Monday, April 30, 2018

John 13  The hour had come.  Jesus gathered with His disciples for the last time.  He loved them so much, John tells us.  He knew what was about to happen.  He knew that Judas was ready to betray Him.  He knew that Peter would deny Him.  Even so, He had another lesson for them to receive..

.. so He took off His outer garment and wrapped a towel around Him..
He took a basin of water.. and washed their feet.......
I imagine that He looked at each one with gentle love and tenderness.. He saw their hearts and knew their futures.. their struggles, their victories, their defeats, and their deaths... He knew what they would face that night and how dark it would seem to them.
Perhaps, as He touched their feet, He spoke a blessing, praying for them as He went around the table.
"He loved them to the end".. John writes.   Love filled that room...

Except in the heart of Judas.  Satan had already been at work in Judas. When Jesus exposed the fact that He knew what was in Judas' heart, there was a change that happened.. "Satan then entered into him"... John writes. Judas fled the room to do what he had committed himself to do.

"Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in Him; if God is glorified in Him, God will also glorify Him in Himself, and will glorify Him immediately. "    God's purpose was about to be fulfilled.  The disciples would not understand this until later, but all that needed to be accomplished for the salvation of the world would happen in the next 24 hours.

Jesus tells them that He was leaving and they couldn't follow until much later.  He leaves them with the most important command yet, " A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you love one another." ( v34)  

He loved them when He washed their feet. He wanted them to learn to serve one another in the same way.. with great humility and love.  To do what He did.. to love as He loved.  This would be the evidence that they belonged to Him. 

Father in heaven, Great Lover of our souls... we praise You, our Lord, the Holy One who reigns over all the earth.  How precious is the love of our Lord Jesus.. how tender and gentle is our Shepherd who cares for us and holds us in His hands.  Thank You for saving us. Fill us with this amazing love and grace that we might bear witness of the glory of Jesus and of You, our Father and God. Amen!

Friday, April 27, 2018

John 12

Verses1-11 tell of supper at Lazarus' house.  Mary anoints Jesus.  Judas criticizes her.  Jesus rebukes him. The multitude gathers to see Him and Lazarus.

Verses 12- 19 tell of the entrance into Jerusalem.. the palm branches and the praises.. the presentation of the King of Israel. The multitude proclaiming His works, the Pharisees regretting His fame.

Verses 20-22 tell of the Greeks coming to meet Him, and then Jesus responding in verses 23-50 with the revelation of His coming death.

Verse 23 " The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified."  Jesus says that this is His whole purpose.

Like a grain of wheat that is planted in the ground to produce a crop.. Jesus would die so that He could bear "much fruit". (v24)

Like Jesus we must be willing to lose our lives in order to keep them.. to hate this life in the world in order to have eternal life.  (v25)

To serve Jesus is to follow His example.. to follow Him is to walk in the same way with Him.
To walk with Him is to walk in the light.. to believe in the light is to become "sons of light".
Believing in Jesus is believing in the One who sent Him.
Beholding Jesus is beholding the Father.
Believing in Jesus takes us out of darkness and saves us from judgement.
Believing in Jesus is keeping His commands which are the Father's commandments that lead to eternal life.

Receive it. Believe it . Keep it. Walk in it..  The Light of the world is freely given and we must willingly receive Him. His Word is Life and we must walk in His ways.  This is the purpose and desire of our Father and of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Father, thank You for the great grace that You have given to us in Jesus Christ who has fulfilled Your every commandment and paid our every penalty.  Hallelujah, what a Savior! Glorify Your Name in all the earth.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

One more thought about John 10/ Ezekiel 34... After the crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus and Peter had a conversation ... 3 times Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him. 3 times Peter said yes,  and 3 times Jesus told him to... " Tend My lambs.. Shepherd My sheep.. Tend My sheep." ( John 21:15-17)  As the Good Shepherd, Jesus asked His disciples to do the work He had begun.. the work of the Father Himself.  We are His disciples also and need to see that our primary role as followers of Christ is to feed His sheep and tend His flock.

As Ezekiel wrote.. the shepherd should:
Search for His sheep and seek them out.
Care for His sheep.
Deliver His sheep.
Feed His sheep.
Give His sheep good pastures.
Lead His sheep to a place they can rest.
Seek the lost.
Bind up the broken.
Strengthen the sick.
All with the purpose of letting them know that the He is the Lord who is God alone and they belong to Him.

John 11

Lazarus, Mary, and Martha were loved by Jesus.  They were full of faith in Him and believed that He was the Son of God, the Messiah.  When Lazarus fell sick, the sisters sent for Jesus.  They believed that He would heal Lazarus.. but they didn't realize that Jesus would do something far greater than they could ever imagine.  They were chosen to be instruments that would bring glory to God and to the Son.
Their faith would be tested, but it would go deeper and become stronger than ever before. The disciples also needed to witness this and come to believe.. and many others as well... as Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave.

Jesus deliberately  stays away longer after receiving word of Lazarus' illness. He knew that Lazarus would die.  But, He also knew that He would raise Him up again.  Jesus wanted to reveal to His followers more about Himself. .. " I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies." 

Jesus revealed in the most powerful way possible that He is the giver of life, that He was sent by the Father to reveal the glory of God, and that He was indeed the Messiah. 

This was all the proof that should have been needed for the Jews.. and they knew it.. but they still refused to trust Him or believe Him.  Verse 48 reveals that they wanted their own place.. their own positions more than they wanted God.  Caiaphas, the high priest, even in his corruption and unbelief prophesies that " it is expedient for you that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation should not perish." ( v50)

Love this statement by John, " Now this he did not say on his own initiative; but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus was going to die for the nation, and not for the nation only, but that He might also gather together into one the children fo God who are scattered abroad." ( v51-52) 

Jesus, the Son of God, died for all of us... for you and for me, that we might become the children of God. Rejoice again and again in the truth of this simple statement that we have learned since the beginning of our christian journeys.

Father, we have seen Your glory and we believe that Jesus, the Son of God, died for us.  Remind us again.. fill us again.. with the pure joy of this amazing truth.  We praise You and give You thanks.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

John 10 / Ezekiel 34  - Reading and meditating on the passage in John 10 reminded me of an old testament passage.. both Jeremiah and Ezekiel write about the failure of Israel's shepherds to take care of their flock.   Both passages refer to a Shepherd, from the line of David, who will come and feed His sheep.  Ezekiel 34 is a powerful passage in light of Jesus' words in John 10.

The prophesy starts with , " Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy and say to those shepherds, 'Thus says the Lord God, "Woe, shepherds of Israel who have been feeding themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flock? You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the fat sheep without feeding the flock. Those who are sickly you have not strengthened, the diseased you have not healed, the broken you have not bound up, the scattered you have not brought back, nor have you sought for the lost; but with force and with severity you have dominated them."  ( v2-4)

The sheep were scattered.
They were destroyed.
They were lost.
They became prey.... all because they lacked a Shepherd who would seek them, feed them, or care for them.

So the Lord God declares, " Behold, I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out.... I will care for My sheep and will deliver them from all the places to which they were scattered...  I will bring them out... I will feed them... I will feed My flock and I will lead them to rest.. " ( v11-15)

He continues, " I will seek the lost, bring back the scattered, bind up the broken, and strengthen the sick; but the fat and the strong I will destroy.  I will feed them with judgement. "(v17)
He will condemn those who trample down good pastures in their greediness.
He will condemn those who push aside the weak and needy.
He will deliver His own..

"Then I will set over them one shepherd, My servant David, and he will feed them; He will feed them himself and be their shepherd." (v23)

 This is the Word of the Lord.. fulfilled in the Lord Jesus. 
The Jews in Jesus' time would know this passage from Ezekiel.  Oh how blind and hard-hearted they were, refusing to believe that God was doing what He said He would do!

Father, thank You for giving us a Good Shepherd, Christ Jesus the Lord!  Thank You for seeking us when we were lost, for binding up our broken limbs, for healing our diseases, for feeding us the Bread of Life.  We praise You, Lord, for You are our God, faithful and kind.  You are King and Lord of all.  Help us to gain spiritual wisdom and understanding through Your Word.  Fill us with the power of Your Spirit that we may walk with endurance and patience, pleasing You in all things, for we love and worship You.  Amen.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

John 10:22-42   Once again the Jews question Jesus, wanting Him to declare that He is the Christ.  Jesus says it as plainly as they asked. " I told you, and you do not believe; the works that I do in My Father's name, these bear witness of Me. "

Jesus goes back to His illustration of the sheep and the shepherd.  He is the good shepherd.  The shepherd who cares for His sheep.
The sheep that belong to Him hear His voice and follow Him.
He knows His sheep.
He gives His sheep eternal life.
He will not allow anyone to snatch His sheep away.
The Father is the One who gives the sheep to His Son.
The Father, who is greater than all... holds the sheep in His Hand, where they can not be snatched away.
" I and the Father are one."  Jesus plainly tells them. But, because of their unbelief, they want to stone Him instead of receive Him.

Jesus reminds the Jews of a verse in Psalm 82 where God, Himself declares His people to be the sons of God - "I said,'You are gods'".   What He has told them about Himself is in accordance with the truth of Scripture.  They needed to believe all of God's Word! It is not blasphemy to believe God's Word.. it is blasphemy NOT to believe.
Again, Jesus declares to them the truth:
He was sent into the world by the Father.
He was sanctified by the Father.
He does the works of His Father.
The works by themselves should be enough for them to believe that the Father is in Him and He is in the Father.

But, they still would not believe.  They were not His sheep.

Father in heaven, I give You praise, for You are a faithful and loving God.  You have kept Your Word to us, giving us a Good Shepherd who cares for us, who knows us, and who keeps us eternally!  Thank You, Father.  Help us Lord, to believe all of Your Word, to receive the Truth and to live fully in unity with You. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Monday, April 23, 2018

John 10 - Jesus reveals Himself as the "Good Shepherd".   He has already revealed Himself as the "Bread of Life";  the "light of the world"; and the giver of living water.  He has told them that He was sent from the Father to do the works of the Father and that everything He says and does is from the Father.  He has made it clear that He is the Son of God.  But, here He gives a wonderful word picture of how He will fulfill the commandment He received from His Father. ( v18)

Picture a sheep fold. A pen or pasture, enclosed by a stone wall.. the home base for a flock of sheep.
The door or gate of the pen is closed and guarded to protect the sheep from predators and to keep the sheep from wandering out where it would not be safe.  The shepherd would freely go in and out of the gate, but anyone else might climb over the wall.. to steal , kill, or destroy the sheep.  When the shepherd comes to take his sheep out to other pastures where they can graze fresh grass or drink from fresh water, he calls them and they willingly follow him.

Jesus says that His sheep will recognize His voice and follow Him.  He calls us by name.  He leads us  and we follow.  We know Him.  We trust Him.  We are willing to go where He leads, because we have come to trust Him completely.  As His sheep we have learned to flee the stranger and to refuse to follow the robber and thief.

Jesus continues with a second illustration . " I am the door of the sheep". 
He is the portal. The entrance way.
We must go through Him.
We cannot enter through a robber or thief.
We cannot come in or go out any other way and be safe.
We cannot find pasture... our source of life.. through any other way.
A thief wants to steal,  kill,  and destroy the sheep.
Jesus wants to give abundant life to His sheep... to us who will follow Him. 

Jesus goes even further in this illustration.  As the good shepherd, He will lay down His life for His sheep.
A hired hand will not face a wolf for the sake of the sheep.  He doesn't care about them.
But the shepherd knows His sheep.. they belong to Him.
His sheep know Him too.  There is a personal, intimate relationship between the Good Shepherd and the sheep.  A relationship as close as that of the Father and the Son.
There is a love relationship that brings the Shepherd to lay down His life, on His own, for His sheep.
A love relationship with the Father that keeps His command and grants Him authority to not only lay down His life, but to take it up again.

What a wonderful Shepherd we have!

Father in heaven, we praise You!  Thank You for sending Your Son, to be the Good Shepherd, to save us and to give us abundant life. Thank You for laying down Your life for us, Jesus. Thank You for calling us by name and for leading us every day!  May Your will be done and Your Kingdom come.
We love You and desire to know You as You know us.. draw us nearer to Your side we pray . Amen.

Friday, April 20, 2018

John 9  Jesus and His disciples see a man who was blind.  The disciples wonder if this blindness was because of sin.. the man's or his parent's sin.  Jesus says, " It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was in order that the works of God might be displayed in him." 

Jesus healed the man by making some clay out of the ground with His spit. Then He applied it to the man' s eyes and told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam.  The man obeys and comes back seeing.

Verse 4-5 " We must work the works of Him who sent Me, as long as it is day, night is coming, when no man can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world."  Jesus taught them.
To work the works of God - to toil, labor, be occupied.. with the occupation, labour, and craft of God.. This was Jesus' purpose while He was in the world... to do what the Father desired, to be about His Father's business.. to be the Light and to bring Light.  Jesus brought physical light into a blind man's eyes.. but more than that.. He displayed the works of God in the man's life that led him to believe in Christ and be forever saved.   This man had a testimony that no other man could have.  He was a living illustration of the work of God.

Because all of this happened on a Sabbath day, the Pharisees start up on their criticisms again.
He can't be from God because "He does not keep the Sabbath", they argue.
But, others argued back, " How can a man who is a sinner perform such signs?"  

They ask the formerly blind man many questions:
"What do you say about Him, since He opened your eyes?" v17
"What did He do to you?" v26
"How did He open your eyes?" v26
They even asked his parents questions: "Is this your son, who you say was born blind? Then how does he now see?" 

This healed man actually has more wisdom and understanding than the Pharisees that were questioning him!

He recognized that Jesus was at the very least.. a prophet. ( v17)

He confesses what he does and does not know..  " Whether He is a sinner, I do not know, one thing I do know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see." (v25)

He doesn't back down when they spew their anger at him, but answered them so wisely, " Well, here is an amazing thing, that you do not know where He is from, and yet He opened my eyes." (v30)

He actually begins to teach them!  "We know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is God-fearing, and does His will, He hears him. Since the beginning of time it has never been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a person born blind. If this man were not from God, He could do nothing." ( v31-33)

After the Pharisees throw the man out, Jesus came to find him. "Do you believe in the Son of Man?", Jesus asks him. The man answered " And who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?"  
What a willing heart.. open to believe and worship Jesus.

Jesus then says, " For judgement I came into this world, that those who do not see may see; and that those who see may become blind."
The man, born blind, could see, but it is his spiritual sight that is the work of God being displayed here!
The Pharisees finally ask the right question. " We are not blind too, are we?" 

Jesus' final word to them here is hard, " If you were blind, you would have no sin; but since you say, 'We see', your sin remains."  They were actually blind.. but they didn't believe it.  They boasted of their knowledge and position... they boasted of the Law and their own righteousness... they refused to hear the truth or recognize who Jesus was.  They remained in their sins because they refused to come to Him and have their eyes opened. 

Father in heaven, we worship You and put all of our trust in You alone.  You are the One who opens the eyes of our heart and make apparent Your glory!  Thank You for saving us.. for saving me.  May I be busy doing the works of God.. being light in the darkness of our world, walking in faith and obedience to my Lord, Jesus Christ, the true Light of the world.  Father I pray that others will choose to stop pretending they can see.. but will come to You to receive their spiritual sight and be saved from their sins.  Please bring my loved ones.. all of them to this amazing Light that they may walk in Truth, in Jesus Christ the Lord. amen.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

John 8:31-59    All of this chapter is challenging and deep and way beyond my capability to fully understand.. so I pray, " Holy Spirit, come and give spiritual wisdom and understanding."

Jesus is talking about Truth that sets slaves free from the dominion of sin.  Slaves, He tells us, are temporary residents of the home,  but sons are permanent/forever...  " If therefore the Son shall make you free you shall be free indeed," ( v36)  So as we read this.. we will find true freedom!

The Jewish leaders took for granted their heritage .. they were "sons of Abraham."  But, Jesus says that they are not acting like Abraham's children.. they are acting like sons of the devil.
".. do the deeds of Abraham"...  He tells them. (v39)
Hear the word of God.. like Abraham. ( v47)
Rejoice to "see My day".. like Abraham ( v56)
Believe God... like Abraham. ( v42, 46, 55)

As children of the devil they:
wanted to kill Him v37
did not have the Word v37
could not hear the Word v43
wanted to do the desires of their father v44
do not stand in the truth or have truth in them ,
speak lies,
accuse Jesus of having a demon.. and being a Samaritan. v48
do not know the Father v55
pick up stones to throw at Jesus v59

Jesus patiently and graciously tells them again and again the Truth of who He is.
".. I speak the things which I have seen with My Father; " v38
 I have "told you the truth which I heard from God" v40
 I "proceeded forth and have come from God, for I have not even come on My own initiative , but He sent Me. " v42
"If I speak the truth, why do you not believe Me?" v45
".. but I honor My Father and you dishonor Me." v49
" I do not seek My glory; there is One who seeks and judges." v50
"  Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall not see death." v 51
"... it is My Father who glorifies Me.. " v 54
".. I know Him and keep His word." v 55
".. before Abraham was born, I am" v58

Jesus was absolutely making it clear that He is the Son of  God, the "sent One" .. the Messiah.  He made it absolutely clear that everything He said and did originated from God, the Father.  The Jewish leaders refused to receive the truth, didn't have a desire for the truth, and listened to the lies of the devil instead of the Word of God.

Reminded once again how vitally important it is that we know the Word and abide in the Word every day.. for without that firm foundation.. we are without light and truth.. and we will wander in the darkness of this world, swayed and conquered by the lies of the devil.. slaves to sin.

Father in heaven , give us ears to hear and hearts to receive Your Word and to abide in Jesus the Son who sets us free indeed.  May we know You more and more.. "growing in the knowledge of God" as You fill us with the knowledge of Your will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.  ( Col. 1:9-12)  We seek You, our God and Father.. every day and every hour, praying in the Name of our perfect Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

John 8 - continued

The next conversation Jesus has with the Pharisees starts when He tells them that He is going away, that they will seek Him, and they cannot come where He is going, but will die in their sins.

As usual, they are clueless as to what He is talking about.  Is Jesus going to kill Himself? they wonder.

Jesus, once again, reveals truth:

"You are from below, I am from above; you are of this world, I am not of this world." (v23)
They will "die in [their] sins"  because they do not believe that He is the Savior.
"Who are you?" they ask..
Jesus answers:
I've already told you from the beginning ..
I've told you that the One who sent Me is true...
I've told you that I only speak what I hear from Him..
I'm telling you now that when I am lifted up.. you will know who I am, that I do what the Father says,
 that I am who the Father sent, and that the Father is with Me.

With this answer we are told that "many came to believe in Him". (v30)

Truth is found, Jesus tells us, in abiding in His word.
Truth is the source of freedom.
Sin is the slave master that is worse than any other.
The Son is the Freedom giver.

This leads to another deep discussion.. which I will tackle tomorrow!

Father, You have given us Your Word.. sent from above to reveal truth to our deceived souls.  Help us to seek You always, to walk in Your Light, and to abide in Jesus .  Give us ears to hear and hearts to receive , we ask this again in His Name.  Jesus, Son of God, thank You for making us truly free. Amen.

Monday, April 16, 2018

John 8:12-

Jesus made this statement - " I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life."  
Light - luminousness; to shine; to make manifest.
Darkness - obscurity;

Light is necessary to have life.  Darkness hides life. Light reveals it.  Jesus is necessary for light and life. We find these by [akoloutheo] following Jesus - to be in the same way with - in union with Him in the way, the road.. the journey of our lives.

The Pharisees accuse Jesus of being His own witness.   Jesus answered them:

1. Even if He did bear witness of Himself.. it is true because He knows where He came from and where He is going.
2. They don't know where He came from and where He is going.
3. They judge by the flesh.
4. He does not.
5. If He did judge, it would be truth.. for it is in agreement with the Father.
6. If two witnesses are needed according to their Law, then they should count His testimony and the testimony of the Father.
7.  They don't know Him of the Father, because if they knew Him they would know who His Father is.

Jesus, Light of the World, shine Your light upon us.. in us.. through us.  We choose to walk in step with You, believing Your testimony.. that You are Who You say You are.  Help us to understand Your Word and to walk in Your path.  We ask this in Your Name.  Father, hear our prayer. Amen.

Friday, April 13, 2018

John 8: 1-11  This account is to me one of the most amazing, gracious, and beautiful stories in the ministry of Jesus..
She didn't come to Him willingly.
She was viciously attacked by those who were supposed to be righteous.
She was guilty.
She didn't try to defend herself.
She was being used.
She had no hope.

Jesus did not defend her.
He did not accuse her.
He did not look at her.. but stooped down and wrote in the dust.
When He spoke, He did not address her, but her accusers, " He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 

They left one by one. Until only Jesus and the woman remained. Finally, Jesus looked at her.
"Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?"
He chose not to condemn her either.
He sent her away with these words .. " go your way.. from now on sin no more." 
She didn't ask for forgiveness, but she received it anyway.

This is our Savior. He knows us through and through.  He knows our guilt. He knows our hopelessness. And He chooses to forgive us.. to remove our condemnation, and to set us free.
What amazing grace!

Father in heaven,  You are holy and pure.  You are righteous and will judge justly.  Our sins, which are many, deserve the death sentence according to Your Law.  Yet, in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!
There is no condemnation !  Hallelujah! What  a Savior.  May we continue to walk in light, in Your Truth, by Your Spirit... to the glory of Your Great Name.  In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

John 7  This chapter gives the overall picture of great debate, confusion, and disagreement over Jesus.

His brothers failed to believe Him ( v3-8)  They wanted Him to go up to Jerusalem and proclaim Himself publicly.  Jesus chose to go up later, privately..

The multitudes had all kinds of arguments about Him:
Some said He was a good man.
Some said He led people astray.
Some said He had a demon because He said that they wanted to kill Him.
Some said "Is this not the man whom they are seeking to kill?"
Some said they didn't know where He came from.
Some believed in Him.
Some wanted to seize Him.
Some called Him a prophet.
Some called Him the Christ.
Some defended Him.
Some accused Him.
None could lay their hands on Him, because it wasn't time.

Through all the confusion and division, Jesus taught.
He taught that He was sent from God.
He taught that His message was God's message. 
He taught that He knew God, was from God, and sent by God. 
He taught that He would go where they could no longer find Him . 
He taught that He would give them living water that would fill them to overflowing, if they would believe. 

Truth is necessary to combat confusion and argument.  How vital that we know the Word of God - the Bible and the Word that became flesh - Jesus Himself.  We must believe His teaching in order to find true life.  It is in coming to Jesus that we find bread that satisfies our greatest hunger. It is believing in Him that satisfies our greatest thirst.  It is in partaking of and abiding in Jesus, the Bread of life - that we have Life. For eternity.

Father God,  we give You thanks and praise for the gift of life through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Thank You for the words of life that You have allowed us to read and meditate on.. feeding our souls and satisfying our greatest hunger..  Help us Holy Spirit to receive it, believe it, and live according to it. Today and forever, amen.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

John 6  Jesus heals the sick,  feeds the 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish.. and then He walks on the water to meet the disciples in the middle of the lake while a strong wind is blowing, immediately taking them to their destination.  They are seeing His glory manifested in many ways.. but there is more that Jesus wants them to receive.. and to believe... the Truth of who He is.

It starts with a discussion about why the people were seeking Him.. Jesus says they are preoccupied with the physical food, when they really needed eternal food for life.  "Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man shall give to you, for on Him the Father, even God, has set His seal."  ( v27)
When they ask how to work ( be occupied) with the works ( the labor/ occupation) of God,  Jesus tells them to believe "in Him whom He has sent." (v29)

This leads to a discussion about bread..
Jesus gives a challenging message about this:

First of all, it was not Moses that gave the manna.. It was the Father in heaven.
The Father gave not only the manna.. but He gives the "true bread out of heaven". 
"For the bread of God is that which comes down out of heaven, and gives life to the world." 
"I am the bread of life; he who come to Me shall not hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst." ( v35)
"I am the bread of life." (v48)
Manna was temporary bread.. for those who ate it died later. (v49)
But ,"This is the bread which comes down out of heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die" (v50)
"I am the living bread that came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread also which I give for the life of the world is My flesh." (v51
"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves." (v53)
"He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day." ( v54)
" For My flesh is true food and My blood is true drink." (v55)
"He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me and I in him." (v56)
" As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me. This is the bread which came down out of heaven; not as the fathers ate, and died, he who eats this bread shall live forever." ( v57-58)
" It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life." (v63)

Woven in throughout this message about true bread, Jesus makes some challenging declarations:
"All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out." ( v37)
"No one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day," (v44)
"For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me, unless it has been granted him from the Father. " (v65)

"Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me." ( v45b)

There is a choice to be made by those who were listening to this message from Jesus .
They needed to decide whether to believe or not.
They needed to decide if physical bread was more important than spiritual bread.
They needed to decide if they would eat this bread of life.
They needed to choose the words of eternal life.. or walk away.

The choice would not be easy.  It is only by the Father's work that anyone can come to Jesus.. to believe, to receive, and to have eternal life in Him.  It is the Father's will that "everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him, may have eternal life;"  But, we must make the choice with certainty and abandonment.. to eat and drink of Jesus!

Father, draw us . Fill us. Teach us. Help our ears to hear and our hearts to understand Your Word.
Help us to believe and to choose life in Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

John 5  Once again Jesus goes up to Jerusalem. This time He heals a man on the Sabbath, which starts the Jewish campaign against Him.  Jesus answered the complaint this way, " My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working."  Then, He gives a very detailed explanation of who He is and what He has come to do:

V19 - Jesus is doing only what the Father is does.
V20 - It is the Father's love that leads Him to show the Son "all the things that He Himself is doing". 
       -  The "greater works" that He shows the Son are for the purpose of making them "marvel".
V21- The giving of life to the dead is what the Father does and the Son will do.
V22- The Father has given the Son "all judgement".  (the authority to accuse, condemn, and judge)
V23- The Son is due the same honor as the Father because He is sent by the Father.
V24- He will judge those who hear His word and believe the Father who sent Him..and give them life.
V25- Those who hear the voice of the Son of God.. live.
V26 - The Father is the source of life and He has given the Son, "to have life in Himself." 
V27 - The Father has given the Son "authority to execute judgement".
V28-29 - The authority given to Jesus is on-going- it will be displayed in the final day when the dead will rise;  those who did good - to life; those who did evil- to judgement.
V30- Everything that Jesus does is initiated by the Father; obedient to the will of the Father; and is therefore just.

Jesus continues to teach.  The religious leaders often asked Jesus about His authority . Jesus is giving Him the testimony, the proof, right here.

The testimony of John was given as a lamp to shine the way. v33-35
The testimony of the "works" bear witness of the truth that Jesus was sent by the Father. v36
The Father Himself testifies of Jesus.. but they could not hear Him or see Him, for they did not believe Him or receive His Word. v37-38
Scripture bears witness of Him.. the same scripture that they loved to search and speak of. v39

The problem they had was that they refused to accept these testimonies.
They were "unwilling" to come to Jesus. v40
They didn't have the love of God in them. v42
They wouldn't receive Him although He came in His Father's name. v43
They received those who did not come from the Father.
They wanted glory from each other, not from God. v44
They put their hope in Moses, but didn't really believe in him either. v45-47

Father in heaven,  this Word, this living and active Word of God is the foundation of our faith. Help us to not just taste it, but to be filled with it.. to digest it, to be transformed by it.  Jesus, Your Beloved Son, is our life giver!  We need to know Him, really know Him.  Come Holy Spirit and open our ears to hear and our eyes to see.. that we may marvel!  We are willing and committed to receive You, Lord Jesus! Thank You for the Word of life!  Amen.

Monday, April 9, 2018

John 4:46-54   Jesus "came therefore again to Cana of Galilee".   We just read how the Samaritans came to believe in Jesus as the "Savior of the world" because of His word.   Now, as He returns to His own people, Jesus says, " Unless you people see signs and wonders, you simply will not believe.

John writes that a "royal official whose son was sick at Capernaum"  came down to Cana and requested that Jesus come with him and heal his son.  Jesus tells him that his son would live and the man believed His word.  He heads home, is met by his slaves that report the sons recovery and finds that it happened at the exact time that Jesus had spoken.  Now we are told that the man and his household believed...because of the miracle.   

"This is again a second sign that Jesus performed, when He had come out of Judea into Galilee."   The first sign was when He turned the water into wine and "manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him." 

In John 5:36 Jesus says that "the works which the Father has given Me to accomplish, the very works that I do, bear witness of Me, that the Father has sent Me."  The signs and wonders that revealed His glory, along with His Word and the Word of the Father, which also bear "witness of" Him.. are given that we might believe in Him.

This word -  believe- is so important, essential to our relationship with God, our Father and to Jesus, our Lord.  The Holman Bible Dictionary gives us some thoughts on this:

Faith - trusting commitment of one person to another, particularly of a person to God.
Faith came to mean - loyalty to a person to who one is bound by promise or duty.  Fidelity.
Belief came to be distinguished from faith as an intellectual process having to do with the acceptance of a proposition.

In the Old Testament to word faith is not used very frequently .  There are several Hebrew words that can be used that express the idea of stability and steadfastness.. One stands firm in one's convictions.. in relationships, one trusts persons and believes their testimony or promises.  It is used only as a verb.
However, the idea of "fear of God" describes faith -  The Habakkuk 2:4 passage that the "righteous live by faith" prepares the way for God's people in mercy and grace.. to accept the responsibilities of God's covenant was to trust His word that He alone was God and to commit one's life to His promises for the present and the future. That is faith. 

In the New Testament the word faith is the Greek noun pistis or the verb pisteuo.  It is used primarily with the meaning of trust or confidence in God.  The word believe comes from a form of this word for which we have no translation.  To have faith is to place one's confidence in God.
Confidence or allegiance to God is the way to be made whole.  ( Thy faith hath made thee whole.)
"Faith is an attitude toward and relationship with God mediated by Christ Jesus. It is surrender to God's gift of righteousness in Christ rather than seeking to achieve righteousness alone." 
It is "the sense of intellectual acceptance of a proposition,belief.. To have a right relationship with God, it is necessary to believe that God is, that God has revealed Himself in Christ, and to accept God accepts you.
To walk in faith is to live the totality of your life according to the religious piety of Christianity and to  the trust and confidence one puts in God. It orders the standards and priorities of life.
It is a personal conviction.. a personal relationship with God.  A relationship of love that is built on trust and dependance. We receive it by trusting the saving work of Jesus.  It is a decision for Jesus. It is the acceptance of His lordship.. His authority.  It is allegiance to Him alone.

Father in Heaven,  we come to You, because we believe that You alone are God and there is no other. You are the Creator of heaven and earth. We believe in Christ Jesus, Your only begotten Son who came to earth as the Son of Man, to live a perfect and holy life, to die on the cross as the Eternal Lamb of God, to take away our sins and to give us His righteousness. He rose again on the third day, just as He said and He sits at Your right hand as our Mediator.  Hallelujah!  What a Savior.
Fill us with faith.. forgive our unbelief.  Make us whole, Lord.  We love You and desire to know You more and more. Amen.

Friday, April 6, 2018

John 4   Jesus and His disciples come to Sychar, a city in Samaria.  The conversation between Jesus and the woman at the well is recorded for us here.  Jesus reveals to this woman truths that she needed desperately. Truths that transformed her life and the lives of those in this town.

Jesus reveals:

He is the gift and the giver of living water. v10
Physical water only satisfies temporarily. v 13
Living water satisfies for eternity. It multiplies and springs up within those who receive it. v14
The place of worship is not important, who we worship is... the Father.  v21
"True worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth." v23
The Father seeks true worshipers. v23
"God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." v24

Jesus also reveals to this woman directly that He is the Messiah. v25  During the 2 days He spends with the Samaritans many come to believe that He "is indeed the Savior of the world." (v42)

Jesus tells His disciples that He needs no physical food to eat because His "food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work." v34  His time with the Samaritan woman produced a harvest of souls.. a "gathering (of) fruit for life eternal".  This was the work of the Father that Jesus accomplished beside a well of Jacob.. with a lonely woman.

Are we "true worshipers"?  Have we learned what that really means?  Do we understand that worship is not about a place.. or a set of songs.. it is about an attitude of adoration that brings us to bow before the Father who is God.  To worship in "spirit and truth" is to worship with our soul - our mind - our heart -our vital principle;  it comes from the inside, not outside.  It is based on truth - the full Word of God is our source of truth and we must stay true to the Truth.

It is so easy to slip into habit, ritual.. like the Jews.. without our spirits involved in true worship.  It is the Truth of God's word that keeps us on the right path, if we are careful to walk in it.. abiding, living, placing our roots down.. making it the foundation of all of our life.. our homes, our jobs, our families.. everything we do and everything we say.

Father in heaven,  we worship You  in spirit and in truth.  Your Word is our light and we bind it to ourselves.. we ask You to write it on the tablets of our hearts. We desire to walk in Your ways and to do the work that You have called us to do.. like Jesus we desire to do Your will and accomplish Your work. Thank You for this great salvation that You have given us.. living water that will never run dry!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

John 3: 22-4:3  John the Baptist continued to baptize even as Jesus and His disciples began to baptize also.  The Pharisees questioned John about this.  John bore witness once again.. that he was not the Christ, that he supported Jesus, and that he was filled with joy.. knowing that the Messiah had come.

John makes his witness clear:

Jesus came from above and was "above all". (v31)
John, himself was from earth and spoke only from that perspective.
Jesus came from heaven and was far above him.
The Word and witness of Jesus came from His higher perspective.
Jesus was sent from God and spoke the Words of God. (v34)
Jesus has the Spirit "without measure".
"The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hand." v35
To believe in the Son is to gain eternal life; to disobey the Son is to continue in the wrath of God. v36

Jesus chose to leave Judah when He heard that the Pharisees were comparing Him and John.

Verse 25 " There arose a discussion on the part of John's disciples with a Jew about purification."  This verse seems to interrupt the flow of the narrative. Let's think about this...

Purification -ceremonial washing; cleansing.  This was an obsession for the Pharisees.  They had many traditions that they held to above everything else, when it came to ceremonial washing.

Mark 7:1-5  The Pharisees saw the disciples eating their bread without doing the ritual hand -washing. They ( the Pharisees)  "do not eat unless they cleanse themselves; and there are many other things which they have received in order to observe, such as washing of cups and pitchers and copper pots." 

Luke 11:38-40  Here a Pharisee saw that Jesus, Himself, did not do the ceremonial washing before a meal. Jesus answered him with this, " Now you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and of the platter; but inside of you, you are full of robbery and wickedness. You foolish ones, did not He who made the outside make the inside also?" 

When you go back into the Old Testament to find what the Law has to say about purification.. there is nothing about the ceremonial hand-washing that the Pharisees had adopted.  There were rules about purification for the priests and Levites; for those who had specific circumstances that needed cleansing; and those who had returned from war... but most of those laws involved the blood of sacrifices.  The Pharisees were insistent on traditional rituals, but failed to understand the need for true purity of their hearts..( which could only come from believing on Jesus. )

I suppose that we could say the same things about ourselves.  Do we place more value on outward actions than inward realities of the heart?   It is easy to do that - going to church, giving our tithes, praying before meals - all important things - if done from the heart that loves and worships God through these things.  But, it is very easy to slip into the habit of worship.. without the heart of a worshipper.

Examine our hearts O Lord.. search us and know us and cleanse us.. truly cleanse our hearts by the power of the blood of Jesus! Let our lives be true.. bearing witness of the truth of Jesus Christ.  May we actively seek to worship and not fall into meaningless rituals.  Help us to love and serve You more in all we do, for we our Yours through Jesus Christ our Savior. In His name we pray. amen.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

John 3;1-21

 When Nicodemus came to Jesus that night, he confessed his belief that Jesus had come from God.  He, for one, saw the signs and knew that this was from God.  But, when Jesus started talking about being born again... Nicodemus did not understand.  He confused a spiritual rebirth with a physical rebirth.  Jesus explains patiently...

A new birth is essential to seeing God's kingdom.  (v3)
A new birth is a spiritual experience by the Holy Spirit. (v5)
A new birth follows the pattern of physical birth  - flesh bears flesh, Spirit bears spirit. ( v6)
A new birth is unseen by the eyes.. like the wind.. but just as certainly manifested. ( v8)
A new birth is initiated by receiving and believing the witness of the One who has descended from heaven... "The Son of Man." (v13)
A new birth will happen when one looks at the One who is lifted up and believes on Him. ( v15)
A new birth is possible because  "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." (v16)

There is a judgement upon everyone who does evil, Jesus explains, that judgement is already upon all who have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
 But, Jesus was not sent to judge but to save. He came to shed light on man's darkness.  Those who will receive Him and believe in Him, willingly coming into that light - exposing their evil deeds - confessing their sins.. are practicing the truth - and this is the work of God.

Father in heaven, holy and wonderful, we give You thanks and praise for the work that You accomplished in the sending of Your Son.  A new birth - a spiritual birth that You accomplish in all who will look to Jesus and believe in Him.. in His Word and in His life, death, and resurrection.
Fill us once again, Holy Spirit, that we might gaze anew at the glory of our Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord. Hallelujah! What a Savior!  Amen.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

John 2  The miracle at Cana came about because Mary asked Jesus to do something. Why she was concerned for the family of the groom, we are not told.  Perhaps it was a relative... or perhaps one of her daughters was the bride.   Jesus seems reluctant to do anything, but is obedient to His mother's request.  The fact that water was made into wine immediately is one thing, but that it becomes a superior wine is even more amazing.

Verse 11 is one to meditate on, " This beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him. "

It was a miraculous sign attesting to His supernatural power.
It was a revelation of His glory - His worth, His importance, His significance.. His divine power and majesty.
It was an instrument of saving faith for the disciples.

When Jesus goes up to Jerusalem for Passover and finds the temple crowded with merchants and money-changers, He takes a scourge and drives them out. The Jews question Jesus, asking for a sign that He had the authority to do such a thing.  They would not believe in Him then, but some may have come to believe when the sign He promised was fulfilled - The temple, His body, was struck down and raised again on the 3rd day.

The disciples remembered this and it again brought them to believe.  Many people also believed in Him at that time.  All that Jesus did while on this earth was for that one purpose - to bring people to believe - in Him, in the Scriptures, and in the Father's love for them.

Bring us nearer to You, Father in heaven, manifest Your glory once again in Christ our Lord.  Open our eyes and our ears.. change our hearts so that we can see You clearly.  Guide us in Your ways and teach us Your truth.  Help us to be loving, faithful and kind we pray. Amen.

Monday, April 2, 2018

John 1  - ( see previous posts from January 16-19, 2015)

The Word -  was with God, is God, and brought everything into being in the beginning.
Jesus, the Lamb of God, the only begotten of the Father -
"the true light"
"the Word made flesh"
"full of grace and truth"
"the Messiah" 
"the Son of God"

The testimony of John the Baptist is recorded by John the apostle.
John's purpose in life and the reason for his calling was for this one moment of time - to bear witness:
that we might believe - that Jesus is the light;
that He has a "higher rank"; - He has all authority!
that He "existed before me"  He is eternal
that He is "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world"; - He is Savior
that the Spirit descended on Him and remained on Him; - He is the anointed One
and that He " is the Son of God". He is the One that fulfills all the prophecies. 

As John was called to bear witness of who Jesus is.. we, who receive Him..
we, who have been given the "right to become children of God" ;
we, who have "believed on His name";
we who have been born.. by the will of God...
are also called to bear witness of Who Jesus is - and to do so we must first come  to know Him,  to see Him in His glory,  to follow Him., and  to receive His fulness of grace and truth.

Do we believe that Jesus is the Light - the true light of the world?  Do we believe that the darkness cannot comprehend Him, nor can it overcome Him?
Do we believe that He has absolute authority over all things?
Do we believe that He has always existed and always will?
Do we believe that He is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.. who takes away our sin?
Do we believe that He is the anointed Christ, sent from the Father, baptized by the Spirit - the Son of God - the Word, who is God?

If we believe this then we are called to bear witness of these truths!

Father in heaven,  let these truths be driven deeper into our hearts and minds.  Let them be the bread of our souls, the essence of our lives, the air that we breathe.. that we might recieve the fulness of Christ our Lord - " and grace upon grace".  May we continually come and see.. believe, receive, and find You.. Make Your Presence known to us today, I pray, in the name of Jesus. amen .