Friday, October 3, 2014

Luke 4:1-13  "And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led about by the Spirit in the wilderness... "   As followers of Christ we are also commanded to be "filled with the Holy Spirit" ( Ephesians 5:18)  To be continually filled and under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus went into the wilderness as He was led by the Spirit.  He did not eat for 40 days.  At the end of this time of fasting He was hungry.  And this is when the devil shows up.  We know that there are 3 specific temptations recorded here:
Make the stones into bread - feed yourself your own will.
Worship the devil and receive the world. the devil's will.
Throw yourself down and see if the angels will catch you like the word says... test the Father's will..

Jesus does not yield to these temptations but submits fully to the Father's will as found in the Word:

"Man shall not live on bread alone" - Jesus fully trusts His Father to provide for His needs.  This quotation comes from Deuteronomy 8.  Hear what the Word says in verses 2-3 " And you shall remember all the way which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness these forty years, that He might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.  And He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord." 
There are too many parallels here to be a coincidence :
Israel was led in the wilderness  - Jesus was led in the wilderness
Israel was hungry - Jesus was hungry
God allowed them to be humbled - Jesus humbled Himself
God provided manna for the Israelites.   God sent His angels to provide food for Jesus.  ( Matthew 4:11)

The second temptation has to do with the kingdoms of the world and satan's price for them - worship.
Jesus says, " It is written, You shall worship the Lord Your God and serve Him only."   This is also from Deuteronomy.  6:13 " You shall fear only the Lord your God and you shall worship Him and swear by His name."  And again in 10:20-21 " You shall fear the Lord your God; you shall serve Him and cling to Him, and you shall swear by His name.  He is your praise and He is your God, who has done these great and awesome things for you which your eyes have seen." 
Jesus, the Son of God, would never worship a corrupted creation of God... and neither should any man.  Only the Lord our God is to be feared and worshiped and served.

In the third temptation, Satan tries to use the Word to test Jesus.  But Jesus answers, " It is said, You shall not put the Lord your God to the test."  This is a quote from Deuteronomy 6:16 " You shall not put the Lord Your God to the test as you tested Him at Massah."   What happened at Massah?  This is where they came to a place with no water and the "quarreled with Moses".  The Lord instructed Moses to strike the rock and water came out. They named the place Massah, which means quarrel.  Exodus 17:7b says " .... because they tested the Lord, saying, 'Is the Lord among us,or not?"
When Israel failed to trust God for His provisions.. and they quarreled with His servant Moses, they were found guilty of testing God Himself.   Jesus had absolute confidence in the provisions of His Father.  He would never quarrel with or test God. Do we?

Satan could not shake Jesus' confidence in the Heavenly Father.  He left Jesus in the wilderness ,
" until an opportune time."

Satan's tactics have never changed.. from the time of Adam and Eve in the garden until now.  He uses the same ploys.. trying to shake our confidence and trust in God's provisions, in His power, and in His place as the only true and holy God.    Our world, especially our society it seems, has this weird, distorted view of Satan.  There is a revolting and horrid fascination with the occult, with death, with horror, and with evil.  It seems that everything at this time of the year is a competition to see who can have the scariest haunted house. Instead of the old-fashioned jack o'lanterns and scarecrows.. we now see gravestones and zombies!  Why?
Satan's tactics still involve trying to take our eyes off the Truth!
He is a defeated enemy of God.
His time is coming to an end.
He hates mankind.
He wants us to be wrapped up and warped by morbid imaginations.

Jesus shows us the Truth about satan. 
The Word of God defeats him. 
The Truth dominates him.
When we know the Lord our God,  worshipping Him alone, believing His Word, we have nothing to fear!
James says it this way, " Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." (4:7)

Heavenly Father,  You alone are God and we give You all our worship!  We praise You and seek to draw near to You. Draw near to us.  Fill us with Your Spirit continually.  Give us clean hands and pure hearts.  Transform us by renewing our minds with Your Holy Word that we might discern Your will.. that which is good, acceptable and perfect.  We put on the belt of Truth.. Thank you for providing everything we need.  Loving Father, we run into Your arms and give ourselves to You fully.

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