Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Psalm 64  David's prayer here is a desperate complaint, one that has made him "faint", filling him with dread.  He feels betrayed by this "secret" enemy.
His life is threatened.
He is in tumult.
Their words are like sharp swords.
Their "bitter speech" - like arrows.
They ambush him from their hiding places.
Their purpose is evil.
They lay out snares to trap him.
Their plots are "well-conceived".

The enemy is real.  We are also in the crosshairs. Satan is the one who is behind evil for he has taken hold of the hearts of men. But, once again David reminds us of the power and glory of God!

God's arrow will wound in the deepest part of man,  the heart.
"Suddenly they will be wounded;" 
They will stumble.
Their own tongues will turn against themselves.
They will fall.

And God will be glorified!
"Then all men will fear and will declare the work of God, and will consider what He has done. "

"The righteous man will be glad in the Lord, and will take refuge in Him; and all the upright in heart will glory."

Father in heaven, You are the Lord of heaven and earth and there is none like You. We seek You and desperately cry to You, for You are our refuge and help.  Our country is in such a mess and we are headed into further disaster unless You intervene.  Consider the evil in the hearts of men and deliver us from their traps, their plots, and their arrows of destruction.  Wound those who desire to wound Your people. May they stumble and fall into their own traps.  May we once again know the fear of the Lord and rejoice in Your mighty works on behalf of Your children. Your lovingkindness is better than life, O God.  May we not forget it.

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