Monday, September 19, 2016

Psalm 59  David writes again about his real - life situation - he is in the crosshairs of his enemy and his only way out is the Lord. Listen to how he describes the enemy :

They rise against him..
they do iniquity
they are men of bloodshed
they have set up an ambush
they are fierce
they have launched an attack for no reason
they are treacherous
they are like wild dogs, howling throughout the city
they "belch forth with their mouth"
they have swords "in their lips"
they don't care about who hears their foul words,
they boast and curse
they growl when they don't get what they want;

The worst of the worst.  The kind of people you don't want to meet in the daylight out on the boulevard let alone in a dark alley.  Picture a gang of thugs, a terrorist camp, or a prison yard.  These kinds of men would be nothing compared with the enemy outside David's camp, seeking to destroy him.  And this is what Saul has turned into.  The man who was anointed the first king of Israel, but turned his back on the Lord, has become like a mad dog.

David is without hope except for the Hand of the Almighty.  But, his faith does not waver for he knows that God is able to deliver him!  So as always, he prays:

"Deliver me from my enemies, O my God. Set me securely on high away from those who rise up against me." v1
Deliver me
Save me
"Arouse Thyself to help me, and see!"
"And Thou, O Lord God of hosts, the God of Israel, awake to punish all the nations." 

And then David's heart begins to worship:
"My God in His lovingkindness will meet me;
God will let me look triumphantly upon my foes." 
God will scatter the enemy because His power is greater.
God is his shield.
God rules!

David's prayer starts with his petition that leads to praise.  But, David does not stop there.  This prayer has led to a renewed faith and spirit.  "But as for me, I shall sing of Thy strength"   - literally, I will go about as a minstrel singing with joy "of Thy lovingkindness in the morning."
"O my strength, I will sing praises to Thee" - singing songs of celebration.   He will sing OF the Lord and He will sing TO the Lord.... even when the battle is still going on.

Our real-life battles are nothing like David's.. at least for most of us in this country.. yet.  But, it could become a lot worse, even in our lifetimes, if we continue down this wicked path that our nation has chosen.  Ungodly men and women in leadership positions are enabling Satan to attack the Church more and more.  We must keep our eyes on the Lord, pray without ceasing, and praise without hesitation.  We need the kind of faith that David received so that we might also find strength in the Lord.  May we sing of Him, so the world will hear of His great lovingkindness and may we sing to Him in joyous celebration of His might and power exhibited on our behalf.

Father God, You are our refuge and strength .  We look to You and know that You rule over all the earth, including here in our nation. Pour out Your grace and power upon us that we might be Your messengers to a lost world in need of the good news of Jesus Christ, for it is in His name that we pray. Amen.

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