Friday, September 16, 2016

Psalm 58   Today's paper has an article about a religious ceremony in India... a plaster statue with a head like an elephant that the people worshiped and then sank it in the ocean.  My heart feels pity and sadness for those people whose god is made of plaster and offered into the water.. for what? It is vanity!

There is no god like the Lord Most High!

Idols cannot speak... let alone speak righteousness.
They cannot judge uprightly, nor give their followers right judgement.
".... in heart you work unrighteousness".. David writes.  Those who worship idols end up:

David's prayer against these kind is bold;
"O God, shatter their teeth in their mouth"
"Break out the fangs of the young lions, O Lord"
"Let them flow away like water."
"When he aims his arrows, let them be headless shafts."
"Let them be like a snail which melts away as it goes along. Like a miscarriage of a woman which never see the sun."
"Sweep them away with a whirlwind".

"Surely there is a God who judges the earth."

God is the Righteous Judge.  He knows every heart.  He sees clearly those who reject His Son and choose false gods.  He will take vengeance against those who terrorize and oppress and deceive and persecute His people. And we will rejoice in Him.

Father in Heaven,  Come and move in our lives,  let Your kingdom come and Your will be done.  Glorify Your Name in all the earth. We praise You, O Righteous Judge and we put our trust in You alone. Bring the lost into Your light. Bring the deceived into Your truth.  Free the captives from Satan's strongholds.  Heal our nation, our world, from the plague of sin and rebellion. And take away the weapons of destruction and violence.   O Lord Jesus, come quickly!  We need You every day and every hour.

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