrogant and self-centered.. they were loathed by God, and He was going to deliver them up to exile.

Again, Amos warns them.. disaster is coming!  It will be complete.  From the northern border to the southern tip - all of Israel would be "Lo-debar"  - nothing!

Our nation is beginning to look a lot like Israel. There are many rich and arrogant people who live the same way as those who were described by Amos - drunken, oblivious, self-centered... and facing the judgement of God.  They have "turned justice into poison"  and "the fruit of righteousness into wormwood".  It has been spilling over the whole country during this election season especially!
Worse than ever before - the bitter accusations and angry, hateful speeches.. are flying through the airwaves.

Lord, help us to heed the warnings of Your Word!  You are the Lord of hosts, Jehovah, Adonai, and we hallow Your name. You call us to seek You with all our hearts and we seek You.  You call us to follow Your Son, and we will follow.  By Your Spirit's power in us.. we live.. in faith and in obedience.  We want Your will to be done and for Your Kingdom to come.  May it be so. Amen.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Amos 5  I read a devotional this morning that talked about laying up a treasure in heaven.. (Matthew 6:19-20).  The author indicated that this treasure is those who we lead to the Lord. But, when I looked up the scripture references on it, I think it is more than that..

 Luke 12:33  makes it clear.. " Sell your possessions and give to charity; make yourselves purses that do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near, not moth destroys. For where your treasure is there will your heart be also."  Jesus told the rich young ruler in Matthew 19:21 to "sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me."   As I thought about this, I prayed for more understanding and clarity as to what this means.. for me.  And then I began to read Amos 5...

The people of Israel laid up their treasures on the earth..  they imposed "heavy rent on the poor". 
They exacted "a tribute of grain from them".
They built themselves great houses of stone.. planted "pleasant vineyards" and multiplied their wealth along with their transgressions..
They oppressed and distressed the poor and needy.  They hated the righteous and those with integrity.
They were hypocrites who offered sacrifices to look good, but never gave up their idols.  Their hearts and their treasures were on earth... and just as Jesus said.. they were about to learn that "moth and rust destroy, and .. thieves break in and steal..." earthly treasures.

Amos 5:12 "For I know your transgressions are many and your sins are great... " Therefore.. their houses would be destroyed, their vineyards worthless.. their lives taken and their country gone.  "She has fallen, she will not rise again... there is none to raise her up." ( v2)  The Lord would leave only a small remnant from Israel's people. Their time had come.. and justice was done. All their treasures were gone.. forever.

Amos reminds his listeners that it is the Lord God - Adonai, Sovereign Master,   He, who "made the Pleiades and Orion and changes deep darkness into morning, who also darkens day into night, who calls the waters of the sea and pours them out on the surface of the earth, the Lord is His name." - This is the One who is bringing destruction upon them...  He has rejected their false "worship".  He refused their offerings .  He would not even listen to their songs.  He was sending into exile..

Yet, there is a word of hope.. the Lord still calls them.. " Seek Me that you may live." 
 How?  "Seek good and not evil, that you may live; and thus the Lord of hosts be with you.... Hate evil and love good, and establish justice in the gate! Perhaps the Lord God of hosts may be gracious to the remnant of Joseph." The thing God treasures more than anything .. ".. let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like and overflowing stream." 

 In Luke 12 Jesus tells the parable of the rich man who had so much that he wanted to tear down his barns to build even bigger ones.  This was his treasure.. and God called him a fool. "This very night your soul is required of you;".. it was all worthless in the end..  Jesus said, " So is the man who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God."  He teaches us that we should not worry or be anxious about earthly treasures.. "But seek for His kingdom and these things shall be added to you. " His Kingdom - the unfailing treasure.

Father in heaven, Adonai, Lord of hosts, hallowed be Your name.  Bring Your Kingdom here Lord God.  Let Your will be  done here..  We do seek You.  We seek to lay up treasures in heaven, to do good and not evil, to do justice and to love mercy, and to walk with Jesus always.  Keep us from foolish, selfish, sinful living, Lord.  Lead us in paths of righteousness for Your name's sake.
In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Amos 4  The women of Israel.. the rich, spoiled, greedy women... demanded more and more from their husbands, who then oppressed the poor and needy in order to satisfy their wives.  The Lord calls them "cows of Bashan".   Well- fed.. pampered.. and ruthless.  Because of their actions and those of their husbands.. God swears "by His holiness".. to judge and punish them.  They would be taken away to captivity.  They would be thrown out of their luxury homes.. led through broken walls.. and if they gave their captors any trouble they would be strung together like  meat or fish on a hook and dragged away.  This would happen according to God's own oath.

In verses 4-5  Amos uses sarcasm to condemn Israel for the way they have transgressed against the Lord in their religious practices.  "Enter Bethel and transgress; In Gilgal multiply transgressions."
They brought sacrifices... they paid tithes.. they offered thanks offerings and freewill offerings.. they "loved to do" so.. but, it was all worthless and offended the One True God.  It was a sham.  They did it to impress others, to brag about their offerings.  They actually offered sacrifices that they took from those they oppressed and stole from.  God condemned them for their hypocrisy and for breaking their covenant promise with Him.

In verses 6 -11 Amos records these words 5 times, " Yet you have not returned to Me..declares the Lord."  He chastised them for their transgressions just as He said He would..

He sent a famine.
He withheld the rain.
He sent mildew, caterpillars, and scorching wind to destroy their crops.
He sent a plague.
He sent fire.
And each time.. they ignored Him and refused to repent and return to Him.

In Leviticus 26, and again in Deuteronomy 28 and I Kings 8.. the Lord warned Israel of the penalties of disobedience to His commandments.
Leviticus 26:16 - "I , in turn will do this to you: I will appoint over you a sudden terror, consumption and fever that shall waste away the eyes and cause the soul to pine away; also you shall sow seed uselessly, for your enemies will eat it up."   Famine, plague, pestilence, desolation.. and exile.. are all promised in Leviticus 26.. punishment for rejecting and disobeying God's Word.

Deuteronomy 28:47 says this, " Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joy and a glad heart, for the abundance of all things; therefore you shall serve your enemies whom the Lord shall send against you, in hunger, in thirst, in nakedness, and in the lack of all things; and He will put an iron yoke on your neck until He has destroyed you. "

They knew the consequences of their sinfulness.. but they still rebelled against the Lord.  Amos makes this powerful statement.. " Prepare to meet your God, O Israel". 

The "Lord God of hosts.. "  Jehovah, Elohiym... The self-existent, supreme, exceedingly great judge and mighty God .. who formed the mountains and "creates the wind".. Who "declares to man what are His thoughts... who makes the dawn into darkness and treads on the high places of the earth.. "  This is Who they will stand before.  Judgement is coming. And He did what He said He would do!

The Lord continues to deal with people in the same way as He did Israel.  We experience the trials of life.. and we choose to turn to Him or rebel against Him.  If we continue to ignore Him and refuse to repent and seek Him.. we will face the same consequences that Israel did.  God does not ignore sin!
Greediness, oppression, prideful hypocrisy.. just some of the sins of Israel.. present and active in our world today..

But, if we turn back to Him and seek Him with all of our hearts..  He promises that we will find Him!  He will forgive and restore us .. He will redeem us and bless us.   As Amos writes in the next chapter.. "Seek the Lord that you may live.. "   There is Hope in Jesus!  What amazing grace!

Father in heaven, hallowed is Your Name.. Jehovah Elohiym,  The Lord God of hosts.. Wonderful!  Blessed! Mighty! Savior!   We lift our praises up to You, for You alone are worthy of our worship.
Forgive us all of our trespasses and restore us to righteousness in Christ Jesus.  Sanctify us through and through that we might stand blameless before the throne.. clothed in His righteousness alone!
Thank You for the Word of God on which we stand.. and the Spirit who helps us to walk in the Truth.
Thank You for hearing our heart's cries and showing us mercy and grace.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Amos 3  Because of the unique relationship that God had established with Israel, and their utter rebellion against His commands, the judgement was inevitable and Amos declares this with a progressive series of questions...  examples of cause and effect...

Two men who walk together ( effect) must have met by agreement. ( cause)
A lion roars in the forest ( effect).. because he found his prey. ( cause)
A young lion growls in its den ( effect) because it has captured its dinner. ( cause)
A bird falls into a trap ( effect)  because it has been baited for that purpose. (cause )
A trap springs shut ( effect) because something has set it off. (cause)
A trumpet sounds an alarm in the city, ( cause) causing the people to tremble. (effect)

A calamity comes upon the nation ( effect).. because the Lord had done it.. (cause)
The Lord speaks... and the prophet must prophesy.
God reveals His intentions through His servants and He will do what He says.

"A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy?"

Again, Amos proclaims the sins of Israel and the just punishment that the Lord is declaring against them.  He invites the enemies of Israel, the Philistines and the Egyptians.. to gather and watch.. witnesses to crimes committed by God's own people...

".. see the great tumults within her and the oppressions in her midst... they do not even know how to do right... these who hoard up violence and devastation in their citadels."

Samaria, the capital of Israel, was filled with panic and terror.  The rule of law had disintegrated. Violence and oppression was rampant. The rich hoarded their wealth and exploited the poor. They plundered and looted their own countrymen. Terror ruled.  They profited from oppressing the poor.

Now God has spoken and His judgements would be certain.  An enemy would invade, overrun, plunder and destroy the fortresses of the rich, who sat in their lofty positions.  Utter destruction would be like a lion that snatched a sheep and left only an ear or piece of bone.  They would be snatched out of their beds of ease, clinging to their blankets.  Their altar at Bethel would be destroyed.. "the horns of the altar".. the place where a fugitive could grab on and claim asylum.. would be "cut off".  There was no hope of escaping God's just punishment.

This truth stands for the day of judgement yet to come.  God has spoken and He will do what He says He will do.  Like the Israelites , some of us may think that a loving God will surely save us.. no matter what.. but that is false hope.  Unless we repent and put our trust in the One and Only Savior, Who died to pay for our transgressions.. we are still sinners.. still under judgement.. and will still pay the ultimate punishment - death. (Oh how thankful we are for Jesus Christ our Savior!)

In our natural, fleshly bodies, we "do not even know how to do right"..  We see in our country today the battle against the rule of law that is leading to tumult and devastation..  The rich grow richer and the poor are oppressed.  Violence is rampant.  We are in the same place as Israel was when God declared His coming punishment.

O Lord God, help us!  Bring repentance and revival to our land.  May we turn from sin and death.  May we turn to Christ and be redeemed, forgiven, and resurrected into new life.. holy, blameless and yielded to You, our God and King.  You are our God and we will serve You alone.  There is no other name that we will call upon, but the Wonderful name of Jesus, who is all in all.  In this name we bow before You and ask these things. Amen.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Amos 2  Moab is also judged for her rebellion against the Lord.. with one of those transgressions being that they dug up the graves of Edom's kings and burned their bones to powder.  It was an act of great offense to desecrate a grave like this.   God's punishment upon them, like the other Gentile nations, was the destruction of their citadels and the slaying of their leaders.  This was accomplished by the Assyrians.

Amos now turns to the trespasses of Israel and Judah.  The judgements against the foreign nations was one thing.. but now, it gets personal.

Judah - rejected the Law of the Lord.  They did not keep His statutes.  They lived lies.  They were idolators.

Israel's sins are spelled out in even more detail:
They sold their brethren for money.
They sold the poor for the price of a pair of sandals.
They stomped on the helpless.
They practiced immorality.
They profaned the Lord's name.
They illegally kept the pledges of others... oppressing them and even threatening their lives.
They took the wine that they falsely extracted as fines.. and toasted idols.

God reminds Israel of His provisions for her..
He brought them out of Egypt.
He moved out the Amorites and others from the land.
He led them in the wilderness.
He gave them prophets and Nazirites.

In spite of all that God had done to establish Israel.. they rebelled again Him over and over.
Judgement was coming... and no one would escape.
The fastest runner cannot outrun the Lord.
The strongest warrior cannot escape God's sword.
The bravest of them would be just as naked before God as all the rest.

We have nothing that has not come from the hand of God. When we fail to remember this and we choose not to honor Him.. we profane His holy name. We are rebellious.  The wrath of God is just. The punishment for our transgressions is thorough.

Father in heaven,  forgive us this day our transgressions.. our every act of rebellion, pride, and arrogance. Forgive us for failing to recognize Your image in every one of Your creations.. for failing to give respect where it is due.. for failing to show compassion when we can. For acting in any way that falls short of Your will.. that is un-Christlike.
Lead us Lord, in paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake.
Deliver us from the evil one.
May all glory and honor and praise be to You alone, Lord.
Thank You for bringing us into the Kingdom of the Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.  For redeeming us, cleansing us, and for giving us new life in Him. Fill us with Your Spirit that we may exhibit Your glory to all those we meet.
We pray in the Wonderful name, the name of Jesus . Amen.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Amos 1 - God chose Amos, a shepherd from a remote area, to be His voice.  In this first chapter Amos has been given a vision of judgement against the nations surrounding Israel and Judah.
Damascus, Gaza, Ashdod, Ekron, Tyre, Edom, Temon, and Ammon.... have all transgressed - revolted and rebelled against God.   Their transgressions are numbered:

Verses 3-5  -Damascus - they threshed Gilead. - its final and culminating sin that finally went beyond God's patience ; They were barbaric.  They tortured and mutilated the people of Gilead. This total disregard for human life would bring total and irrevocable judgement on them.

Their punishment would be fire that would consume the walls and fortresses of the city.
The breaking down of the gate.
The destruction of their king. The end of Hazael's dynasty.
The exile of the Arameans back to Kir, their place of origin.
" A complete reversal of Aram's proud history... obliterating all they had achieved" ( Bible Knowledge Commentary)
All of this was carried out by the Assyrians in 732 BC.

verses 6-8  Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon and Ekron were cities of the Philistines.  Their greatest and culminating sin that brought them under the severe judgement of God was that they would take whole communities into captivity and sell them in the trade markets in Edom.

Their punishment would be fire that would consume their walls and citadels.
The removal of their king.
The destruction of their people.
God's power was unleashed upon the Philistines by the Assyrians.

Verses 9-10 Tyre - also sold people into slavery.. but it was even worse than the Philistines, because they broke their "covenant of brotherhood" to do so.  At least some of those slaves were Israelites.

They also would receive punishment, fire would destroy their wall and their citadels.
Tyre was attacked by the troops of Alexander the Great in 332 BC. Many were killed, some by crucifixion.. and many sold into slavery themselves.

Verses 11-12 Edom... the descendants of Esau... " pursued his brother with the sword".  They had no compassion. They raged with anger "continually".

God would punish Edom with the armies of Assyria.  Its main strongholds in Teman and Bozrah were destroyed.  By the 5th century it was a wasteland.  Then the land was occupied by the Arabian tribe, Nabateans.

Verses 13-15 Ammon - Their most horrid sin was the practice of terrorizing their enemies by cruelly targeting pregnant women and slicing open their wombs, killing them and their unborn babies.  Preying on those most defenseless.. in order to gain more land.

God also used the Assyrians to punish Ammon.  Rabbah, the capital was set on fire.  God sent a violent wind to pour out His judgement on them. The king was taken into exile.

The things that anger the Lord are clear - bloodshed, oppression, betrayal, slave trading.. unrestrained anger, cruelty.   Our world is still full of this rebelliousness and sinfulness against Him and against each other.  His wrath will not be ignored.. and His patience will come to an end.  There is a time of judgement that will come against every nation that rebels against the Sovereign God.  And that includes the USA.

Father in Heaven,  may we come to repentance .. as a nation, for the transgressions that we have committed against You.  Please help us to stop the bloodshed and the tyranny, the anger and bitterness,  and the heartless destruction on those most helpless.  Our nation is again facing an election that is so divisive and will lead us in two possible directions.  You know the future and we put our hope in You, Lord.  Lead us into truth and righteousness.  May our leaders be able to find ways for peace and goodness to return.  Above all, Lord God, may Christ reign!  Let Your Kingdom come and You will be done.. in His Name. Amen.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Joel 1-3  This book of prophecy starts with a picture of absolute desolation. Everything is destroyed.  There is no more grain, no more vines, no more hope.  Verse 8 tells the people to "wail like a virgin girded with sackcloth".   A bride who waits for her groom, who will never come.. sorrow upon sorrow.

Every crop has failed.  Everything is dried up and dead. The storehouses are empty. There is nothing for the cattle to graze on and even the brooks of water have dried up.  And on top of all of that a fire starts and consumes everything before them and behind them.  This is the day of the Lord.. " The day of the Lord is indeed great and very awesome. And who can endure it?" (2:11b)

The day of the Lord ... the day of God's judgement upon all the earth and upon every individual ever born... is coming.  All will stand before the Maker and Sovereign Lord.. and give account.  There are no excuses.. no cover-ups.. no place to hide.. when we stand before the Throne of God.

" Yet even now, 'declares the Lord', Return to Me with all your heart, and with fasting and weeping and mourning; and rend you heart and not your garments . Now return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness, and relenting of evil." 

Come back... God calls us. "Consecrate a fast, proclaim a solemn assembly, gather the people.."  He calls the elders, the children, the babies, the bridegrooms and brides, the priests and the ministers... He calls us all to come to Him.. to weep.. to repent.. to come back.

And if we do.. He will forgive. He will restore.  He will "make up to you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten."  He will bless. He will deal "wondrously" with us.  He will deliver.  And He will pour out His Spirit "on all mankind".

God will bless Jerusalem.  He will dwell in Zion.  He will be known as the God of Israel.  He will judge the nations.

Father, You are Lord of heaven and earth. The God of all creation.   You will judge every person.. justly and perfectly.  Yet, praise Your name,  You have revealed Yourself to us as  the God.. who is gracious, compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness.   You hear us when we cry out to You and You have pity on us.  You forgive our sins.  You restore our souls.  You give us Your Spirit...  How can we say thank You enough?   We yield our lives, we surrender our wills,  and we praise and love You with all of our hearts, minds, souls, and strength.  Thank You! In  the name of our savior  Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

Monday, October 22, 2018

I Corinthians 16  This closing portion of Paul's letter gives various instructions.. some having to do with relationships and some simple statements of the things are important :

" Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love." 

Actions... that prove the character of each man or woman in the church.
Be Alert - ready for the Lord's return.. looking for Him!
Stand firm - hold fast, persevere... abide in Him by faith.
Be courageous, mature, strong in the Lord.
And above all things - love.

Paul talks about respecting worthy leaders, being subject to them and helping them as they do the work of ministry.  These actions also reveal a heart yielded to the Lord Jesus.

Paul began this letter appealing to the church to be united.. united in Christ, their Head.
He reminded them ( and us) that the only focus they need is Jesus Christ.. crucified and resurrected!
He appealed to his readers to grow up - in the Truth and Righteousness of Christ.
He taught them about what is best - living for Christ with humility and loving one another.
And, he reminded them of the great hope that  they ( and we)  have in Christ - that we will be resurrected just like Jesus - imperishable, immortal.. eternally with our Lord.

We can be steadfast, immovable, and abounding in the work of the Lord - because of all that God has done.. for us... in us... and through us!  Praise His holy Name!

Thank you Father for Your power and glory and strength - given to us for the good of the church, the body of Christ.  May we walk in a manner worthy of Your calling.  May we grow in grace and in the knowledge of our God and of the Lord, Jesus Christ.  We praise You and worship You, for You alone are God and there is no other!  Amen.

Friday, October 19, 2018

I Corinthians 15 - continued... Reassuring and exhorting the church in Corinth - that Jesus was indeed resurrected from the dead and now lives- Paul goes on to teach that Jesus is the "first fruits of those who are asleep. "  Because of Adam's sin death entered the world, but because of Christ's death and resurrection - "all shall be made alive." 

There is a time that is coming when Christ will return,  He will "deliver up the kingdom to the God and Father".  He will "abolish all rule and all authority and power."  He will "reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet."   And.. " The last enemy that will be abolished is death."

The rest of the chapter contains Paul's teaching on the mystery of the resurrection..

In the end.. when all things have been subjected to Jesus, then He will deliver it all up to the Father and submit Himself also, that "God may be all in all." Because there is a resurrection .. we can rejoice in this truth.

The truth is:

This natural body will die.. but it is like a seed that is planted.
A seed does not look like the crop it produces.. it is quite different.
When we are resurrected, we will be imperishable. v42
Our dead earthly bodies will be "sown in dishonor", but our resurrected body will  be "raised in glory". v43
Our weakness in these bodies will be gone, our resurrected body will be "raised in power". 
We have a natural body.. like Adam had.
We will have a "spiritual body" - like Jesus!
No longer earthly.. we will be "heavenly"!
We will "bear the image of the heavenly". v49

No longer perishable.. but imperishable.
No longer mortal.. but immortal.
No longer subject to death.. but victorious in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Because of these truths, Paul says, " be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord."

Father in heaven,  we put on the belt of truth and take up the Word of God.  We rejoice and give thanks for the hope You have given us in Jesus Christ our Savior.  As our bodies grow older and begin to be weak and we recognize all too well that we are mortal and perishable.. we thank You all the more for the coming day when we will be resurrected to imperishable, immortal, spiritual bodies, that bear the image of heaven!  Wow.  That is such an awesome truth.. we thank You and praise You!
Keep us steadfast and immovable in Christ our Rock.  We pray in His name. Amen.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

I Corinthians 15  Paul uses the word "vain" 5 times in this chapter:

v2 "...unless you believed in vain"
v10 " His grace toward me did not prove vain."
v14 " and If Christ has not been raised then our preaching is vain, your faith also is vain." 
v58  "... knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord." 

Vain - empty.. without worth.  Without faith in the whole gospel of Jesus Christ.. including the truth that He was raised from the dead...there is no worth in a christian religious life..

Paul made known "the gospel" to these "brethren".  He preached and they received it.  They needed to stand firm and "hold fast" to the Word.  "For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures..." 

The issue that Paul is dealing with is that some were arguing the there is no such thing as the "resurrection of the dead".   Paul teaches that a gospel without the resurrection is no gospel at all!  It is vain - worthless - empty.  Our faith would be worthless - for if Christ was not resurrected our sins would not be forgiven.  If Christ was not raised from the dead..there is no use in preaching about Him.  If Christ did not rise from the grave then we have no hope.

But, Paul continues, the Truth is.. Christ was raised from the dead.  And because He did.. we "all shall be made alive" with Him!  Because He rose from the dead we have hope.. and it is a glorious hope that will be accomplished in all its fulness when He comes again.

Father in heaven,  we do not want to believe anything less than the whole gospel of Jesus Christ.  We put our faith in the truth of Your Word and want to live fully in obedience, by your grace.  Fill us Sprit of Truth with deeper faith and divine understanding.. that we might be "steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.. " We ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

10-16-18   I've been thinking about I Corinthians12:7 - still!  The other night I had one of those wide awake instead of sound asleep times, and I began meditating on that verse again.. the "manifestation of the Spirit" - and the definition of manifest - made known to the senses.. and I just need to write this down..

In the Old Testament times, specifically during the Exodus, God manifested Himself to the nation of Israel -  He revealed Himself to their senses:

They saw the fire by night and the cloud by day.
They heard the thunder from Mount Sinai.
They tasted the manna every day for 40 years.
They drank the water that flowed from the Rock.
They touched the dry ground as they walked through the Red Sea.

When God directed Moses in the building of the tabernacle and later on when Solomon built the temple - His purpose was to manifest His Presence with them:
They saw the beauty of the carvings and colors and gold coverings.
They heard the music of the psalms and the instruments of worship.
They tasted the bread and the wine.. and certain offerings of grain, lamb, etc.
They smelled the burnt offerings of morning and evening..
They touched the head of a sin offering.. taking their place.. dying for their sinfulness.

But, when Jesus came - He came as the image of the invisible God!
He walked on this earth so that men could:
See- the beauty of His holiness and the horror of His sacrifice.. for our sins.
Hear - The words of love and redemption.. the Truth of the Gospel.
Taste - the bread and the wine that symbolize His broken body and His shed blood.
Smell - the fragrance of life to those who believe.
Touch - the hem of His garment; the healing hand that touched even those no one ever touched.

And now, we have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit..
Seen in the love and compassion of Christ's disciples.
Heard in the words of prophecy and teaching of the Word, the Gospel of salvation.
Tasted in the good works done in faith- towards each other and towards even the enemy.
Touched by healing hands and acts of hospitality.
Smell - well, I guess that is still the sweet fragrance of the Presence of our Lord..

Anyway, this is what I have been thinking about lately..

Friday, October 12, 2018

 I find myself still thinking about Corinthians 12:7 " But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good." The dictionary defines manifest as : palpable, evident, apparent to the senses.. to sight, to the mind, obvious; clear; plain; .. reveal; prove; be evidence of... to show itself;

The Spirit of God reveals Himself, gives evidence of Himself; makes Himself obvious - visible - exhibits Himself; expresses Himself - in each one of us.. in a variety of ways.. supernatural ways - for the "common good" - [sumphero] - to bear together; contribute; to collect;  to be better for, bring together; be expedient for; be good for; be profitable for;

As Paul explains this in terms of a body - with many parts - all of them important - all of them needed to work together.. to contribute to the wholeness and health of the body - this begins to lift us away from selfish and self-centered, prideful thinking.  It focuses us on the purpose of spiritual gifts - the Spirit's gift to us as a whole - to bring us together, whole, healthy, thriving- to make us effective ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ, to the glory of God. 

And.. if love is missing... it just won't work.

So Paul begins chapter 14 with " Pursue love.. "
Yet, he still has more to say about "spiritual gifts".. in fact he encourages the church to " desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy".   To be an inspired speaker - to speak divine words - words that edify the church; to bring us together; to contribute to the health of the whole body.  Yet also,  divine words that convict and call to account the unsaved so that  he will "fall on his face and worship God, declaring that God is certainly among you. " (v24-25)

Over and over Paul emphasizes that spiritual gifts are for edification.... to build the church - to build the family -  to instruct and to exhort.  The words of prophesy are meant to be clear and with meaning that can edify all who hear it.  Words spoken in "tongues", unless they can be interpreted.. do not have meaning and do not edify anyone.  This does not mean that anyone with the gift of tongues should not speak - but they either need to have an interpretation or they need to keep it between themselves and the Lord.

One more thing that Paul emphasizes is the need for peace as opposed to confusion.  For this to happen he teaches, " .. let all things be done properly and in an orderly manner."  It is for this reason that Paul makes his statement about women speaking in the churches.  Not that they should never speak.. but that both men and women need to avoid any confusion and disruption while they are meeting together.  The Holy Spirit can make Himself known through and in a woman just as easily as a man.. but He will never do it in a way that does not edify the whole body.. the whole church.

Father in heaven,  continue the work of the Holy Spirit in each of, enabling us to love one another, build up one another, and minister to the whole body of Christ.  Help us to love.. as You have loved us.  Grant to us spiritual gifts - inspiring us to speak Your Words of love and life and peace.  May the gospel of Jesus Christ be spoken with power by Your Holy Spirit in us.  To the glory of Your Name in all the earth. Amen!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

I Corinthians 13  - It is in the context of this discussion about spiritual gifts - the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in each believer,  for the ministry of the Lord Jesus, according to the will of the Father - that Paul pens this beautiful and amazing song of love..

The church members in Corinth were not wrong in desiring spiritual gifts, but their desires were wrongly motivated..  they were full of envy and pride... they were judgmental of each other, and they were divided because of this.  Their focus was on the gifts.. not on the Giver.  The spiritual gifts were viewed as personal accomplishments.. instead of revealing the presence of the
Spirit of God...

Paul says there is " a still more excellent way."  No matter what gift the Spirit of God distributes to any individual... it is entirely useless without the love of God included.  The spiritual gifts are gifts of grace - meant for the Body of Christ and the glory of God.. done without love - they are nothing.

Since love is patient - a spiritual gift, manifesting the Spirit of God, will display patience towards others.
Since love is kind and not jealous - no spiritual gift should be envied or used to judge another cruelly.
Since love does not brag or become arrogant - a believer should never boast or be prideful because God has given him a particular spiritual gift.
Since love does not act unbecomingly, does not seek its own, is not provoked.. and doesn't take account of wrongs... a spirit filled and gifted speaker, prophet, healer, or whatever.. should only speak or act with unselfish or un-self-centered/other focused words and actions.

Love that rejoices, bears with all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.. and never fails will outlast any spiritual gift.  Prophecy, tongues, knowledge... Paul says.. will be done away with eventually.  But love will last.  Faith and hope are important.. vital to this life.. but love is forever.

Father in heaven,  straighten out our ways of thinking according to Your Word.. Help us to see Your truths with new eyes and to surrender to Your ways of love in all we do and say.. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.   In the name of Jesus Christ the Lord we pray.. amen.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

I Corinthians 12  Paul begins to explain to the church what the truth is about spiritual gifts.  To me, I feel the need to remember and claim what Paul said way back in chapter 2, verse 16 : " But we have the mind of Christ".   We can understand spiritual matters, because we have spiritual thoughts and words taught by the Spirit who is from God "that we might know the things freely given us try God.." ( v12)

 Paul wants the church.. which includes us.. to be aware, not ignorant of the spiritual.. supernatural.. gifts of grace, that He provides for His people.  The Spirit of God, who teaches us the things of God, is manifested in each one "for the common good." ( 12:7)  Think of that - The Spirit of God is exhibited or expressed.. made apparent in each of us.. through spiritual/supernatural gifts/grace.

In verse 3 Paul gives a striking statement :   The Spirit of God is apparent and expressed in our lives as we make this statement, " Jesus is Lord".   We cannot make this sincere confession except by the Holy Spirit.  And, on top of that, if we have the Spirit of God we will NEVER say "Jesus is accursed." 

Verses 4-6 are very important.. showing us how all three members of the Triune God are involved in all Spiritual matters.. in particular the gifts of grace.

V. 4" Now there are varieties of gifts but the same Spirit."  Verses 8-11 detail these varieties, these different/diverse/distributions... wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, distinguishing spirits, tongues.. "But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills. "  The Spirit manifests Himself in each of us.. in many different ways.. according to His will, for His purposes.

V.5 "And there are varieties of ministries and the same Lord."  Ministries - service.. Spiritual gifts are meant to serve the Lord by serving others.  We are all members of the body of Christ ( v27).  We are meant to serve one another and to serve together as a coordinated, healthy, united/whole- body.   ".. that there should be no division in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another.." ( v25)  Paul's argument is verses 13-26 make it plain that no one member of the body is more important than any other.. all are needed to make a whole and healthy body.. If one parts suffers.. all suffer.  If one is honored.. all rejoice! We are in Christ together and we need to act like it!

V.6 "And there are varieties of effects but the same God who works all things in all persons."
The effects of the spiritual gifts - are all in the Hands of God.. God inspired, God directed, and God honoring!   v18 tells us that "God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired."  v24 says that "God has so composed the body... " in perfect balance and wholeness.
He also appointed apostles, prophets, teachers, miracles, healings, helps, administrations, and tongues.. for the church.  These are God's gifts.. for His purposes in caring for His Church, which is the body of Christ.

The Spirit distributes the gifts, so that the members of the Body can serve the Lord Jesus together and the Father brings about the effective and efficient results according to His will and purposes.  So , once again, Paul has taken a subject that was causing divisions and arguments.. and pointed us back to what is most important  - our God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Father in Heaven, You are Holy, Mighty, and so, so Gracious!  May Your Name be praised in all the earth!  Do in us as You will.. for Your will is perfect and wonderful.  Let the body of Christ be made whole and healthy as You have made us to be.  May the Holy Spirit be manifested in each of us according to Your desire, for the good of the Body... to the glory of Christ our Lord and to the praise of the Father.. amen.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Thinking back on yesterday's passage,  I find myself meditating on the relationships we were created to have..

God, the Father, Supreme and Sovereign Creator for whom we were made... He is the Head.
Therefore we bow before Him in worship, awe, and total surrender. ..Acknowledging Him in every aspect of our lives.

Christ is the Head of the Church.. and the head of every man.   He goes before. He reigns over.  He takes the lead and the responsibility for His flock.  Therefore, we follow Him, obey Him, and draw near to Him. We confess Him as Lord of all.

The man is head of his wife.  He is the leader, but he is also the protector.. the covering shield over his family.  He takes the responsibility for his wife and children.. physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially .  He is to be submissive to Christ first and always.  He is to love and cherish his wife.. always.

Our world has ignored and rebelled.. and challenged this order.. to the point that everything that God has made us for.. is maligned and ridiculed by those for whom Christ died.  

Jesus Christ came to restore us to right relationship with our Creator..that we might  love Him with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength... that we might once again know Him and the glory of Who He is.

Christ came.. being the "image of the invisible God" .. to provide the way to redemption and pay the price;  to give new life - supernatural/ spiritual life - to all who will believe in Him.  He came as an example and as a perfect provider, that we might, through Him.. be made perfect.

In Christ, a marriage is balanced.. the husband leads, protects, provides, and serves his family, so that there is love and peace and joy.. and blessing.  The wife is able then to encourage and respect her husband, to nurture her children,  and be a helpmate that she is created to be. They share together in all that Christ has given them.. equals.. partners.. with great joy and peace.

If we do not recognize or honor God;  if we do not know or follow Jesus completely;  we will not have all that He has graciously prepared for us.  And we cannot have the blessings of marriage and family that He so desires to give us.

Which takes my thoughts back to Romans 1: 28 -32  "And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy , unloving, unmerciful.... worthy of death." 

All of the hatred and bitterness.. the anger and division and strife.. that our country is experiencing goes back to these truths.  Without acknowledging and honoring God, without knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior.. we will not have right relationships with each other.. we will not love one another.. or love our neighbor as ourselves.

Oh Father, glorious above.. forgive us and bring us back to Your Word.  Shine Your light into our hearts and minds that we might know the Truth that sets us free.. from sin, death, and destruction.
Fill Your Church, the Body of Christ with Your Spirit.. be Present with us in new and powerful ways that we shine brightly in our dark and hurting world.  We ask this in the name of the Beautiful One, Jesus Christ, our Lord and King. Amen.

Monday, October 8, 2018

I Corinthians 11  The first 16 verses of this chapter are focused on a question that the Corinthians had about head coverings.  In the Jewish culture, a man covers his head to worship.  In the Greek culture, a man would remove a hat or covering.  In the Jewish culture, a woman would not have anything on her head except her hair.. and in the Greek culture, a woman should cover her head.  As new Christians, living in a Greek environment, but knowing the Jewish roots of christianity.. there was confusion in which was right.

Paul answered their question by going to the truth that would dictate all of their behavior -
God is the Supreme head of everything.. even Christ.
Christ is the "head of every man". 
".. the man is the head of a woman" ( head of the household)
This is the bottom line - from Creation, when God made a woman from Adam's rib.. for his sake.
Yet, God also created women for the purpose of producing offspring.. so that also is something to remember.

So, based on that truth Paul says, "Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a woman to pray to God with head uncovered?"  It is a decision that each woman must make for herself.. is it a act that is disgraceful...  or does it disgrace her husband one way or another?  Does it show honor to her husband or is it pleasing to the Lord?

The same test is applied to having long or short hair.  In Paul's time a woman kept her hair long and it was shameful to have it cut off.  A man who had long hair would be considered dishonorable.  The christians in Corinth should consider what would bring honor to the Lord and act accordingly.

We also can heed this advice and consider how we dress and act, and yes, even how we wear our hair .. and do what we discern is honoring to our Lord... for we belong to Him. 

In the rest of this chapter Paul confronts the church again for their divisions between them.  The worst part of this had been evident in their communions services!  If there was any time that Christians should have been unified.. it was during this time when they were partaking of the bread and the wine in remembrance of the Lord!  As he had already written, " Since there is one bread, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one bread."   Instead there were some who got drunk.. and some who were going hungry.  It had become a battle between the "haves" and the "have nots".  Each group was judging and condemning the other.  

This, Paul says,  is "in an unworthy manner".  They needed to focus on judging themselves, not others.  They needed to repent and submit themselves to the Lord.   The participation in Communion together was to be a celebration in remembrance of the Lord Jesus who gave His body and shed His blood.. the New Covenant... that all of those who believe in Him become sharers of.. together. 

One thing that we do not do anymore, but I wish we would do again.. was after we shared communion together in our church.. the whole congregation would stand up and join hands together and sing, "Bless be the tie that binds, our hearts in Christian love.. the fellowship of kindred hearts.. is like to that above."  What a wonderful reminder that we are all sharers together in the body of Christ.
And, we will be so throughout eternity!

O Father in heaven, You have done a great work in us.. through Christ we are made to be one body.  Yet, Lord we still need the sanctifying work of Your Spirit to dissolve every barrier between us and our brothers and sisters in Christ.  May Your church rise up and live in every way that honors You and brings You glory in heaven and on this earth. We ask this in the name of our Wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ. amen.

Friday, October 5, 2018

I Corinthians 10  Paul continues to teach that it is better to live in a way that edifies than it is to live in a way that displays our own rights or strengths.. or knowledge.

Israel is an example of this point that Paul wants to make.  Although all of Israel went through the Red Sea and all of them walked "under the cloud" (baptized) ; although all of them ate of the "spiritual bread" and drank the "spiritual drink" - from the Rock, which is Jesus..  not all of them pleased God.
Some were idolaters.
Some were immoral.
Some were grumblers.
Some of them tested the Lord.
Some of them were destroyed..

Paul says that these things are examples to us and we can gain instructions for our own lives through them.   "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall."  We are no different than them.
The same temptations that Israel had in the wilderness tempt each of us.

But "God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it."  Idolatry, immorality, grumbling, and testing the Lord.. were still temptations to the church people in Corinth.. and for us today.  So, how do we handle these temptations?

Paul takes us back to Jesus.. when we take communion, Paul says, we drink "the cup of blessing" -and when we do that we are "sharing in the blood of Christ".  And, when we partake of the "bread which we break", we are "sharing in the body of Christ".  Sharing - koinonia - partnership; participation; fellowship; communion;  - We are brought into an intimate relationship with our Savior.

Israel shared in the sacrifices that they offered on the altar of the Temple.   They had communion with God.  Likewise idolaters partake, share in the sacrifices that they offer.. which are actually demons.
Paul says, " I do not want you to become sharers with demons."  He goes on to say " You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. "  And even though they know that idols are nothing and that all things are lawful - they needed to think about the fact that "not all things edify".. not everything is good.

Yes, the Lord created it all.  Everything belongs to Him.  And we are thankful for all that He provides. But, if we, or our friend or neighbor, are bothered in our consciences about something.. then we need to take heed of that and choose to not give "offense".   Here is the bottom line then, "Whether then you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 

How do we eat, drink, or act.. "to the glory of God"?  By doing only the things that edify.. that seek the good of others.. that brings others to Christ.  We act in conscious, deliberate, and diligent partnership with Jesus.  We abide in Him, walk in His Spirit, and surrender every part of our lives to Him.  And, we remember that He will give us the way out of every temptation as we rest in His faithfulness.

Father in Heaven,  we ask once again to be filled with Your Spirit,  made complete in Christ... so that we can live in this way of partnership.. koinonia with our Lord Jesus Christ.  Open our understanding.. we have the mind of Christ.. help us to grasp that truth and walk faithfully in Him.
Thank You for loving us and for knowing us.. knowing our weaknesses and failures, and loving us anyway... for helping us to escape temptations and sin..for giving us strength to endure.  Keep us now in Your perfect peace, for our minds are stayed on You.  In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus we pray. Amen.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

I Corinthians 9  - Paul uses his own life as a testimony of what it means to put love first.. before knowledge, before personal needs, and even before his "rights" as an apostle of Jesus Christ.

As a called and proven apostle, Paul had the right to freely eat or drink;  to have a wife along side him; to receive pay for his work and earn his living "from the gospel."   Even according to the Law of Moses "You shall not muzzle the ox while he is threshing."  All those who were priests and Levites earned their living through the work in the temple.  Paul, a willing and diligent minister of the gospel, should have received support from the churches that he served... but he didn't .

Instead of demanding that he be paid, Paul determined to "offer the gospel without charge" .  He chose to act like a "slave to all", for the sake of the gospel.  He wanted more than anything.. more than pay, more than food, more than respect or power.. for people to be saved. 
 So, he:
chose to be weak to the weak;
chose to be under the Law to those who were under the Law;
chose to be without the Law to those who were without the Law;
"And I do all things for the sake of the gospel, that I may become a fellow partaker of it." (v23) 

Paul was fully committed to the ministry of the gospel of Christ.
He ran the race is such a way that he would win.
He was like an Olympic boxer.. aiming to win, not just "beating the air".
He disciplined himself, his own body,  for the sake of the Word of God.

How much do we sacrifice for the gospel?  What have I done that others might hear the Word and come to the salvation through Jesus Christ? Have I become a "slave" to any.. that they might find Jesus?  I am also a "steward" of the gospel.  I can offer it freely to those who need hope and love and faith.. do I?

Father in heaven,  forgive me for withholding the Word of life to those who are dying.. Open my eyes to see those who are weak, those who are enslaved to the law, and to those who are enslaved by sin.  Give me the words to speak up and to testify of the salvation found in Christ Jesus the Lord.  I pray this in His name. amen.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

I Corinthians 8 - Knowledge vs love..

Paul is addressing the question of whether or not the christians in Corinth should or should not eat meat that has come from the idol sacrifice.

On one hand, Paul says, that since idols are nothing - and food really doesn't make any spiritual difference - then it's ok.. but.. there is a more important thing that they needed to consider - their fellow christians.    There were new and/or weaker christians in the church that still needed to grow spiritually.  To them, idols were still significant.. an ingrained part of their lives,  their thinking and understanding.  They were still real.  So the sacrifice that was set apart to that particular idol, would signify a connection with that idol.  For them to partake of it would jeopardize their faith in the One true God.  This is something so much more important than a piece of meat!

It would be better, Paul teaches, to act out of love for your fellow christian.. than to cause them to stumble in their faith.  Love is more important than "knowledge"... and way more important than their appetite. 

Verse 6 stands out as something to really meditate on:

 ".. yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him." 

Make this a personal statement.  I come from the Father and I exist for Him.  I was brought into being by Jesus and I exist through Him.  Add verse 3.. "if anyone ( including me) loves God, he is known by Him."   It is more important that I love God (and others).. that He knows me..  than it is that I have knowledge!  This takes us back to the whole lesson that Paul wrote in the beginning of his letter -  the true wisdom versus the foolishness of man.  Once again we are led to focus on the only thing that is truly important - Jesus Christ and Him crucified.  By His death - that great price -  we have been bought..
We belong to Him and live through Him. So everything in our lives.. should be submitted to Him.

Father, teach us Your ways.. Your truth.. Your righteousness.. so that we can live in ways that please You.  Let love be our measure and our motive in all we do, say, and believe .  Thank You for loving us and bringing us into Your light and out of darkness.  Sanctify us through and through.  In Jesus.. through whom we exist.. we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

I Corinthians 7  Paul addresses the issues of marriage - everything from remaining single, having an unbelieving spouse, to remarriage after the death of a spouse.

It seems that Paul's bottom line is found in verse 17 " Only, as the Lord has assigned to each one, as God has called each, in this manner let him walk..."  He reminds his readers once again that " You were bought with a price; "  We are Christ's slaves.  Whatever we do.. married, divorced, single, widowed..

A person who remains single, Paul says,  is able to be devoted to the Lord..  and undistracted by care for a family.  That is a good thing!

A person who is married, pleases the Lord by being spiritually united with their spouse. Integrity and stability in marriage is a good thing. A  mutual respect and submission to one another is necessary and wonderful thing !

A person who becomes a believer, but who's spouse is not.. can please the Lord by remaining with him or her.. as long as they desire to remain and stay faithful.  This way they may be able to "save" their spouse by their testimony before them. This is a good thing!

A widow or widower can remarry.. or not.. however the Lord leads them.. as long as they remain "in the Lord" and only marry a fellow believer.

In the middle of this discussion on marriage, Paul adds a few comments about other circumstances that a new christian might be in and how to handle these...
If circumcised.. or not.. ( If a Jew.. or a Gentile) - becoming a christian won't change that, so don't worry about it.
If someone is a slave - don't worry, but if you can be free.. be free!
"Brethren, let each man remain with God in that condition in which he was called." 

In other words, I hear Paul saying.. let God take care of all your circumstances.  Trust Him in your marriage.. or your singleness... in your position.. in your heritage.. and focus on the one important fact - You now belong to Jesus!

Father in heaven, thank You for giving us eyes to see and ears to hear Your Word - truth to live by in all of our circumstances of life.  We profess again - we are Yours.  We desire to please You in every part of our lives, including in our marriages.  Sanctify us - make us holy in every way as we submit to You, to Your Word, and to each other in Christ Jesus.  Lord Jesus, it is in Your name we ask this. Amen.

Monday, October 1, 2018

I Corinthians 6   Paul addresses two more important issues in the church at Corinth - issues that were keeping them from spiritual maturity... for they were still walking in the flesh and not the Spirit.

The first issue had to do with disagreements and sinful behavior between fellow members of the church.  They were suing one another.  They were defrauding one another.  They were wronging one another.  They were dragging one another before "unrighteous" judges to settle their disputes.

Paul asks a series of questions:

" you not know that the saints will judge the world?" v2
".. are you not competent to constitute the smallest of law courts?"
"Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more, matters of this life?" v3
".. Is it so that there is not among you one wise and who is able to decide between his brethren?" v5
" Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?" v9

They have been "defeated" by their actions towards one another.  This kind of sinful behavior is just as awful as any other.. " Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God"  v9-10

 Sin is sin.. no matter what form it takes.. and the only hope we have - is in Jesus Christ.   " And such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God. " v11

The second issue that Paul addresses flows from this train of thought that we who have been
- washed, sanctified, and justified believers -  are " one spirit with" Jesus.  
Because we have been washed, sanctified, and justified we need to live according to the truth -

although things are not unlawful ( for the law is dead to us) - not "all things are profitable".
We must follow Paul's example and not be "mastered by anything". 
Immorality is a sin against the body.. not for the Lord.
Our body is "for the Lord" and "the Lord is for the body." v13
God "will raise us up through His power" as He raised up Jesus.
Our bodies "are members of Christ". 
We have become " a temple of the Holy Spirit" and are not our own..
"For your have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body." 

Every part of our lives should be based on the truth that we belong to the Lord.
Our relationships. - so we should treat others with love, respect, and kindness.. bearing with one another.. not suing, defrauding, or harming one another.
Our actions.. as one with Jesus.. every action should be in unity with Him..
Our words... speaking what is truthful, loving, beneficial.. seasoned with grace.
Our thoughts.. we have the mind of Christ.. spiritual.. supernatural discernment and understanding.
We belong to Him completely.. and need to yield fully to His will always .  

Father in heaven,  we praise You, for are the One who has created us, saved us, and filled us with Your Spirit.  We have spiritual life in Christ Jesus because You have done that work in us.  Father, You desire for us to be sanctified through and through - that our spirits and souls and bodies be "preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ".   Your word says "Faithful is He who calls [us] and He also will bring it to pass."  What we could  not do for ourselves, You have done for us.. You have washed us, justified us.. and You will complete the work of sanctification in us.. Hallelujah!  May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven... in each of us.
 In Jesus' name we ask this.. .. amen.