Thursday, October 2, 2014

Luke 3  John the Baptist was called out of the wilderness where he was living, to preach the "baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins;" 
He preached the coming of the Lord.
He preached the coming of judgement.. the wrath of God.
He preached that a life of true repentance will be revealed by good fruit.
He preached that those who had bad fruit would be cut down and burned up.

Verse 10 - the multitude asked, "Then what shall we do?"
Verse 12 - the tax-gatherers asked, " Teacher, what shall we do?"
Verse 14 - the soldiers asked, " And what about us, what shall we do?"

John's answers reveal his deep understanding of the Truth:
Verse 11 - he tells them to love their neighbors - sharing with those in need.
Verse 13 - he tells them to be honest and just - taking no more than they should.
Verse 14 - he tells them  to be kind and content and peaceful. 

And to Herod, who had taken his brother's wife, John spoke up about purity and morality. ( verse 19)

The good fruit of a life lived in right relationship with the Coming King will be evident in all circumstances.  We all need to ask the question that John's audience asked, " What shall we do?"
In light of the Truth given to us through the Word spoken through John and then later by Jesus,  we know it begins with a heart of repentance.  A laying down of our lives and taking up the cross and following Jesus.. in loving others, in giving, in honesty and kindness, in being content with what we have and in being thankful to the One Who has saved us.

Father, overwhelm us.. baptize us by Your Spirit, in Jesus Christ the Eternal and Beloved Son, that we might walk as He walked and do the things that we should do... We pray in His Name, Amen

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