Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Psalm 56  Lord, open our ears to hear, receive, understand, and live according to these truths!

God is gracious to us, even when we are trampled by men.  v1
God is trustworthy, so when we are afraid we can put our trust in Him. v3
God will "put down" the wicked and cast them forth. v7
God takes account of our "wanderings" and our "tears". v8
God has us written in His book. v8
God is "for me", for us; and He hears us when we call; v9
God delivers our souls from death, v13
God keeps our feet from stumbling, v13

We praise His Word.
We render Him thanks.
We walk before Him.
We have life in Him.

A verse to memorize and meditate on : " When I am afraid, I will put my trust in Thee." v3
When are we afraid?
When we have been trampled on;
When we are oppressed;
When others fight against us;
When our words are distorted;
When others plan evil against us;
When we are attacked;
When we are stalked and threatened.

Father, no matter how minor or major the threats are, sometimes we are afraid.  So, we thank You for this reminder that "mere man" is nothing compared with You.  Lord, You are the King of heaven and earth and there is none like You.  You know us so intimately that You have kept track of our tears..
You hear us and will help us. When I am afraid, Lord, I will put my trust in You.  How wonderful is Your Word!  How thankful I am that You reveal Yourself to us and we can know that You are for us!
Fill us Holy Spirit so that we will walk before You in the light of this day.  In Jesus' Name we pray. amen.

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