Thursday, September 15, 2016

Psalm 57  What starts out as a prayer, a desperate cry for help, turns into a magnificent song of praise and adoration.

David calls out to God, to "God Most High" to be gracious to him.  God is his refuge and David places himself "in the shadow of Thy wings".  And once there - secure in the One who has led him to this cave "until the destruction passes by".. David's eyes are opened and  he sees his Savior;  proclaiming:
God "accomplishes all things for me; He will send from heaven and save me." ( v 2- 3)

We serve the God Most High and can rejoice that what He did for David, He will also do for us.

Our Lord will reproach those who trample His children.
God sends us His lovingkindness and truth.
Despite those around us who are like lions who want to devour us... our God will be exalted!
His glory is above all the earth.
His lovingkindness is great to the heavens.
His truth is higher than the clouds.

So, give thanks among the peoples of the earth.
Sing praises to God among the nations.
Exalt Him always.
Be steadfast in singing praises to the God Most High even when the enemy is closing in!

Father, Your glory extends further than our planet, our solar system, and our universe!  Your lovingkindness is infinite and covers our world.  Your truth fills our atmosphere and goes beyond the limits of Your creation.  Forgive us for thinking too little of You.  You are exalted and worthy of our praise.  May we be steadfast, fixed and firm in our trust in You, may we exalt You and sing praises with thankful hearts.   Open our eyes to see You, especially in times of trouble.  We do not need to fear what man can do, but to worship You with all of our hearts.  Strengthen us in Your strength O Lord. Keep us in the shadow of Your wings and yet help us to sing praises among the nations.

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