Monday, September 26, 2016

Psalm 63  David, living in the wilderness, hiding from Saul and waiting for the Lord to fulfill His word... worships.

Worship - it is so much more than our modern day ideas...
The most used Hebrew word that is interrupted as "worship" is the word shachah - meaning "to depress, prostrate, bow; pay homage to royalty or to God;  to bow self down; to crouch, fall down flat; humbly beseech, do ( make) obeisance ( the gesture of respect or reverence, such as a bow or curtsy) ; do reverence ( a feeling or attitude of deep respect, love, and awe, as for something sacred; veneration; manifesting this with a bow, curtsy  or similar gesture of respect) ;

In the New Testament we have the Greek word - proskuneo - to kiss, like a dog licking his master's hand, to fawn, crouch, prostrate oneself, do reverence, adore.  But there are several other words that are translated as worship also :
sebomai - to revere, adore, devout, religious - as in Matthew 15:9 and Mark 7:7 " But in vain do they worship me...."
enopion - in the face of, before, in the presence, sight of;  Luke 4:7 "Therefore, if You worship before me, it shall be Yours",  Satan tempts Jesus with these words.  This word is derives from 2 others and speak to position - time, place, state; and to gaze, with wide-open eyes at something remarkable;
doxa - glory, dignity, glorious, honor, praise
latreuo - to minister, serve, render homage, do the service,  ( as in Acts 7:42, in Stephen's message, " But God turned away and delivered them up to serve the host of heaven..." ; Hebrews 10:2)
eusebee - be pious toward God, to worship , respect ( Acts 17:23 - " the objects of worship" )
ethelothreskeia - voluntary, arbitrary and unwarranted, piety, sanctimony,  to choose, will - ceremonial observance, ( Col. 2:23 " .. in self-made religion and self- abasement... "
therapeuo - to wait upon menially; to adore God, to relieve of disease, cure, heal,
proskunetes - an adorer, worshipper ( John 4:23 - " ... when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth..."

Listening to Christian radio last week I heard David Jeremiah talk about  the missionary, Hudson  Taylor , who  got up before dawn every single morning to worship God.   Not interceding, not asking for anything.. but worshipping.  That testimony hit me right in the heart - when have I ever spent that much time worshipping?  As I have been contemplating this I had to dive into the real meaning of this word. And, I found out that it is so much more than I had ever realized...

I believe that David understood the true meaning of worship and his writings in the Psalms helps me to see it more clearly.  This psalm is a great example.
" O God, Thou are my God; I shall seek Thee earnestly; My soul thirsts for Thee, my flesh yearns for Thee...."(v1a)
True worship begins when we turn towards God, when we seek to connect with Him intimately - with our whole self.   Worship is personal, even in a corporate setting.  It is not accomplished by listening, singing, or leading music... for those things can be done without God present.  True worship demands the Presence of God, the One worshipped, and the presence of the worshipper, who bows before Him to show reverence and honor, and adoration by bowing before Him.  There must be a connection. 

"Thus I have beheld Thee in the sanctuary, to see Thy power and Thy glory. " ( v2)  Worship is a response.  We behold, experience, witness, the One Who is worthy of such a response.   In David's life, it is the Power and Glory of Yahweh, that he saw first hand when he went to the tabernacle to offer sacrifices to the Lord. " Because Thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise Thee. So I will bless Thee as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Thy name." ( v3-4)  Our God is all powerful and glorious, and we know it because in His great love and kindness, He has revealed Himself to us.  We need to see, we need to really see Him.. acknowledge, recognize, and gratefully confess His power and love in our lives. 
He created us.
He formed us.
He delivered us.
He redeemed us.
He provides for us.
He adopted us.
He knows us.
He love us.
He sent His Son to die for us.
He has a future plan for us.
And this very moment, He sees us.
Do we behold His power, glory, and lovingkindness?  If so, we will worship Him, bowing down before Him and giving Him the honor and respect and reverence that is due Him. 
Anything else is empty, religious piety..

David finds satisfaction and joy in God. ( v5)
He finds himself thinking about Him through the night. ( v6)
He finds help and comfort in Him. (v7)
He clings to God and is upheld by Him. (v8)

David has made that connection with God, through worship and he doesn't want to lose it, day or night.  He is made confident in the promises that God has given him... for his good and for the defeat of those who are enemies. That kind of confidence comes only through the connection with the One who has all power, love, and glory.

Father, I want to learn to worship You as David did.  Open my eyes to see You.  To behold Your glory.  To  worship You, in spirit and in truth.  I bow before You now and proclaim Your power, love and glory. In the name of Jesus and through the Holy Spirit.. amen.

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