Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Psalm 60  When there is a breach between us and the Lord - it is like an earthquake that has split open the ground, David says in a picture painted by his words here.  A breach comes when we are:
Rejected by God
Broken by His anger
Tottering in the chaos
Staggering in the hardships
Fleeing in fear.. because of the reality of His Truth.. 
Because of our sin, because of our unbelief, because of our failures..

Yet, it is the Lord Who  alone can heal us... and close that breach.
We are still His beloved.
He still saves with His powerful right Hand.
He still speaks "in His holiness".... and reminds us that:

The promised land - Shechem, Succoth, Giliad, Manasseh, Ephraim, and Judah are His.
"... is Mine";  "the helmet of My head";  "My scepter";-  All belong to Him!

And the enemy is also His. " Moab is my washbowl; Over Edom I shall throw My shoe."  God will do what He desires with every nation.  Even ours!

In light of this Truth, David calls out to the only One Who can deliver, " And wilt Thou not go forth with our armies, O God?  O give us help against the adversary, for deliverance by man is in vain."
And in steadfast faith, David proclaims, " Through God we shall do valiantly, and it is He who will tread down our adversaries." 

Mighty God, our Beloved Father, Who sees us and knows our hearts, forgive every trespass, every time we have caused that breach between You and us. Heal our hearts. Do not reject us but restore us and help us in this war against the enemy of our souls.  May we stand firm against him, being girded with Your truth, covered by Your righteousness, shod with Your peace,  wearing the helmet of Your salvation, carrying the shield of faith and the sword of Your Spirit, the Word of God.  We belong to You and we put our trust in You alone. In Christ our Lord we abide. Amen.

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