Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Psalm 50

This psalm simply and beautifully lays out the Truth of the Kingdom of God.

God, "the Mighty One"  Himself speaks to all the earth and to all of the heavens.  The setting is "Zion, the perfection of beauty".  His Presence is known my the Light of His glory that shines forth.
He is surrounded by "tempestuous" fire.  "He summons the heavens above and the earth , to judge His people" .  

"Gather My godly ones to Me".  Those who have "made a covenant with Me by sacrifice".
He speaks to us and we are to listen.
He alone is righteous and He is judge.
He is God.  Our God.
He accepts the sacrifices offered, but He is not in need of sustenance .  For He owns everything and is in need of nothing.
What He does desire from us is for us to : "Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving, and pay your vows to the Most High; and Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you and you will honor Me."
We are to be thankful. Honest. Dependent. Humble. Reliant.  In constant contact with Him.  In right relationship with Him. Completely His.

Next, He addresses the "wicked", all those who have not turned to Him with whole hearts.
Those who speak the Word, but don't obey it.
Those who refuse His corrections.
Those who ignore His word.
Those who approve of thievery, adultery, deception, slander, and evil.
Those who think that God is okay with them because He hasn't struck them down.. yet.
" You thought that I was just like you; I will reprove you and state the case in order before your eyes. Now consider this, you who forget God, Lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver." 
On that day, the day of God's judgement,  there will be no denying, no rationalizing, no excuses.

We choose to covenant with Him, or we don't.  It is our choice.  And we will face Him on that day and receive either His salvation or the consequences that He has clearly stated,  eternally condemnation.

" He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me; and to him who orders his ways aright I shall show the salvation of God." 

Father in Heaven, God of all the earth, we do offer our thanksgiving for the gift of salvation that You have given to us in Christ Jesus.  Open our eyes to see Your glory, more and more.  Help us to live in Your Light, with thankful hearts and obedient lives.  We our Yours for You are God and King, the Ruler of all. Glory and honor and praises to You, O King Eternal. Amen.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Psalm 49

We all need to hear these words, listen to this wisdom, think on it and understand the truth...

People who trust in the things of this world - riches, power, fame, whatever - need to know that
they can't save themselves or anyone else.

"No man can by any means redeem his brother, or give to God a ransom for him - for the redemption of his soul is costly, and he should cease trying forever." 

The wise and the stupid both will die. 
They will leave everything behind. 
They think that their name and fame will last forever.. but the truth is they will not. 
They will end up in "Sheol"  - no riches, no power, no "form" and "no habitation". 
"For when he dies he will carry nothing away; his glory will not descend after him."
All the congratulations and praise he might have received from men, means nothing after his death. 
"Man in his pomp, yet without understanding, is like the beasts that perish." 

 But the believer can say, " .. God will redeem my soul from the power of Sheol; for He will receive me." 

Our only hope is You, Lord.  That You would give to us this offer of redemption, bought with a Price we could not pay, is so wonderful... we are overwhelmed with thankfulness and praise for You. 
Father, may those who are foolishly thinking that they have it all in this life, and don't need to worry about the future, turn to the Truth and find Your light.  Oh God, how we need You. Come and move in our lives and in our world today. amen

Monday, August 29, 2016

Psalm 48  "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised." 

This psalm focuses on the City of God :

It is His holy mountain ( v1)
It is beautiful ( v2)
It is the "joy of the whole earth"
It is "the city of the great King"
It is where God "has made Himself known as a stronghold" (v3)
It amazed and terrified the kings that tried to come against it ( v4-5)
It is established forever by God.( v8)

The Name and character of God are made known in her:

His lovingkindness,
His righteousness,
His judgments,
His guidance
His eternal Presence.

"Let Thy Kingdom come"  Lord God!  Where Your reign is received there is holiness, joy, strength, faithfulness, lovingkindness, righteousness, mercy, and direction,  for You are Present.  May we fully accept  and take on the yoke of Your rule.  May Your will be done in every aspect of our lives today.  You are our Great King and loving Father.  Be exalted in our lives, in our homes, and in our world today we ask, in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Psalm 47

We are invited to join in the celebration of our God.

Clap your hands and sing songs of joy... even shout to Him!
"For the Lord Most High is to be feared, a great King over all the earth". 

Our God,  our Father, is the Lord Most High;
He subdues people and nations.

"He chooses our inheritance for us..." , because of His love for us.

He is active in our world:
He ascends to the highest heights!  He is King over all the earth! He reigns over nations. He rules from His Holy throne. He owns the "shields of the earth".. He is highly exalted!

So sing praises to Him!  Sing and rejoice and worship Him!

Lord Most High,  You are King over all the earth and I worship You.  Father, thank You for choosing my inheritance.  Help me to more fully understand the greatness of Your grace towards me. You have given us the riches of Christ.. the riches of His kindness, His forbearance, His patience, His grace, His glory, His wisdom, and His knowledge. And even more, You desire to make us complete in Him. We have a most wonderful inheritance because of the blood He shed for us. Help us to grasp this great Truth more and more, to turn away from the trappings of "life" in this world.. and to draw closer to You.  Please let it be so.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Psalm 46  Making it personal:

God is my refuge and strength.  He will help me in times of trouble.
Therefore, I will not fear... 
though the earth changes,
though the mountains fall into the sea;
though the waters roar and foam;
though the earth quakes.

There is a river of gladness in the city of my God.
There is a holy place where the Most High abides.
He is in the midst of His City, and it shall not be moved.
Day or night, He is her help.

The nations continue to make an uproar.
The kingdoms of this world will always totter.
But when God raises His voice, the earth will melt.
"The Lord of hosts is with us"..  He is with me.
He is my stronghold.

Come and see what He has done.
He has caused desolations ( astonishment.. ruin.. wonder)   in the earth.
He has made wars to cease.
He breaks apart the weapons of war.
"He burns the chariots with fire."

"Cease striving and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations.
I will be exalted in the earth."

My God, the Lord of hosts, is with me.
He is my stronghold.

Father, King of kings and Lord of lords, all praise to You!  In spite of terrorist attacks, earthquakes,  political uncertainty, and devastating viruses... You have not left Your throne.   You are Sovereign God and You will be exalted in every nation and on all the earth.  All else will pass away, but You will never pass away.   Your Truth is eternal.  Your Word is absolute.  I will look to You and know that You alone are God.  You are my help.  You are my refuge.  You are my Father and I am Your child. Thank You for this faith that You have given me. Amen.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Psalm 45

This is a song celebrating the king's wedding, but is also a Messianic psalm, describing the King's glory.  Just read this yesterday from a devotional by Tozer, " Brethren, there can be no argument about Jesus Christ's glory - it lay in the fact that He was perfect love in a loveless world; that He was perfect purity in an impure world; and that He was perfect meekness in  a harsh and quarrelsome world. Patience in suffering, unquenchable life and God's grace and truth were in the eternal Word, as well. This is the divine and eternal glory that earth's most famous and capable personalities can never attain!"  John the apostle wrote, " .. and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth." ( John 1:14b)

Looking at this psalm from that perspective we see:

"Thou art fairer than the sons of men;
Grace us poured upon Thy lips;
Therefore God has blessed Thee forever." ( v2)

He is armed with a mighty sword in splendor and majesty.
He rides victoriously for the "cause of truth and meekness and righteousness."
His right hand - teaches awesome things.
His arrows are sharp.
His throne is forever.
His scepter is righteous.
He loves righteousness and hates wickedness.
He is anointed by the Father.
His garments are filled with sweet perfume.

His bride - the church is described next:
She is noble.
She is clothed in gold.
She is beautiful and desirable.
She is humble.
She is glorious.
She is presented to her groom with joy and gladness.

" ... Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her; that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she should be holy and blameless." 
(Ephesians 5:25-27)

When I think of the glory of Christ, my mind goes first to His power and His greatness as Creator.
But, here, the focus is His truth, meekness, and righteousness. And as Tozer said, His love, His purity, His meekness, His patience, His grace,  and His unquenchable life.  His character is flawless and can not be matched by mankind.  And by His perfect love and grace He has chosen to make us His bride.
He transforms us.. one by one... so that we become full of glory - filled with truth, righteousness, meekness, patience, and love - all the character traits that He displays for us in Himself.

What grace!  Oh Lord, help us to behold Your glory and to worship You with all our hearts!  Transform us by renewing our minds, by melting, molding, and making us holy and blameless, as only You can do.  You are the Potter and we are the clay.  Form us into the noble, beautiful, meek, glorious bride that You desire and cherish.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Psalm 44

Making it personal;

O God, I have heard it with my own ears,
My elders have told me about the ways You worked in the past.
I've read how You drove out nations before Your chosen people.
How You planted them in Your land.
And also how You afflicted and scattered those who were in the land,
how You won the victories through Your own right hand and the Light of Your presence.

You are my King, O God!
You push back adversaries.
You trample down those who rise against us.
For, we will not trust in manmade weapons.
They cannot save us.
Only You can save us.
Only You can put to shame those who hate Your children.
I will boast in You.
I will give thanks to You forever!

Sometimes, Father, You seem to be so far away.
It feels like You have rejected us.
We feel abandoned.
We feel like laughingstocks.. bywords... like all the world is mocking believers.
But, with Your help, we will not turn away from You.
We will not deviate from Your ways.

Lord, You know the secrets of my heart.
If I am reviled, or even killed for Your sake, like a sheep led to be slaughtered,
will You be near me?  Will You redeem me for Your sake?
As in the past, when You did miracles for Your people, Israel,  will You rescue Your children?
You are our only hope. 

Father in heaven, let Your kingdom come and Your will be done, in us today.
Give us the courage and boldness to believe that You will do all that You have said You will do, in our lives, in our families, and in our nation.  Come, Lord! Change our lives as we draw near to You in the sweet communion of prayer. In the Name above all names, the Name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Psalm 42-43  These psalms go together, 3 stanzas with one refrain, " Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.", found in verses 5b, 11b, and 43:5b.

The psalmist intends for the choir to lead the congregation to search their souls with a some deep
questions... and then to worship the Lord, Who is the answer to every need.

"When shall I appear before God?"(42:2b)
"Why are you in despair, O my soul?"(v5 and 11; 43:5)
"Why do I go mourning because of the oppression of my enemy?"(v9b and 43:2b)

Do we thirst for the Lord as a deer thirsts for water?
Do we pour out our souls to the Lord, the living God?
Do we remember Him when we are far off?
Do we know that He is the One who is our only hope?

It is the light and truth of God that we need!  In His presence we find both hope and help.
If we thirst and pant for Him, we will find Him.
If we pour out our souls to Him, we will hear from Him.
If we remember Him, we will find that He has not forgotten us.
If we put our faith in Him alone, we will find that He is all we need.

Father, help us to turn our eyes away from our troubles and back to You.  To search our own hearts and to put away everything that interferes with our hope in You.  Father, You are always aware of the needs in our hearts, and we praise You that You are the God of miracles and the God of forgiveness.
Lead us by Your Light and Truth that we might find true joy,  Our hope is in You for You are the help of our countenance. Amen

Friday, August 19, 2016

Psalm 41   Isn't it when we are not feeling well, when our bodies are hurting, and when we are exhausted and weary, that the enemy comes against us with his worse attacks?

But, David tells us we are "blessed".

We are blessed because the Lord will deliver us.
We are blessed because the Lord, Himself, will sustain us.
The Lord will restore us.
The Lord will be gracious to us.
The Lord will heal our souls .

David felt like his enemies were just waiting for him to die.
He felt like even his friends had turned against him.

But, he knew that the Lord would never leave him.
His faith was in the Lord's promise, " As for me, Thou dost uphold me in my integrity, and Thou
dost set me in Thy presence forever."

"Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Amen and amen."

Father in heaven, You are on our side, how blessed we are!  Abba, thank You for loving me and for saving me.  Thank You for being gracious to me and for being the Healer of my soul and my body.
Thank You for delivering me from the enemy and for sustaining me through times of trouble.
You are my Shepherd and I do not want.  For You know me thoroughly and You have Your best in store for me.  Precious words of truth from Your Word are my food and life giving water.  Blessed be the Lord, my God, forever and ever.  Amen and amen.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Psalm 40

The Lord-
Inclines towards us,
Hears our cries,
Brings us up out of the pits,
Sets our feet on solid ground;
Gives us new songs to praise Him;
Does many wonders;
Thinks many thoughts toward us;
Is incomparable;
Doesn't desire our sacrifices.. but does desire us to listen and come to Him;
Does not withhold compassion from us;
Preserves us with His lovingkindness and truth;
Delivers us from our overwhelming sin;
Gives us joy and gladness by His salvation;
Is mindful of us... of me!
Is our help and deliverer.

Father, the Lord of heaven and earth, You are thinking of me and leaning towards me, even now.  You know me inside and out.  You know my heart. You forgive my trespasses.  Your wonders are more numerous to count. There is none like You.  I praise You and proclaim Your righteousness and lovingkindness.  How grateful I am that You didn't leave me sunk in my guilt and shame. But You put out Your hand and pulled me up out of the mud to stand in Your Presence. Thank You. Lord, my Master, I delight to do Your will, according to Your Word, written on my heart.  Fill me with Your Holy Spirit that I might walk in a manner worthy of You, Abba.  I ask this in the name of Jesus, my Savior and Your anointed One,  amen.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Psalm 39

Sometimes.. life is just hard.  We try to do our best, but our best isn't enough.
We feel like David did when he wrote this psalm.. " my lifetime ( is) as nothing in Thy sight. Surely every man at his best is a mere breath." 

Our only hope is in the Lord. 
When the wicked speak lies.
When the rich oppress the poor.
When foolish reproach the wise.
When we feel alienated by all others, even God.
When we don't even know what to say...

It is the Lord, our God, our Shepherd, our Father, Abba... 
Who hears our cries.. .
who sees our tears... 
and Who leads us out of the valley and onto the mountain top. 

We need to ask the Lord  the same thing that David did:
" Lord, make me to know my end,
And what is the extent of my days, 
Let me know how transient I am."

We need to understand that our lives really are like a breath... so that we can wake up and really live.
We need to realize that this life will soon be over, but after that, the judgement.
Will our eternity be spent with Him in glorious joy?
Or will we be forever removed from His presence?

Father, my hope is in You. Lead me in Your paths, transform me into the likeness of Your Beloved Son.  Your will be done, Abba, for only that is perfect, good, and acceptable. Thank You for hearing my prayers and keeping me in Your Hand.  I adore You, Abba.  You are so good to me. Thank You.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Psalm 38  David shares with us in this psalm an honest, real, stark acknowledgement of the guiltiness of sin.

v1 God's wrath and anger against our sinfulness is real.  He will rebuke us and He will chasten us.
Only by His mercy can we survive.
v2  God will make us aware of our sinfulness by His "arrows" and His hand - our conscience recognizes this weight or burden.  If we do not recognize this weight of our guiltiness, we can not repent... So it is merciful for Him to do this, even as it is uncomfortable or downright painful.
v3 Sin affects our health.  From the outward appearance of our flesh, to the inward strength of our bones..
v4 "my" personal iniquity.. is a "heavy burden",  too much for me  to bear on our own,  it covers my head... I'm drowning. But,  oh, how great is my Savior who bears my iniquities and " He Himself bore the sin of many and interceded for the transgressors." ( Isaiah 53:11-12)
v5 Sin is a wound that festers. But by His stripes we are healed!
v6 Sin bends us over... but He is the lifter of our head.
We mourn.. but He brings joy.
v7-9  Sin affects our muscles, our vital organs, our minds, and our hearts.  And the only help we have is from the Lord.  He knows what we lack and He alone can help us.  He hears our moans.
v10 Sin not only affects our hearts, but our vitality, our light of life.
v11 Sin affects our relationships.. both friends and family move away from us emotionally and sometimes physically.
v12 Our enemies will take advantage of us while we are separated from the One who is our refuge and strength.
v13-14 - Our ears refuse to hear and our words have no meaning.  We become more isolated and distraught.
v15 Our hope is in the Lord,  for if we cry to Him, He will answer us.
V16-18  Like David, we must be brutally honest - with ourselves and with God -
" I am ready to fall..." 
".. my sorrow is continually before me"
"For I confess my iniquity; I am full of anxiety because of my sin." 
v19-20  We confess our great need for the Lord's protection for the enemy is strong;  we will be hated, we will be opposed, we will be repaid evil for good.
v21-22  Our prayer is for God's presence , for His nearness, for His salvation.

Father,  how often we must be reminded of the sinfulness of sin.  Thank You for mercifully dealing with us when we fail You.  Thank You for intervening when we go astray.  You are our  Great Shepherd and it is Your rod and staff that comfort us.  You deliver us from evil.  You draw us to Yourself. We run to You for healing and salvation, for You alone are able to help and save.  Wonderful Savior and Majestic Lord,  we praise You now.
Keep us near to Your side today. Grant us to know more fully the greatness of Your love.  Then help us, by Your Spirit to love one another more.


Monday, August 15, 2016

 Our God is unmovable and unstoppable! Woke up thinking about this today...  I have a grandson who rails against the Lord, claiming to be an atheist.  But, he can't just leave it alone and his constant need to assert the non-exsistance of God makes me think that he is really being convicted. But, God is like a mountain of solid rock.. and we can punch it and kick it all we want and He does not change.  We can try to escape it, but we turn around and there He is!  So, I pray that this young man will tire of his rebellion and emptiness and find refuge in the very God that he has denied.  Thankful for a God of mercy and grace who loves even those who fight against Him..

Psalm 37 in my own words...

I don't need to worry about those who are doing evil things or about those who are making money by doing wrong...  for their lives are limited and God sees it all.

I need to focus on trusting the Lord and doing good.  I am to live, right here where He has placed me, and rely on His faithfulness, while practicing being faithful to Him.
If I delight in my Lord, He promises to give me the desires of my heart... how precious is that promise!
I will commit my way, my life, my journey to the Lord.
I will trust Him to accomplish His will in me, for only He can do it!
It is His work to bring righteousness forth from me, like He brings forth the light from the sun.
It is His work to bring right judgements from me.
I just need to rest in Him and wait patiently for Him; 

I have to stop fretting because of those who are wicked and seem to prosper.
I have to stop letting my anger and anxiety take over my thinking.
God has declared that the wicked will perish.  This is truth and I can believe it.
God has declared that in the end it will be those who are waiting on Him that will gain the inheritance.
All the scheming and cheating and deception by the ungodly will come to nothing, for they will perish ... their plots against those who are trusting in God are nothing to God.
He will laugh at them.
He will break their weapons.
He will use their own swords to slay them.

It is so much better to have nothing and be right with the Lord, than to have abundance without Him. 
To have the Lord on my side is to be sustained, held up, kept safe.. while the wicked are broken.
To have the Lord on my side is to be favored, protected,  provided for and unashamed, while the wicked perish, vanish, and are no more.

I will be gracious and give, not like a wicked person who borrows but does not repay.
I will be blessed by the Lord and not cursed.
My steps will be established by the Lord and He will delight in my life.
He will help me not to fall and if I slip He will hold my hand!

If I am righteous, I will not be forsaken and my children and grandchildren will also be blessed.
If I am gracious and giving; if I do good and depart from all evil,  I will abide forever.
The Lord loves me and will not forsake me, for I belong to Him.
He will fill my mouth with wisdom and put justice on my tongue.
He will write His law on my heart.
He will keep my feet firmly on the ground.
He will deliver me from my enemies.

I will wait on the Lord and keep His ways.
And He will exalt me to inherit the land.
The wicked will be gone and the transgressors destroyed.

My salvation is from the Lord.
He is my strength in times of trouble.
He will help me and deliver me. 
He will always be my refuge.. my unmovable Rock!

Praise the Lord!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Pslam 36  Once again David gives us the contrast between wickedness and goodness.

A wicked person knows his own sinfulness, but doesn't care for he has no fear of God.
He flatters himself by thinking of his independence from the Lord.
He speaks deceit and wickedness.
He is not wise.
He ceases to do any good.
He makes plans to do more evil.
He does not know that his destruction will come.. and he will not rise again.

But, David again boasts in the Lord:

The Lord's lovingkindness - is higher than the heavens.
His "faithfulness reaches to the skies."
His righteousness is higher than the highest mountains.
His judgments are deeper than the deepest sea.
He preserves both men and animals.

"How precious is Thy lovingkindness, O God!
And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Thy wings. 
They drink their fill of the abundance of Thy house;
And Thou dost give them to drink of the river of Thy delights.
For with Thee is the fountain of life;
In Thy light we see light." 

Our great God, who is our Loving Shepherd, provides all that we need - shelter, water, light, and life.
"O continue Thy lovingkindness to those who know Thee, and Thy righteousness to the upright in heart."  David prays. " Let not the foot of pride come upon me, and let not the hand of the wicked drive me away."  Our hope is in the Lord.. and it is not just wishful thinking, but a sure and certain assurance of His Presence  with us.

Father, You are my shelter and my refuge. I find comfort and rest in the shadow of Your wings.  I find delight in the rivers of Your grace.  Thank You for not limiting Your lovingkindness and compassion, but filling the heavens with Your love.  How precious is Your Word to me.  Shine Your Light upon us now we pray. That we might see You more clearly and know You more and more. Amen.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Psalm 35

The enemy will:
contend with us
fight against us
seek our lives
devise evil against us
hide a net to trap us
dig a pit to catch us
be a malicious witness against us
repay evil for good
rejoice when we stumble
smite us without reason
gnash his teeth at us
ravage us like lions
devise lies and false accusations
rejoice over our distress

And in spite of all that we look to the Lord in faith believing:
He will contend with the one who contends with us.
He will fight the one who fights with us.
He will rise up and help us.
He will "say to my soul, ' I am your salvation'"
He will turn the enemy back and humble him.
He will make their way "dark and slippery"
He will send His angel to drive them on and to pursue them.
He will cause them to fall into their own traps.

" And my soul shall rejoice in the Lord; It shall exult in His salvation.  All my bones will say, 'Lord, who is like Thee, who delivers the afflicted from him who is too strong for him.."(v9-10)

" I will give Thee thanks in the great congregation; I will praise Thee among the mighty throng."(v18)

" ... The Lord be magnified, Who delights in the prosperity of His servant. And my tongue shall declare Thy righteousness and Thy praise all day long." ( v27b-28)

Father in heaven, You are great and Your greatness is unsearchable.  You are worthy of all praise.  Thank You for loving me and reminding me of Your power and grace that You have promised to all those who fear You and belong to You.  Thank You for the privilege of prayer.  All I have needed, You have provided!  Indeed, You are faithful forever!   Etch Your Word on my heart, Abba.  That I might not ever forget these truths.
In Christ I am Yours forever,

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Psalm 34  / 52

David professes to boast "in the Lord" here is 34:2 and we find the contrast in Psalm 52:1 " Why do you boast in evil, mighty man?"

The difference between the two begins with "the fear of the Lord." 
The man who fears the Lord - with great reverence and awe -  will find himself delivered from all other fear. ( v4)
He will know that when he cries out to God, he is heard.
He will know that the "angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him." v7
He will be rescued.
He will taste and see that the Lord is good.
He will be blessed.
He will have no lack or want.
He will know the comfort of the Lord who is "near to the brokenhearted and saves those crushed in spirit." 
He will know that the Lord delivers those who are His.

David teaches us "the fear of the Lord."

"Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit.
Depart from evil, and do good;
Seek peace and pursue it.
The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry." 

The fear of the Lord is found in knowing Who He is and what He desires of us.  It is not a matter of self-control, but a matter of surrender to the One who made us, owns us, and reveals Himself to us in power and love.  We know that we have the fear of the Lord when we submit to Him completely, allowing Him to transform us from the inside out.. so that we can keep from speaking evil and deceit and from doing evil to doing good.

Father in heaven, You are majestic and glorious and there is none like You.  Thank You for redeeming the souls of Your servants. Fill us with Your righteousness and lead us in Your ways we ask. Accomplish Your will in us today we pray, in the Name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Psalm 33

We sing praises and rejoice in the Lord - with songs, with prayers, with music.. and with words.

"All of His work is done in faithfulness. He loves righteousness and justice; The earth is full of the lovingkindness of the Lord." ( v4b-5)

In Psalm 145 David tells us that " One generation shall praise Thy works to another, and shall declare Thy mighty acts." ( v4)  Psalm 33 does exactly that:

"By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of His mouth all their host. He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap; He lays up the deeps in storehouses.  Let all the earth fear the Lord; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke and it was done; He commanded and it stood fast." (v6-9)

Declare this truth to your children and grandchildren.  Do it frequently!  Do it deliberately!  In this world, with its foolish theories and godless teachings... we need to be intentionally sowing Truth about God into their thinking!  God breathed and the world came into existence!  The earth , the sun, the stars, and all of creation belongs to Him, for He is the Creator!

"The Lord nullifies the counsel of nations; He frustrates the plans of the peoples. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, The plans of His heart from generation to generation. Blessed is the nation who God is the Lord, The people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance." ( v11-12)

Declare this truth to each other, and especially to your children... God is in control of this world and every single nation in it!  Iran, Russia, China, and the USA... will not, can not ever change God's plans!  He can change theirs, though!  Thankful, so thankful, for this truth!

" The Lord looks from heaven;  He sees all the sons of men; From His dwelling place He looks out on all the inhabitants of the earth,  He who fashions the hearts of them all, He who understands all their works." ( v13-15)

Declare this Truth!  God sees me.  He knows me.  He made me. He understands me!  " Behold the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope for His lovingkindness, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine." ( v18-19)   We are reminded to not put our hope in kings, in armies, nor in the strength of our weapons... but in the One who is our "help and our shield" 

Wait for the Lord.
Rejoice in the Lord.
Hope in the Lord.
Trust in the Lord!

Father in heaven,  thank You for revealing Yourself to us once again.  We offer our praises to You! How wonderful, how marvelous, and how gracious You are!  We lift up Your Name and give honor to You for You are worthy of all our praise.  We come to You in prayer, to request that which we have great need of - Your Kingdom, Your will, Your provision, Your forgiveness, and Your Spirit.
Create in us clean hearts.
Lead us in paths of righteousness.
Let Your love flow into us and through us, rivers of living waters, abundantly providing for those who are thirsty.
Grant us wisdom.  Grant us peace.
Use us for the works You have planned for us to do today.
For the glory of Your Name and in the authority of the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Psalm 32

E. M. Bounds says this about prayer: " Prayer is the language of a man burdened with a sense of need. It is the voice of the beggar, conscious of his poverty, asking of another the things he needs. It is not only the language of lack, but of felt lack, of lack consciously realized..,..  Prayer is the language of those who need something-something which they, themselves, cannot supply but which God has promised them, and for which they ask.."     In contrast, he adds, " Not to pray is not only to declare there is nothing needed, but also to admit to a non realization of that need... It represents an attempt at instituting an independence of God, a self-sufficient ruling of God out of the life.  It is a declaration made to God that we do not need Him, and hence do not pray to Him." 

David's recorded psalms/prayers  reveal to us his NEED for God... This psalm is a great example of just that.

Sin, the thing that separates us from our Father in heaven, weighs us down, attacks us physically, spiritually and emotionally - " My vitality was drained away as with the fever heat of summer."  David tells us.  He groaned.  He wasted away.  He sank down in despair.  He had a great need that he could do nothing about on his own.  But when he acknowledged his sin, confessing his need of forgiveness and restoration.. He found help in the Lord.

"How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, who sin is covered!" ( v1)
God Himself is the One who covered our sins and does not impute iniquity to our account any longer - for He has accepted the payment given on our behalf by Jesus Christ, His Son.

If we feel no guilt for our sinfulness, if we fail to acknowledge our need for deliverance, we will never know the joy of salvation.  We will never know the freedom from that which pulls down into the pits of hell and death.  How great a salvation that our God has provided!  If only we ask!
"... let everyone who is godly pray to Thee in a time when Thou mayest be found;"  

David records this promise to those who will receive it, the Lord says, " I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you."and " But, he who trusts in the Lord, lovingkindness shall surround him." 

"Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous ones, and shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart." 

Father, how thankful I am that Your promises are true for me too!  I do need You to instruct me and teach me in the way I should walk, for I want to be righteous and upright, delivered from all unrighteousness and evil.  Thank You for covering and removing my sin and declaring me to be Your child. How great is Your salvation!  How blessed I am.  I rejoice in You, my God and Father, in Jesus, my Lord and Redeemer, and in the Holy Spirit, my counselor and comforter. Amen

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Psalm 31  David continually spends time in prayer.  His writings reveal how he talks to the Lord about everything, his struggles, his sorrows, his joys, and his love for God. To take psalms and to put them into my own words... as applicable to my own life.. helps my own relationship with the Lord.

So here is my personal prayer based on this psalm.

Heavenly Father, it is in You that I find refuge, a place of safety and security, in the midst of a troubled world.  Lord, I don't want to be ashamed before You and I do not want to bring any shame upon Your Name, so Lord will You keep me in Your righteousness?

Lord, will You hear my cries when I am in trouble and will You be my strength when I am weak? I put my faith in Your power to save me, to stabilize me, to lead me, and to guide me.  You are my everything, my rock, my shield, my hiding place, my deliverer.. and I commit my whole self into Your Almighty Hands.

Father, You have ransomed me.  Paid the price, set me free, made me Your own..
I trust You to keep me and I rejoice in Your truth and in Your love for me.
You see me.  You know my problems.  You know my enemy.  You can and will protect me in the midst of distress, sorrow,  illness, and dread. Thank You.
My times are in Your hand.. even as David believed, I believe it.  You do not change.  You do not forget.  You do not fail.  Your greatness is unsearchable.  You are good.  You are compassionate.  You are faithful to preserve Your children.  

I wil endever to be strong and to take courage, for I put my hope in You.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Psalm 30

Distress... stress... dismay.  This world, this nation, this town... we see it and feel it, we read it in the newspaper and hear it on the local news.  Politicians cause it as they throw barbs at one another, ignoring their own evils.  Media figures spread it under the illusion that they are helping to enlighten us.

But, there is truly nothing new under the sun.  David experienced the same dread and darkness, yet he knew the answer... and that answer has not changed....

It is the Lord Who will lift us up!
We can cry for help and know that He hears us.
We can be assured that He will lift us up from the pit.
We can praise Him and thank Him, for His goodness to us!

" His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for a lifetime." 

We weep, but He will lead us back into joy.
He is gracious.
He hears us.
He loosens our robes of sorrow and gives us gladness.

"O Lord my God, I will give thanks to Thee forever." 

Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name.  Let Your voice be heard and Your Name praised on earth as it is in heaven.  Let Your kingdom come with power and glory.  Let Your will be done. Your good and perfect and holy will.  Forgive us Lord and turn Your anger from us that we might see Your favor.
We weep at the blindness of those who advocate immorality and murder of innocent babies.  We mourn for the lost who have rebelled against the Truth.  Hear us Lord and be gracious to us.  Come Holy Spirit to convict and convince men and women of their unrighteousness, of their sins against God.  For we ask this in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Psalm 29  "Ascribe to the Lord, O sons of the mighty, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength . Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His Name; Worship the Lord in Holy array." ( v1-2)

When we "ascribe" apply or appoint or assign a particular attribute to someone or something.  Here, David tells us to apply "glory and strength" to the Lord.  He then gives us a list of His works that demonstrate His worthiness of that application:

The Lord's voice is over the waters.
His glory "thunders".
His voice is powerful and majestic.
It breaks cedars,
It makes mountains "skip";
It cuts the skies like lightning;
It shakes deserts;
It makes animals deliver their babies;
It strips the forests bare.

The Lord is the "King forever".
Every part of nature testifies this truth.
And this same Lord "will give strength to His people"and "bless His people with peace".

Here is our motivation and inspiration for true worship - the glory and strength of our God!

Father, help me to have ears to hear Your powerful and glorious voice!  May I remember to apply, to ascribe to You the glory due Your Name.  May I take time every day to praise and worship You with my whole heart and soul and mind..  For You are King forever, worthy of all praise, full of glory and strength . Amen.