Thursday, September 29, 2016

Psalm 65  This song is a great pattern for us to use- to worship the Lord.. it gives us words that are deliberate and holy and appropriate... and practical.

v1 " There will be silence before Thee and praise in Zion, O God."  

Silent praise?   This can be translated, "praise is due Thee" or "Silence is praise". " It may sometimes be the height of worship, in other words, to fall silent before God in awe at His presence and in submission to His will." ( Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries)  Before we can truly worship God, we need to come into conscious awareness of His holy presence. To say with Jacob, " Surely the Lord is in this place.." ( Genesis 28:16).  We are also told that God inhabits "the praises" of His people. ( Psalm 22:3)

In silent thoughtful praise, we  begin to approach the throne of our Mighty God and enter into His courts to worship with reverent, humble, and holy awe.

v2-3  " O Thou who dost hear prayer, to Thee all men come.  Iniquities prevail against me; as for our transgressions, Thou dost forgive them."

Our most vital prayer, the one that must proceed any other, the one our Savior requires of us, is the prayer of repentance.  We all must lay our guilt before Him.  Individually and corporately. We owe a debt that we cannot repay, but He forgives... what amazing grace!   It is in the receiving of God's forgiveness that we can cross the threshold of His sanctuary

v4 "How blessed is the one whom Thou dost choose, and bring near to Thee, to dwell in Thy courts.  We will be satisfied with the goodness of Thy house, Thy holy temple. "

The Old Testament Law restricted the people who would come and live at the temple -the Levites were chosen and set apart for this holy work.  The sacrifices were their responsibility and also their provisions. It was an honor to be a priest in the Lord's House.  Through Jesus Christ, we are also invited in!  Hebrews 10:19 -22" since therefore brethren, we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus... let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith... " 

We are invited into not only the temple, but Jesus has torn the vail so that we might enter right into the throne room. 

Now that we are here, we fall before Him and worship. 

Our Lord, the God of our salvation, we worship You, for You have done "awesome deeds". You have answered our prayers "in righteousness." ( v5)
You, Lord, are the "trust of all the earth and of the farthest sea."  There is no place nor no man who cannot trust in the faithfulness of God.
Our God has established the mountains.
Our God has stilled the roaring seas.
Our God has stilled the "tumult of the peoples."
Our God instills awe even in those "who dwell in the ends of the earth". 
Our God designs the sunrise and the sunset.
Our God provides the earth with rain and soil and sunshine - that the grain will grow and provide food for our bodies.
Our God blesses the pastures, the hills, the meadows and the valleys... and
"They shout for joy, yes, they sing."

Father in heaven, all glorious Thou art! You have made the way by Your grace and mercy that we may come into Your presence and draw near to You.  In awe we bow before You to praise You.  Your deeds are awesome, Your forgiveness... astounding.  Your power is perfect and Your righteousness is so glorious! Thank You for Your Word that gives us words to voice our praise and worship to You.  We shout and sing for joy before You alongside all of Your creation. Amen and amen.

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