Monday, September 12, 2016

Psalm 54  David records this prayer as he and his men are hiding from Saul.  David parted ways with Jonathan after they made a covenant between them. He then went south to Ziph which was 4 miles south of Hebron.  When the Ziphites told Saul that David was there, the pursuit began.  David went to Horesh ( the forest) south of Ziph about 2 miles and then to Maon another 2 miles.  This area is where David went on one side of the mountain as Saul came along the other side.   Saul was called away because of the Philistines, so David escaped.   He then went to the Arabah, the desert area filled with canyons and cliffs.  After that he went to the oasis of Engedi.

In this context we hear David's prayer.  " Save me, O God, by Thy Name, and vindicate me by Thy power.  Hear my prayer, O God; Give ear to the words of my mouth." ( v1-2)

The strangers and violent men who have risen up against David would include the men of Ziph who "... have not set God before them". (v3).

David continues to put his trust in God, his Helper and his Sustainer.  He trusts the Lord to "recompense the evil" and to "destroy them".   He affirms his worship to the Lord alone and gives thanks to the deliverance that is been given and  for that which is yet to come.  David is satisfied with the Lord's actions on his behalf.

Even in the most trying, confusing, and frightening situations, we need to keep our trust in the One who alone is our Helper and Sustainer.  Our world is full of people who do not "set God before them".  But like David, we need to trust God to  "recompense the evil" and destroy the evil doers.
Like David, let us worship the Lord with joy and thanksgiving.. in the midst of our troubles and for His future works that He will do for us.  We  must keep our eyes on the "unseen".   This is true faith.
God hears us.
He sees us.
 He knows the future.
He has it under control.
And we will be satisfied... so give thanks and worship Him!

Father in heaven,  how wonderful You are!  All power is Yours.  All of our days are written in Your book.  You have promised to be with us always and we put our trust in You.  We choose to worship You and to obey You and to give You thanks... for today and for the unseen tomorrows.   Let Your will be done, Your kingdom come, and Your Name be praised!  Amen!

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