Friday, September 9, 2016

Psalm 53  "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God'" 

The fool - nabal-  the stupid, the wicked, the vile person... the one who has fallen away, despised, dishonored, and disgraced... who has come to nought...

Without God comes:

"There is no one who does good."
No one who understands.
No one who seeks God.
No one who has knowledge.

There is no hope...

Great God of heaven and earth, our Father, Who restores us, redeems us, transforms us, and loves us, we worship You.  We desire earnestly that Your Name would be honored, Your rule extended, and Your will be accomplished on earth as it is in heaven.  We are in desperate need of You in our lives and in our nation.  We see the foolish living out their unbelief... You see their hearts.  Oh Lord, deliver us from this folly!  Bring understanding and wisdom, like a sweet perfume may the aroma of the knowledge of Christ be made manifest in every place as He leads us in triumph!  For it is in His Name we pray, with thanksgiving in our hearts, rejoicing in Your great salvation.  Amen.

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