Monday, October 27, 2014

Luke 10  - Luke records a series of events that show us the ministry and purposes of the Lord.

Jesus sends out 70 more disciples to proclaim that the kingdom of God has come near.  He gives His disciples authority and power.  He tells them that the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few.  There is a need for laborers. Pray to the Father to send out laborers, He instructs them.  He also tells them to:
Go carefully, knowing that there are evil forces in the world.
Go in faith, not taking extra provisions, for God will supply.
Go peacefully, staying with some in the city and leaving peace with those who receive them.
Go with knowledge - the knowledge that whoever listens to them is listening to Jesus and that whoever rejects them is rejecting Jesus and the Father.
Go with power - over the enemy.

Yet, return with rejoicing - not over all you accomplished - but over the fact that your name is written in His book.
Jesus praises the Father for revealing these things to the "babes", to the innocent and hiding them from the "wise and intelligent".  Verse 22 " All things have been handed over to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father and who the Father is except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him." 

The Father has revealed the Truth of Who Jesus Christ is - the Son, Who has been given all authority and power - to save those who listen to Him; who hear what He has revealed. And what is it that Jesus has revealed and spoken of? - It is the Truth of Who the Father is - the Lord of heaven and earth.

Where this Truth is proclaimed - Satan falls!
Where this Truth is heard - there is rejoicing!
Where this Truth is received - there is blessing!

Pray that more laborers will be sent out to proclaim the Truth - that all power and authority belongs to Jesus Christ.
So that evil will be overcome.
So that more will see and hear and receive and believe.
So that His Kingdom will come.

Our Father, Lord of heaven and earth,  we praise You for revealing the Truth of the gospel to us; that we have a Savior, Jesus Christ Who has been given all power and authority and Who has purchased our salvation with His own blood.  O how we thank You and praise You.   We can not know these things on our own, but only as You have chosen to reveal the truth to  us.  We are grateful for this gift of grace.  Lord, will You send more workers into the harvest field?  There are many who need to hear this good news.  Will You send someone to the lost and dying in Africa?  Will You send someone to speak to my lost loved ones?  I ask this in His Name, to Whom all glory has been given, Christ Jesus my Lord.   Amen.

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