Monday, October 3, 2016

Psalm 66  This is a song of pure praise to the Lord.  It makes our best hymns and choruses seem impotent is some ways.

v1 How should we praise?  JOYFULLY!  Shouting or singing... robustly, passionately, with our whole being.

Who should we praise?  The God of all the earth!

v2 What should we praise?  The glory of His Name!
We are called to make His praise glorious!

We are to praise God by saying to Him, " How awesome are Thy works!" (v3)
His great power conquers the enemies.( Our God has power over darkness and wickedness)
He makes the sea turn into dry land.( Our God has power over nature)
He rules the whole earth by His might.( Our God has power over planets)
He sees every nation. ( Our God has power over nations - governments, races, tribes, and people groups)
He controls life... and death. ( Our God has power over our individual lives.. our births, our deaths, and everything in between)
He tries us and refines us to our benefit. ( Our God is focused on our future and wants us holy and blameless, and pure)
He leads us, provides for us, and protects us. ( Our God is for us and is always working in our lives)
Our God hears our prayers. ( Our God connects with us personally.)

The psalmist says that the conquered enemy will have to obey the Lord.
The whole earth will worship Him.
He calls all to "come and see the works of God." 
He pledges to keep his vows to the Lord... every word that he promised in the middle of the battle or distress, must be fulfilled.
He will offer the sacrifices... the required and the voluntary ones.
He can't keep from telling all that "He has done for my soul". 

v18  Here is a warning, " If I regard wickedness in my heart, the Lord will not hear;" 
But, God did hear his prayer, gave heed to his voice, did not turn away from him, but turned His lovingkindness towards him.

Father in heaven,  You are Mighty! You are Perfect!  You are Compassionate towards us, even when we don't deserve it.  How can we thank You?  "How awesome are Your works!"
Father, have Your way in my life and in our family.  Lord, let Your Name be praised in this nation!
Forgive us Lord. Bring revival, please.  We are going further and further from Your truth.  It is sad and frightening to see the moral and civil failures that are pulling us down into the pit.  Help us to speak up and give You praise for all You have done for us.. You are the authority over the all the earth, every nation, tongue, and tribe.  Let Your Kingdom come, Lord.  Let the Name of the Lord be praised.  amen

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