Friday, January 30, 2015

John 8: 1-11  This is one of the most touching and beautiful scenes of the New Testament, as the Pharisees try to set Jesus up for judgement, bringing a woman caught in adultery, into the midst of the crowd.
 Jesus remains quiet and calm, stooping down to write on the ground as the accusations are made.  I imagine that the scribes and Pharisees grew angrier and louder as they tried to get a reaction out of Jesus.   He stands up and speaks at last,  " He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."  And at that, they leave, one by one, until all are gone except Him and the woman.   The only One who is without sin, the only One Who could righteously condemn her, chooses not to.  " ... go your way... sin no more".  

What grace!

Follow Me, Jesus says, for "I am the light of the world." To follow Him is to no longer walk in darkness- in blindness or obscurity; but to walk in the light of life.  To follow Him we must be willing to say we are blind and ask that He open our eyes to see the Truth.

The Pharisees and scribes did not want to confess their own blindness... but perhaps in this situation they were closer than they had ever been.... and they didn't like it one bit!

Father in heaven,  we want to see!  We want to walk in the light of life... in the Truth of the One Who is the Light of the World.  Open our eyes anew every day, that we might walk in a manner worthy of You, pleasing You in all respects. Fill us with the full knowledge of Your will,  strengthen us with Your power.  We give thanks to You, Father, for You have qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of Light!  Blessed be the Name of the Lord!  Amen.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

John 7  It is the Feast of Booths, the last year of Jesus's life on earth.  This chapter records for us the confusion and conflict that surrounds His ministry.  Everyone has questions and opinions....

The brothers of Jesus did not believe in Him. ( v5)
The Jews were seeking Him. ( v11)
Some proclaimed His goodness while others accused Him of leading people astray. ( v12)
Many marveled at His teaching. (v15)
Some thought He was crazy for thinking that the Jews wanted to kill Him. ( v20)
Some thought, " Is this not the man whom they are seeking to kill?" (v25)
They argued about His birth place.
They argued about His teaching.
They were divided over everything that had to do with Jesus.

Jesus had been clearly proclaiming and proving His identity.  He testified over and over that everything He did and said was directly from the Father in heaven.  The people listened and made a decision - they either believed Him or they hated Him.  We have to make the same decision -
Will we listen and accept His Words and believe in Him?
Or will we reject Him and all that He has to say?

Jesus says:
"The world ... hates Me because I testify of it, that its deeds are evil." ( v7)
"If any man is willing to do His will, he shall know of the teaching, whether it is of God, or whether I speak from Myself." ( v17)
"... judge with righteous judgement." ( v24)
"He who sent Me is true, whom you do not know.  I know Him; because I am from Him, and He sent Me." ( v29)
" ... then I go to Him who sent Me .. and where I am, you cannot come." ( v33-34)
"If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water." (v37-38)

We know that His Words are true.  The deeds of the world are evil. He was hated and killed for no other reason than that they did not believe that He was who He said He was.  He did go where they could not.  He glorified the Father and sought no glory for Himself from man.  He did give the Holy Spirit after His resurrection, the river of living water in our innermost beings.

Thank You Father for Jesus, for His life and teaching, for His death and resurrection.  Thank You that He spoke the Truth and that it was written down so that we might also know His Words - Your Words for life.  Continue to pour out the rivers of living water in our innermost beings.  We ask this in His Name.  We praise and exalt You, Jesus, our Lord and King.  amen.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

John 6:41-71  As Jesus continues to talk about Who He really is and His mission, there is a sifting - the unbelievers, who are just looking for physical bread, pull away.  The only ones who will keep following Jesus are those who believe that He truly is the Bread of Life, the One who has the Words of eternal life.

Jesus emphasizes again that He is sent from the Father and that everything is according to the Father's will.  "No one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draws him.."  The greek word for draw is helko - which means to drag,  to take for oneself.
The Father sent the Son. (v29)
The Father gives out the true bread of heaven.(v32)
The Father gives the Son those who will come to Him. (v37)
The Father wills the Son to lose none of those He has given Him.(v39)
The Father draws or drags us to the Son. (v44)
The Father speaks and teaches those who will come to Jesus. (v45)
The Father grants believers to come to Jesus. (v65)

Jesus says, " As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me." (v57)  And then in verse 63 He says, " It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words I have spoken to you are spirit and are life."

The majority of the Jews listening to Jesus could not accept His teaching.  Those who could not receive His Words could not receive Him or the eternal life that He was offering.  Only those that believed that He is the "Holy One of God",  those who were willing to take Him in - consume the Living Bread - would be saved.  It is the work of the Father and the Son, and the Spirit together to bring us to eternal life.  Blessed trinity!

Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name.  You have drawn us to Your Son.  You have granted us Life in Him. We are Yours and we praise You, Father, Son, and Spirit, for Your great Love and Salvation.  Be exalted !  Grant that others will come to the Son, please Father.  Drag them into Your Kingdom, to be received by Jesus, Who will never cast them out or lose them.  We pray for our family, near and far, to be among those who partake of the Bread of Life.  Amen.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

John 6:1-40   Jesus feeds the 5000.  We know the story.  So we don't need to retell it here, but look at       some parts of it.   Verse 2 tells us that the "multitude was following Him, because they were seeing the signs.."  Verse 14 says, " When therefore the people saw the sign which He had performed, they said, ' This is of truth the Prophet who is to come into the world.'"  Which sounds good!  They get it... but then after Jesus crosses the Galilee and the people find Him again, He says, " Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled."   And, just a few minutes later they ask, " What then do You do for a sign, that we may see, and believe You? What work do You perform?"

So, are they believers, or not?  The signs that Jesus performed, the works are a testimony of Who He is.  They are seeing the works.  They seem to get it, but there is something missing still in their hearts.
Verse 27, " Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man shall give to you, for on Him the Father, even God, has set His seal. "  The work, Jesus tells them is to, " believe in Him whom He has sent."   There is bread and then there is the BREAD of life.   Jesus tells us that He is the bread of life, Who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.  He takes away all hunger and thirst.  He brings true life to all who come to Him.  Those who behold Him and believe in Him.  These are those the Father will give to Him and who He will raise up on the last day.

When Jesus sent the disciples out in the boat without Him and then came walking across the water in the middle of the night, something happens that I want to point out.  Verses 20-21 " But He said to them, 'It is I, do not be afraid.' They were willing therefore to receive Him into the boat..."  If it had been anyone else, walking across the water, in a storm, in the middle of the night... would they have received him?  Not that anyone else could do such a thing, but they recognized that it was Him.  Jesus, the One they knew.  The One they believed in.  The One they put their faith in.  

How many of these other followers were willing to let Jesus into the boat?  Did they believe in Him enough to allow Him to truly be their Bread.  It would mean that they had to be "all in".   And they still wanted the world.

When we believe in Jesus, we will go all in.  We will receive Him into our lives, even in the darkest hours and the biggest storms.  Even when we have nothing else, He will be enough.

Father, purify our hearts and open our eyes to see and know Jesus in this way.  Amen.

Monday, January 26, 2015

John 5:33-47  Jesus continues to unpack the truth about who He is and His relationship with the Father.  The Jews were questioning His authority and Jesus provided "witnesses" to testify on His behalf.  In verse 31 He stated that, " If I alone bear witness of Myself, My testimony is not true."  So, He gives them other witnesses, just not what they expected:

John ( the Baptist) was the first witness that they had already questioned.  Jesus confirms that John's testimony was true.

Jesus declares that the second witness that they should believe is His Works - " the very works that I do, bear witness of Me, that the Father has sent Me."   He healed the sick, raised the dead, made the blind see and the lame walk.  These miracles testified of His identity as the Messiah, the sent One.  They knew the prophecies, they should have known this and recognized Him .

The Father Himself is the next witness.  If they were listening to the Father, Yahweh,  and hearing His voice, they would know this.  But they were out of relationship with the Father too.

The Scriptures were important to the Jewish leaders and they studied them carefully, but they used them for their own purposes and skipped over or explained anything that would have led them to the Truth of Who Jesus is.

The fact is, they didn't believe God and they wouldn't believe Jesus.  There were obstacles that prevented them from receiving real life :
They were unwilling.
They didn't love God.
They wanted glory from men more than from God.
They claimed to know the Law, but they didn't really believe Moses either.

Jesus points out the real problem - self-centeredness and unbelief.   They liked being important and respected.  They weren't willing to give up "self" and Jesus would require them to lay all of that down, take up a cross and follow Him.  Instead of searching their own hearts and getting right with God, they chose to accuse Him and eventually kill Him.   Men will go to any extent to protect their pride.

Father in heaven,  You are merciful and kind to us.  You have shown us the truth and set us free from our own selfishness and pride.  We cannot save ourselves.  We cannot deliver ourselves from this sinfulness of "self".   But, You sent Your Son to reveal the whole Truth.  Our only hope is You.  You love us and want the best for us and that only comes through receiving Your Son and believing Your Word.  Believing that You love us.  And when we come to You, laying down our "self" will be the best thing we ever do.  So simple and yet so hard for prideful mankind.  Lead us Lord God.  Give us strength in our inner selves to empty ourselves of everything and allow Christ to fill us to the full with Himself.    Amen..

Friday, January 23, 2015

John 5  After Jesus heals the man at the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath, He begins to debate with the Jewish leaders.  John covers a lot of what Jesus has to say and it is all important!

Verses 17-30 - Jesus discusses His relationship to the Father:

- The Father is working and Jesus is working - there is a united effort in bringing the Good News of salvation and the kingdom to earth.   Jesus refers to God as "My Father" and the Jews understand that this is as Jesus "making Himself equal to God".  (verses 17- 18)

-Jesus only does what He sees the Father do and He does it in "like manner" - There is a willing obedience to the Father's will and the Father's ways. (verse 19)

- The Father loves the Son, shows Him what He is doing, and will show Him greater things yet - "that you may marvel".  The Father-Son relationship is just like a father and son on earth, but with a greater purpose. (verse 20)

- The purpose of both the Father and the Son is to "give life".  ( verse 21)

- The Father has given the Son the job of "all judgement".  (verse 22)

- The Father wants the Son to be honored.  If we do not honor the Son, we are dishonoring the Father. (verse 23)

- To hear the word of Jesus and to believe the Father who sent Him is the way to eternal life. ( verse 24)

- The Father has "life in Himself" - He is self-existent, as Tozer would say,  and " He gave to the Son also to have life in Himself ". ( verse 26)

- The Father has given Jesus, the Son of Man,  "authority to execute judgement" ( verse 27)
-That judgement will come at the resurrection - when "those who did good deeds" and "those who committed evil deeds" will be separated - The first to life and the second to judgement.

Yet, even in this task of judgement, Jesus does only the Father's will - and His judgement will be perfectly just. ( verse 30)

Father in heaven, You have revealed these truths to us through the Words of Jesus, the Son.  Help us to grasp the fullness of these truths.  You sent Jesus for the purpose of giving life and to execute judgement.  We need to meditate on these truths that we might understand and know the greatness and glory of Your Son.  Open our eyes to see and our minds to comprehend, in His Name we pray, Amen.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

John 4   Jesus came from above, from Heaven, to reveal heavenly truths to men.  He said in John 3:11 that He speaks what He knows and bears witness of what He has seen.  Only those who are born of the Spirit will be able to see the Kingdom of God and enter into it.  To be born again, one must believe the testimony of Jesus, looking to Him Who was lifted up.. on the cross.. to give His life for our salvation.   The Father loves the Son and has given " all things into His hands"; yet the Father gave the Son for the world that He loves.  The Son speaks the words of God and gives the Spirit..
"without measure".

So, Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John and when He knows that the Pharisees had heard this... He leaves Judea and goes back to Galilee, by way of Samaria.   Every action and word of Jesus is deliberate.  He is perfectly obedient to the will of the Father.   John writes that ,
 "He had to pass through Samaria".   This action wasn't because there was no other way, for most Jews would bypass Samaria and travel around it, so it was because the Father wanted Him to go this way, that Jesus "had" to go there.

We are told that Jesus was weary from the journey and sat beside well while His disciples went into the city to get some food.  Here He meets the Samaritan woman, whose name we are never told.  We know the story well.
Jesus asks her to draw Him a drink of water.
She is surprised that He even acknowledged her presence.
He tells her that she should have asked Him for living water.  
She wants to know where He could get it since He doesn't have anything to draw with.
Jesus tells her that His water is more important than water from a well, for it brings eternal life. 
She definitely wants water that will make her life easier.
Jesus tells her to go get her husband.
She says that she doesn't have a husband.
Jesus commends her for telling the truth... but that she has had 5 husbands and is living with one that she is not married to.
The woman is becoming aware that this is not an ordinary man... she believes He is a prophet and asks a question about where to worship God.
Jesus reveals a Truth that is a new concept - the argument has always been that worship should be in Jerusalem only... but the Samaritans weren't really welcomed to Jerusalem so they worshiped in the mountains.  Jesus tells her that TRUE worship isn't about a place, it's about a personal relationship with the Father, Who is Spirit.  True worship is about the "spirit and truth", He tells her. 

The woman knows that the Messiah is coming to reveal "all things".   Jesus declares that, " I who speak to you am He".  This is a monumental moment.  And just then the disciples arrive back.
The woman goes back to town to tell everyone else to come and meet Jesus.  Many believe in that town.  Jesus spends 2 days there with them.. and many more "believed because of His word;"

Father in heaven, our God and our King,  You are worthy of all our praise.  Thank You for sending Your Son to reveal the Truth to us on earth.  We worship You in our spirits and in truth.   We are born of the Spirit when we believe in Jesus Christ the Lord of all.  We are made Your children when we call upon Him and receive Him as our Savior and Lord.  How marvelous and precious is the gospel of Christ.  May we wonder anew at the beauty and simplicity of this life changing Truth.
Father, may Your kingdom come that many more will enter in by the new spiritual birth.  May we do Your will as Jesus did, in perfect love and obedience.  Help us Spirit of God, to walk in the Light.
Accomplish Your will in our lives, Lord Jesus.  We pray in Your Name.  Amen.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

John 3  Nicodemus comes to see Jesus and admits that they, the Jewish leaders, know that He, Jesus, came from God, because they know that the signs that He does cannot be done unless God is involved.  If Nicodemus knew that, then the rest should have known it too!  They just refused to admit it...

Jesus and Nicodemus have an interesting conversation that we have read over and over again.
Jesus speaks of being born again.  Nicodemus thinks of physical birth.
Jesus speaks of spiritual birth.  Nicodemus doesn't understand.
Verse 11 " Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak that which we know, and bear witness of that which we have seen, and you do not receive our witness."   This is Jesus speaking, but He uses the pronoun - we,( perhaps including the Holy Spirit?)  John the Baptist states in verse 31-32, " He who comes from above is above all... What He has seen and heard, of that He bears witness; and no man receives His witness." 

John, the disciple, wrote in 1st John 1:1-3 " What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we beheld and our hands handled, concerning the Word of Life and the life manifested, and we have seen and bear witness and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us - what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, that you also may have fellowship with us and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ."  

To bear witness - to give testimony to or report or give evidence;  This is what Jesus did.  He came to tell the world the Truth - what He knew, what He saw,  what He heard;  this He testified of when He spoke.   And, the religious leaders refused to believe that which He spoke.

It is like a jury during a trial.  They hear the testimony of a witness, one who saw first hand the event and who tells what he saw and heard.  But the jury doesn't believe that the witness is telling the truth. They ignore his testimony and make decisions based on their own perceptions.

Jesus tells us that no one else has ascended into heaven and descended to the earth except Him.  Only He is able to testify to what is seen and heard there.  John the baptist's testimony seconds this. " He who comes from above is above all.... "   Jesus tells Nicodemus that:
1. The Son of man will be lifted up.
2. Believing in Him is what results in eternal life.
3. God loves the world and gave His Son for the world.
4. He came for salvation not for judgement.
5. Judgement has already happened to the unbeliever, because they are all guilty of evil deeds.
6. Those who believe will walk in the Truth and practice the truth because they have come out of the dark and into the light.

 In other words,  we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God.  Jesus knows what the glory of God is.. He saw it and heard it and came to tell us about it.  He gave His own life that we might know the glory of the Lord ourselves.  And the only way we can do that is through believing Him.  Believing His testimony and following Him.

" He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides in him. " verse 36

Father, we trust and obey Your Son, the living Word of Life.  Lead us always to the Truth through our Lord and Savior who came from You to testify of Your Love and forgiveness.  O, help us to walk in Your Light all the day long. Amen

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

John 2  Jesus and His disciples are invited to a wedding.  Mary, the mother of Jesus, is at this wedding and when the wine runs out, she tells Jesus about the problem.  Although Jesus tells her that His hour "has not yet come";   but He still helps solve the problem.  He instructs the servants to fill six stone water pots that hold 20-30 gallons each, and then to serve from them.  This turns out to be the finest wine served.  The servants and the disciples are the only ones to know where this wine has come from.  Verse 11 says, " This beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him." 

Glory - in the Greek doxa - meaning dignity, honor;  a mark of divine power and majesty.  The Hebrew meaning is to recognize the weight or importance of another.   To say that Christ began to manifest His glory - then means that He begins to reveal His importance;  He is worthy of honor and praise.   And this is what the disciples believed.

After staying a few days in Capernaum,  Jesus heads to Jerusalem for the Passover.  His first message is delivered with actions - He clears the temple of the money-changers and merchants.   His zeal for the temple of the Lord is a sign of His position as Messiah,  although the religious leaders do not recognize that.  Instead they confront Him, questioning His authority to do such a thing.  They miss the sign - and ask for another...

Jesus only tells them that He will raise up "The Temple" in 3 days. ..speaking of His own body.
Of course they don't understand that either.  Jesus does many other signs there in Jerusalem and many believed in His Name, in His authority and His character.

Jesus, on the other hand, did not "entrust" Himself - believe in- them, in men.  ".. for He knew all men, and because He did not need anyone to bear witness concerning man for He Himself knew what was in man."  The word entrust and the word believe are both the same Greek word - pisteuo - to have faith, to respect a person or thing, to credit or entrust..   Jesus can be trusted because of Who He is known to be - His authority - which is over all the heavens and all the earth- was given to Him by the Father.  His character is perfect - without sin, full of grace and truth.  No other man can be fully trusted - for all men are flawed - "...all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"
( Romans 3:23)

Father in heaven, You are worthy of all our praise and honor.  We lift up our voices to give You praise and thanksgiving.  Thank You for revealing Your glory in Christ Jesus, the sinless Lamb of God.   He came to be Light and to bring Life.  May we see His manifest glory and believe... to know His power and authority.  May we know in a new and deeper way the importance of Who He is and  be transformed by the Truth.  Renew our minds to receive and believe what our eyes cannot perceive.
Come Holy Spirit and fill us anew today.  May we walk in the Light as He is in the Light.  May we honor You with all we do and say today Father.  Amen.

Monday, January 19, 2015

John 1:35-51   As John witnesses to the identity of Jesus as the "Lamb of God", his disciples turn and follow Jesus.  When Jesus addresses them He asks, " What do you seek?" 

The two men were standing before the King of kings, the manifest Son of God... and they answered, "Rabbi, where are You staying?"  Kind of a lame question, but it was enough...

Jesus took them home with Him. " Come and you will see."   And they did.. see.  They saw enough that they went out and told others to "come and see" too.
Andrew brought Peter.
Phillip brought Nathanael.
"Come and see". 
Jesus told Nathanael that He saw him while he was still under the fig tree.
He also told him that he was going to see much more - ".. you will see the heavens opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man." 

What do you seek?  Do you seek wealth, health, success, happiness or love?
Do you seek Jesus?  Are you willing to "come and see" whatever it is that He desires to show you?
He wants us to see the heavens opened... to see His glory.. to see Him - the Light, the Truth, the Way.

Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness,  seek Him with all your heart and You will find Him,
seek and keep on seeking...  the Word keeps on reminding us that we need to make a move.  It is not in the wondering and thinking... it is when we take action, when we actually seek Him, that we'll find Him.  When He becomes the priority,  the pearl of great price, the treasure that is worth all we have.. it is then.... that we will see the heavens opened and the glory of the Lord shining on us.

Father in heaven, we bless Your holy Name.  You are great and worthy of all of our praise and adoration.  Open our eyes to see the glory of the majesty of Your kingdom, Your everlasting and glorious Kingdom.  May Your perfect and acceptable will be done on the earth even as it is in heaven.
We ask for You to meet our daily needs, as You alone are our Provider.  We ask that You forgive our sins as we in turn forgive others.  Lead us away from temptations and into Your paths.  Deliver us from the lies and schemes of the evil one, who wants to turn our eyes away from You.  Let us see and know Your glory and Your power and Your Presence, forever and ever.  In the Name and authority of the Lamb of God, who died for us, we pray. Amen.

Friday, January 16, 2015

John 1 " In the beginning was the Word..."    John's purpose in writing this gospel was to reveal who Jesus really is, that we might believe on Him and receive true life.  Every message and every action that John recorded was written for that express purpose.  That we might KNOW Jesus.

The first 5 verses tell us that Jesus is:
The Word
The Creator

The Word - "logos" - the divine expression, the divine communication.  He who was with God and was God; Who was with God in the beginning,  came to us.   He was with God, the Father in the creation, John writes, and He was actively involved in all that was created.  " In Him was life.." Life does not just come into being on its own,  it is not an evolution started by a random mix of chemicals.
Life has a source, a creator.  And that is Jesus, the Eternal Word.

His life is "light".  Luminousness - God said, "Let there be light".  When the earth was dark and void of life and form.. God spoke - and Light was the first thing He added in order to establish life.  Light is essential to life.  Jesus  is essential to life and to light..  He came to shine in the darkness - physically in the creation of the earth and spiritually as the Son of man and of God.

Yet darkness does not comprehend light.  It tries to seize and obscure and possess light, but it can not overcome light.  Light will always win!  Praise God!

Father in heaven, You are light and  "in YOU is no darkness at all." ( John wrote).  And  James wrote, " Every good thing... is from above coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variable, or shifting shadow."  Perfe
John 1  "In the beginning...."   Jesus, the Word, the Divine Expression of God, existed with God and "was God".   He was there in the creation.  He contains "life".   He is the source of light.  On the first day of creation we are told that the heavens and the earth were dark and without form.  It had no life. Until God spoke, " Let there be light."   Light came - without a sun or moon or star.   Light, that cannot be overcome or comprehended or conquered by darkness.   Darkness gives way to light, not the opposite.

Thankful for that Truth. Praise to our God, our Heavenly Father, who "is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all." ( I John 1:5)

Jesus is "the true light" who came into the world.  He is the Word who became flesh.  He came to bring "grace and truth".  He came to explain God.  He came to those He created, to His own, and they did not know Him or receive Him.  " But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His Name. " ( v12)  

To receive - to take hold of and accept the Name, the authority, of Jesus Christ,  is the means to new birth.  This is the truth that John bore witness to.  Note what is said about John:
He was sent from God. -v6
He came to bear witness of the Light. - v 7
He was not the light.
He bore witness that Jesus was of a higher rank than him.
He bore witness that Jesus existed before him. - v15
He confessed that He was not the Christ. - v20
He testified that the One - the Christ :  stood among them; was unknown to them; and was exalted above them all. - v26
He proclaimed that Jesus is "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" - v29
He bore witness that he saw the Spirit descend and remain on Jesus, a sign that He is the Son of God and the One who will baptize with the Holy Spirit. -v32-34

Like John, we are sent by God to bear testimony, to be a witness of the Truth about Jesus.
We are to proclaim that He is greater than us!
We are to proclaim that He is eternal and that He eternally reigns.
We are to proclaim salvation through His sacrifice as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
We are to bear witness that He baptizes those who believe with the Holy Spirit.
We are to keep proclaiming that He is the true Light.  That grace and truth are in Christ alone.  And that those who receive Him, believing in His Name and authority, are given the right to be called God's children.

To walk in the Light as He is in the Light, is to walk in this Truth.

Father, You are holy and perfect.  Thank You for giving us Jesus, the Light of the World, the living Word, the Lamb Who was slain.  You are worthy of all our praise.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Numbers 32-36  The journey has been long, but Israel is finally ready to gain their inheritance.  The tribes of Rueben, Gad, and Manasseh ask and are granted land on the east side of the Jordan.  The men are committed to going across the Jordan and helping the rest of Israel possess the land there, but their families will stay and establish homes in this area.   Moses writes down all the places that they have dwelt over the 40 years of traveling.  The Levites are provided cities and land in each tribe's possession.  Cities of refuge are established.  And, finally,  provision for keeping a tribe's inheritance in the family is clarified in the case of a man having no sons.

The last words of Moses, a review of the Law, will be delivered ( the book of Deuteronomy) and then Moses will die.  After that Joshua will lead Israel into the land of promise.

The book of Numbers has shown us that God is very detailed and organized when it comes to His people.  He set up specific men to lead.  He defended His chosen leaders.  He punished the rebellious.  He became angry with the grumblers and arrogant.  And,  He keeps His promises.

Israel changed from a mob of miserable slaves to an organized nation.  They have armies.  They have a tabernacle.  They have Laws.  They have a system of government .  And, most importantly.. they have The Lord their God.

Father, You know our names.  You know our lands.  You have placed us in families and in nations.  You have a purpose and plan for each of us.  May we be obedient and faithful to live for You every day.  Be in our midst and lead us in Your paths that we might do Your will.  Open our eyes to see You and to glorify You.  May we continually worship You, day and night, with sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving.  May we offer intercession for those we come into contact with and bring every request to You, for You know what we have need of.   Draw nearer Lord.  Thank You for the Truth of Your Word.  Thank You for giving us Your Spirit to come along side us and teach us.  Thank You for the Son, Who is our perfect Savior and King.  In His Name we pray, amen.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Numbers 28-31  The Lord reviews the Laws for presenting offerings .  There were daily offerings, monthly offerings, and special feast day offerings.  It was a massive amount of sheep, bulls, and goats that would be required.  Plus, grain, oil, and wine.  The largest of these would be during the 7th month, the day of Atonement and the feast of trumpets.  " You shall present these to the Lord at your appointed times, besides your votive offerings and your freewill offerings, for your burnt offerings and for your grain offerings and for your libations an for your peace offerings." ( 29:39)  It was all spelled out for them and they were reminded to be careful to observe them.

Think about the tent, with its altar, sitting in the middle of the encampment.  The daily offerings were sacrificed every morning and every evening.  Even if no other offerings were presented that day, the aroma would be present in the camp every day.  A reminder that God was there in their midst and that He required sacrifices; that He required worship; that He had called them out of Egypt to serve Him and to be His people.  The sacrifices offered on the first of each month would remind them that He was in command of not only their days, but their months and years.  The special feasts - Passover, the Feast of weeks, and the Feast of Trumpets would be reminders of their Exodus from slavery, the blessing of a new harvest, and the satisfaction of a completed harvest time.  They would rejoice in His provisions and honor Him for all that He provided.  They also would be reminded of their constant need for atonement as the sin offerings were presented.

The Lord gave Moses some clarification on the law of vows in chapter 30 and then sent Israel out to take revenge on Midian. 12,000 men were sent to war.  They killed all the men and brought back all the women and children.  But, because the women had been involved in the immorality and idolatry that had caused the plague in Peor, Moses ordered all the women who were not virgins to be killed.  Also, all the boys were killed too.  That left only young girls, 32,000 of them.  Not one of the Israelite soldiers were killed and the officers gave gifts to the Lord in thanksgiving.

Father in heaven,  may Your Name be honored and exalted today in our midst.  May we remember that You are here, with us and in us, that Your Spirit fills us;  that we are Your temple.   Let the aroma of Christ fill our lives that we might be a reminder to others of Who You are and what You require of us.  You don't require bulls and sheep and goats, but You require that we do justice and that we love mercy and that we walk humbly with You.  You require us to love You with all our hearts, souls, spirits and strength;  to present our bodies as living and holy sacrifices, acceptable to You, for this is our spiritual service of worship.  You require us to love our neighbors as ourselves.  So, here we are Lord.  Fully Yours.  Do what You desire in our lives today.  In the Name of  Jesus, the perfect and final sacrifice, we come to You.  Amen.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Numbers 25-26  The Israelites were camped near the Moabites and began to intermingle with them.  This included worshiping their god - Baal.  The Lord was angry and sent another plague among them, killing 24,000.  One man was so brazen that he brought a Midianite woman to the tabernacle.  Eleazar acted righteously, taking a spear and killing both the man and the woman.  God stopped the plague because of Eleazar's actions.

The Midianites had once been allies with Israel.  Moses had lived with them during the 40 years prior to the Exodus and had married a Midianite woman.  But, things changed over the 40 years in the wilderness.  Midian had joined with Moab against Israel.  They were now immersed in the cultural immorality along with Moab.  They had become the enemy of God and Israel.  Now, God calls Israel to "be hostile to the Midianites and strike them."  They were guilty of tricking Israel into idolatry and immorality.

After this the Lord orders Moses and Eleazar to take a second census of the men of Israel, by tribe.  Chapter 26 records the numbers of each tribe.  Some of the tribes were smaller than they had been;
Rueben, Simeon, Gad, Ephraim, and Naphtali all were of smaller numbers than before, especially Simeon, who went from 59,300 to 22,200.   The rest of the tribes had increased in number.   In all there were now 601,730 men, aged 20 and older.  Only about 2000 less than the first census.  Of these, only Caleb and Joshua were numbered in both censuses.

Moses is given instructions about the allotment of land when they come into their inheritance.  The larger tribes would receive larger portions and the smaller tribes would receive less land.  The land would be assigned by lot.

Chapter 27 - After clarifying a question about inheritances in the case of a man having only daughters, Moses is told that he will be allowed to look at the land which Israel will be receiving, and then he will die.  Moses asks God to appoint a leader to take his place and Joshua is chosen.  Joshua is commissioned before the whole congregation, standing before Eleazar the priest.

Changes are inevitable. Life does not stand still. Only God remains the same.  Psalm 145 reminds us that  His "kingdom is and everlasting kingdom" and His "dominion endures throughout all generations."   Through all the years, Moses had walked with God faithfully.  But now it was time for a new leader.  Israel had changed, no longer the same men that had started out on this journey, but this new generation still had a lot of problems.   The problem of idolatry and immorality would continue to plague them throughout their existence.

Same with us.  Our lives change.  We start out on a journey through life and before we know it, we are grown up, with families of our own.  Then they grow up and start their own families.  Still, the problem of sin plagues us - tricks us, like the Midianites tricked Israel.  The only  solution is to slay it.  Crucify the flesh.  Paul says, " I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life  which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and delivered Himself up for me."  Galatians 2:20

The warning to the Israelites and to us is this - be careful!  Be careful to keep your eyes on the Lord.  Be careful to walk in His ways and to obey His Word.  Be careful to live by faith in the Son of God, leaving behind all the temptations that the evil one tries to trick us with.

Jesus, You are our Savior and King.  Be glorified and honored, for You alone are worthy.  Father in Heaven, we praise and thank You for Your goodness and grace towards us.  Lead us in Your path today.  Forgive us all our sin and purify us, sanctifying us through and through.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Numbers 21-24   There is a definite shift in the narrative of Israel's wilderness wanderings. It begins with chapter 21 when Israel is attacked by the king of Arad, the Canaanite. This leads to :

Israel making a vow to the Lord.
The Lord hears and delivers the Canaanites into Israel's hands.
But, the people become impatient.
They grumble.
The Lord sends fiery serpents against them.
The Lord instructs Moses to make a fiery serpent and to put it on a standard, that all those who are bitten by the fiery serpents may look up at the standard and be spared.   We know that  Jesus refers to this and compares it to Himself being lifted up on the cross... that all who look to Him, on the cross, will be saved. 

Then, Israel travels from place to place.  They defeat the Amorites and take possession of that land.
They also defeated the king of Bashan and possessed his lands .
After this they came to the land of Moab. Balak, the king of Moab tries a different tact... he sends for Balaam to come and curse Israel.  Balaam is a diviner, but he seeks the Word of the Lord.  At first, he refuses to go.  The second time they come for him though, he is allowed to go, but the Lord sends his angel who stops the donkey 3 times.  Balaam continually tells Balak that he can only say what God tells him to say.  3 times he sets up altars and offers sacrifices and 3 times he speaks... each time a blessing on Israel instead of a curse.

Later on Balaam will be killed by Israel.  Peter and Jude both write about the error or sin of Balaam.  Balaam is blamed for leading Israel into sinful immorality and idolatry.

Israel is getting closer to the promised land.  Things are heating up with the nations that they will have to overcome.  The older generation is dying off and the new generation has multiplied greatly.
But the hearts of people are not much different than before.  There is still a propensity to sin.  To grumble and complain.  To seek the pleasures of the world.  To bow to other gods.  They may be winning battles against the outward enemy, but there is no victory over the enemy of the soul.
Nor will there be until Jesus wins the victory through His death and resurrection.

There are lessons to be learned here.  Like Balaam, we must hear the Word of the Lord and speak only what He puts into our mouths to speak.  But, we must be careful to only speak His Truth.  We must guard against the error of Balaam, for even a moment allowing ourselves to be swayed by the riches of the world or to be blind to the ways of the Lord.

Father in heaven, lead us is paths of righteousness. Fill us with Your Spirit that we might walk only the path that You have provided. The narrow way is blocked by so many worldly temptations, it is sometimes hard to find... but You have given to us a Guide, our Lord Jesus Christ, who leads us as a Shepherd.  Thank You and praise Your Name.  Thank you for being merciful and gracious, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  We exalt You and bless Your Name.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Numbers 20  Once again, at Kadesh, the same place they were when the spies had entered Canaan and brought back their bad report, the nation of Israel faces another crisis.  Three major events are recorded here:

1.  Miriam dies.  The sister of Moses, is among those who will not enter the promised land. After the experience of defying Moses and being punished with leprosy, she has not been heard of through the years of wandering in the wilderness.  Yet, her death is mentioned here.  She is remembered.  Did she learn a great lesson and humble herself before God for the rest of her life?  She was older than Moses, who at this point is well over 100!

2.  The people start grumbling about water again!  And even all these years later, they do not trust the Lord to keep on providing and their memories of Egypt tempt them to think that life would be better back there.  Once again the glory of the Lord comes down.  This time He instructs Moses and Aaron to speak to the rock and He will bring forth water for all the people and their animals.  But this time it is Moses who disobeys.  In his anger Moses strikes the rock instead of speaking to it.  The water still comes, but Moses loses his privilege of entering the promised land.   " Because you have not believed Me, to treat Me as holy in the sight of the sons of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them." ( verse12) 

Unbelief.  Moses, the man who met with and talked with God face to face, failed to believe, failed to reverence God. It is a sin that God will punish.  He forgives, but He also punishes.

3. The people move from Kadesh and come to the edge of the country of Edom.  These are the descendants of Esau. Moses asks that they allow Israel, "your brother", to pass through the land.  But, the king of Edom refuses.  So Israel turns away.  At Mount Hor, God summons Aaron and Moses up to the mountain top, and here Aaron dies.  Eleazar is given Aaron's garments and position as high priest.  All of the congregation watch as Moses, Aaron and Eleazar make their way up the mountain. Only 2 come back down.  Israel mourns the death of Aaron for 30 days.

Father in heaven, Your Name is holy.  We need to always treat You as holy and reverence You, especially before others.  Teach us what that means, Lord.  Moses and Aaron failed by asserting themselves in attitudes and actions.  What attitudes and actions are we guilty of that assert our own wills and not Yours?  Holy Spirit come and reveal the truth to us that we might confess and repent of these sins.  If we have anger or impatience, like Moses, will You forgive us and replace it with humility and peace?  Help us to obey Your Word and walk with You in truth.  Lead us not into temptation Lord, but deliver us from evil.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus, Who has shed His blood for the atonement of all our sin.  Amen

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Numbers 19 The Lord adds another command/ordinance onto the many that He has given to the nation of Israel.  This one involves a red heifer.   Everything is a bit different with this sacrifice.  It was taken "outside" the camp to be slaughtered.  Eleazar, the priest, was in charge of the slaughtering.  Then it was completely burned along with cedar, hyssop, and scarlet material.  The ashes were gathered up and mixed with water.  This water was considered a means of purification.   Whenever a person came into contact with a dead body, he or she, or the whole tent.. would be sprinkled with this special water - on the 3rd day and again on the 7th day.
Eleazar had to wash and was unclean for that day when he slaughtered the heifer.
The person who did the burning was unclean for that day.
The person who gathered the ashes was unclean for that day.
A "clean" person was in charge of sprinkling the water on those who were unclean.
And anyone who did not follow this, but remained unclean... would be cut off from the assembly because he would defile the sanctuary.

Hebrews 9:13 " For if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling those who have been defiled, sanctify for the cleansing of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from the dead works to serve the living God?"   Every part of the old covenant sacrifices were mere copies of what was yet to come, when Jesus Christ, Himself.. " at the consummation of the ages" was "manifested to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself." (v26).   For, " He, having offered one sacrifice for sins, for all time, sat down at the right hand of God.... For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified." ( 10:12,14)  "By this will we have been sanctified though the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all."( 10:10) 

  So, "let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from and evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.  Let us hold fast the confession of hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:22-23

2 more thoughts from the writer of Hebrews:
13:11-12 " For the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the holy place by the high priest as an offering for sin are burned outside the camp. Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people through His own blood suffered outside the gate." 
13:15-16 " Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. And do not neglect doing good and sharing for with such sacrifices God is pleased." 

Father in Heaven,  You are Mighty and Holy and highly to be praised.  We offer You our sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving, for You have given us Your Son, Jesus Christ, who puts away our sin by the sacrifice of Himself, once for all, completely and thoroughly!  Hallelujah, What a Savior!!
God of peace, who has brought us "up from the dead... through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord",  will You equip us " in every good thing to do (Your) will, working in us that which is pleasing in (Your) sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen"
 ( Hebrews 13:20-21)

Monday, January 5, 2015

Numbers 18  The Lord gives Aaron a sober message about the duties of the priesthood and the service of the Levites.  The priests "shall bear the guilt in connection with the sanctuary; and you and your sons shall bear the guilt in connection with your priesthood." ( v.1)  The solemn responsibility of keeping the sanctuary holy and undefiled; of keeping up with all the required sacrifices and offerings; and of leading the whole nation of Israel... rebellious as they were... into acceptable worship and vital relationship with the living God;  all fell on the shoulders of Aaron and his 2 sons.

The Levites were assigned to help the priests with their "obligation" - the obligation or duty of the sanctuary and the altar.  The Levites were a gift to the priests and were dedicated to the Lord for this service.

The priests were also in charge of the offerings and gifts presented to the Lord.  Everything offered to God was to be considered holy.  The responsibility of rightly handling that which was holy to the Lord needed to be taken seriously and with great care.  Wrong use would result in death.   They needed to know what parts they could eat; where they could eat it; and who couldn't eat it.

But, this was also an amazing gift, for the best of the fresh oil, wine, grand and first fruits... required offerings to the Lord.. were given to the priests and their families to have.  In fact, anything that was devoted to the Lord was theirs... all the firstborn animals and the redemption paid for first born children.  They would not receive any other inheritance, but the Lord, Himself was their full inheritance. And He provided for them bountifully! ( as long as they did their jobs)

Now, the tithes that were offered to the Lord, were given to the Levites for their inheritance.  They had to offer a tithe of the tithe, but the rest was their "pay" for the work that they did in serving the tent of meeting.   Again there is a solemn warning given..  the best had to be offered to the Lord and nothing profaned.  The punishment for that was death.

The tithes were the tenths - a portion from all their crops and increases.  The offerings were for burnt offerings, sin offerings, peace offerings, etc.  God provided for the priests and Levites through these means.  It was a great responsibility and a great gift.  We know that all these offerings have been completed in the death of Jesus on the cross.  He paid it all.  But, we still practice the giving of tithes.. at least many of us do.  To honor the Lord, who has given us all that we have, we present to Him, a tenth, a tithe of our income.  And it is right to do this. It is a joyful giver that pleases the Lord, we are told.  It is a responsibility and a gift to be able to worship the Lord in this way.

We have personally found that we can never out -give the Lord.  God has allowed us the gift of giving with liberality.... and He has provided all we need.

Father, Glorious in heaven above, we worship and adore You.  You are good .. always good.  Your mercies are over all Your works and we bless Your holy name.  Guide us in giving our tithes and offerings with love and joy in our hearts,  worshiping You with all our beings.  We pray this in Jesus' Name, amen.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Numbers 16-17   The hearts of the Israelites are still rebellious.  No sooner had one rebellion been quashed, then another starts up.   This time one of the Levites, Korah,  plus several of the men from the tribe of Reuben, decide that Moses and Aaron  " have gone far enough".  They bring 250 of the leaders from the congregation and declare themselves holy.

Moses fell on his face.. .again.  He had to be exasperated with these guys!  When would they learn that God does what He wants and chooses whom He wants to choose?  " You have gone far enough..." he tells them.  He addresses Korah first.  Here is a Levite, set apart for the work of service in the tabernacle.  ".. is it not enough for you.." he asks. "And are you seeking for the priesthood also?"   Then Moses sends for Dathan and Abiram, but they refuse to come up to him. " We will not come up. Is it not enough that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey to have us die in the wilderness, but you would also lord it over us?... we will not come up!"  ( Wow, they think Egypt was a land of milk and honey?  Didn't they remember the slave-drivers?)

Moses instructs Korah and the 250 to prepare firepans with incense to be presented to the Lord.  They were to meet before the Lord at the doorway to the tabernacle.  Whatever happened would determine the Lord's choice of leadership.  When Korah comes, he brings not just the 250, but the whole congregation against them.  Then the "glory of the Lord appeared."  He instructs Moses and Aaron to separate themselves from the congregation, "that I may consume them instantly".  But once again Moses and Aaron fall on their faces and pray.  " O God, Thou God of the spirits of all flesh, when one man sins, wilt Thou be angry with the entire congregation?"

God, who is always gracious and merciful, heard Moses' prayer and told him to have the people move away from the tents of Korah, Dathan and Abiram.  Then Moses and the elders of Israel went to where Dathan and Abiram lived.  The men, their wives, their children and grandchildren came and stood outside of their tents.  Moses spoke again, " By this you shall know that the Lord has sent me to do all these deeds; for this is not my doing."  Then God opened up the ground.. an entirely new thing.. and "swallowed them up, and their households, and all the men who belonged to Korah, with their possessions. So they and all that belonged to them went down alive to Sheol; and the earth closed over them and they perished from the midst of the assembly."   Also fire came from the Lord and consumed the 250 men who were offering the incense.

But even this dramatic and violent judgement did not stop the rebellion in the hearts of the people.  For the next day they started grumbling again, blaming Moses for what God had done! Once again the Lord appears and once again He instructs Moses and Aaron to move away from the people so He can consume them all.  And once again they fall on their faces.  But, God sends a plague that begins to kill the people.  Moses tells Aaron to take his censer and offer incense, to make atonement for the people.  As Aaron moves into the middle of the people the plague is stopped.  Still 14,700 people died.

The Lord decides to show the people one more time, His choice of Moses and Aaron to lead the nation.  12 rods, one from each tribe, are brought into the tabernacle.  Each one has a name on it and Aaron's name is on the rod for the tribe of Levi.  The next day, when the rods are brought out, there is only one rod that is budding - the rod of Aaron.  It had sprouted, budded, blossomed, and produced ripe almonds!  There could be no more doubt about God's choice!  This rod was kept in the Ark in the  tabernacle as a reminder, a sign.. that there should not be any more grumbling or rebellion.

The Israelites are defeated, " Behold we perish, we are dying, we are all dying!"  A true statement.   But still not the heart of obedience and worship.  Maybe they have learned to fear God, though.

There are two things that I sense the Shepherd speaking to me about through this passage.
First, it is enough.. that God allows me to serve in the ways that He has chosen for me.  I don't need to be anything else or to aspire to be more or less than what He has ordained for me.  I also don't need to grumble about the choices God has made for others.. especially those in leadership positions.  In the church or in the government.  ( That one is a challenge!)
Second, prayer makes a difference.  Twice, here in this situation, the Lord was willing to destroy the whole rebellious nation of Israel.  ( This had happened before and Moses had  prayed then too.)
Moses' prayer saved many people from destruction.  Aaron's offering of incense for atonement brought the plague under check.  Incense is associated with prayer in the account of John's Revelation.
 We are reminded in the New Testament also the our "God is a consuming fire".  The Lord of Glory is angered at rebellion and considers it a great sin.  His wrath is poured out on those who do not obey Him, trust Him, fear Him, or heed His Words.  We can say with the Israelites, "Behold we perish, we are dying, we are all dying!"  Except for the Atonement offering of Jesus Christ our Lord, Who not only died for us, but rose again and lives to pray for us.. to be the Intercessor for US!

Father , our Great and Mighty God, Who dwells above the heavens,  You are King and Lord of all.
By Your grace we have been saved from Your wrath through Jesus Christ, Your chosen One.   You have alloted to each of us a measure of faith.  You have given to each of us gifts that differ according to Your grace.  It is up to each of us to exercise those gifts according to our faith. We are told to present ourselves wholly to You and to allow You to transform us by renewing our minds. You tell us not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to, but to have sound judgement.... to not be haughty in mind, but to be of the same mind as each other. (Romans 12).  Keep us from the kind of thinking that brought Korah and his family to destruction.  Keep us away from those kinds of temptations that make us jealous or grumbling... or rebellious against Your choices for us.  Forgive us our trespasses against You.  We bow before You and worship You alone.  We honor You, for all power and glory belong to You.  Conform us to the image of Christ our Lord, we pray, in His Name.  Amen.