Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Psalm 55

David faced many enemies during his lifetime.  From the giant Goliath to his own son, Absalom, and especially his father-in-law, Saul,  David's life was in often in jeopardy.

David writes many of these psalms to lay out his troubles and fears to the Lord.  But, he also continually reclaims and pronounces where his faith stands:
"As for me, I shall call upon God, and the Lord will save me." (v16)
This is not just a flippant statement or a quick verse to recite to oneself to boost your own courage.  It is David, pouring out all his complaints, his fears, his anguish, and his hurts to the One Who hears and saves.

"God will hear and answer..." David encourages us.
"Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken." (v22)

We do not face the kinds of perils that David did, but we do face a common enemy.. the enemy of our souls, who desires to devour us and to shake our faith.  Like David, we need to stand firm and profess "But I will trust in Thee."  Then, we will not be moved or shaken, no matter what troubles we meet.

Thank You Father for the truth of Your Word and the greatness of Your love towards us.  Lord, may we stand firm against the enemy, strengthened by Your strength.  Gird us with Your Truth.  Cover us with Your righteousness.  Grant us Your peace and salvation. We take up the shield of faith, living "by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and delivered Himself up for me".  We take up the sword of the Spirit, Your Holy Word.  We come in prayer to seek You, to commune with You, and to call on You, our Refuge, our Sustainer, and our God.  Glory and honor and praises we sing to You.

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