Thursday, September 8, 2016

Psalm 52

God's definition of an "evil" man:

He boasts in evil - v1
He speaks words that destroy - v2
He loves evil more than good -v3
He loves to lie more than speak the truth -v3
He loves to devour others with his words - v4
He deceives constantly - v4
He trusts in his money -v7
He refuses to "make God his refuge" -v 7

The result?
God will break him down, snatch him up, tear him away from his home, and uproot him from life - v5

But a righteous person will:

stay rooted in God's presence -v8
Trust God's lovingkindness - v8
Give thanks to the Lord constantly - v9
Wait on the Lord - v9

The result?
" And the righteous will see and fear, and will laugh at him"... ( the evil one) v6

We need to keep our eyes on our Lord, Who is King of heaven and of all the earth.  Even when we see the wicked prospering, we need to remember that without God, they will die in their sins and spend eternity in hell.  May it keep us humble and thankful for the love that He has lavished on us.  May we become people of prayer - praying for the lost who are in slavery to their own sin, and who can only find freedom in Christ.

Oh Father, give me Your eyes for just one  minute... Let me see this world through Your eyes.. that I might love You more, trust You more, thank You more, and wait on You always.  Give me the spirit of prayer and supplication.. and intercession for the lost.. even for the "evil" ones.  I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen

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