Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Luke 9  Jesus calls the 12 disciples and gives them power and authority "over all the demons, and to heal diseases."  He sends them out to "proclaim the kingdom of God and to perform healing."  The good news - the gospel - is that the Kingdom of God has come!  The Sovereign God, who rules over all of His creation, has come in the person of Jesus Christ.  He has given all authority and power to Jesus, who in turn has given some power and authority to His disciples.

Jesus involves His disciples in ministering to the multitudes. When  the people are following Him to a desolate area, He breaks the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish and they distribute it to the people.
Peter, James, and John accompany Him up to the mountain where they see Jesus in His glory - see His sovereignty and hear the Father's proclamation, " This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him."
When they argue over who is the greatest, Jesus tells them that it the least of them that is really the greatest.
When they want to rebuke others who are casting out demons in Jesus' Name, He instructs them that they should not stop them - they are on the same side.
And when a town is too afraid to let them stay and they want to call down fire - Jesus rebukes them, "for the Son of Man did not come to destroy but to save them."

The Kingdom of God - the rule and reign of the King of kings - is lived out in every event, every word, and every teaching of Jesus.  Because God is Ruler -
the hungry are fed
the sick are healed
the demon possessed are set free
The impossible is possible!

But the Kingdom is not for sale, nor can it be taken by the powerful.
It comes by denying self, by taking up a standard, a cross, and by following Jesus.
It doesn't come by trying to save ourselves, but only by laying our own lives down.
It comes by listening to the Words of Jesus, by believing that He has ALL power and authority.
It comes when we receive even a little child in His Name.
Jesus came to save men.  He came to save us.
Proclaim, herald the good news. Jesus is King!  He has all power and authority in heaven and on earth!

Father in Heaven, Your Name is holy and we honor and praise You!  May others come to know the Truth and honor Your Name too.  Father, make Your Kingdom known everywhere.  Rule and reign in our lives.  Rule over the evil ones who want to kill, steal, and destroy.  Bring them to know the Truth.
Let Your will overrule all our selfish wills, our prideful ways, and our misguided priorities.  Let Your will be done.
Give to us our daily provisions from Your gracious Hand.
Forgive us for every sin and trespass against You.
May we forgive all who have hurt us.
Lead us in righteousness and truth.
Deliver us from the evil one.
You are King and the Kingdom is Yours.  You alone are glorious.  You alone are powerful and eternal.  Bless Your holy Name.

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