Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Luke 6  Jesus continues to reveal His authority over all of heaven and earth.  In verses 1- 11 He teaches that He is the Lord of the Sabbath.  He has the authority to do whatever He wants to do.... even if it isn't what the Pharisees like.  Jesus tells us that doing good and saving a life.. is always right in the Lord's eyes... even on the Sabbath.

In verses 12-19 Jesus chooses the 12 disciples that He names as apostles. These are the ones who will be delegated to be His ambassadors.  His authority will be extended to them.

Verses 20 - 49 are Luke's version of the Beatitudes.  They recall some of the same teachings that Matthew recorded, but in a condensed way. Perhaps this is the contents of Jesus' messages as He went from one place to another preaching,  " the gracious words" (  Luke 4:22) that even the people of Nazareth received.  These words are indeed gracious and good news to us all... yet they are also challenging us to live in a way this is beyond our common abilities....

Those who are poor now... will receive God's kingdom.
Those who hunger now... will be satisfied.
Those who weep now... will laugh.
Those who are treated badly.. will find a great reward waiting for them.

On the other hand..
Those who are rich... have already received their due.
Those who are well-fed... shall be hungry.
Those who laugh.. will mourn.

Jesus taught that we should:
love our enemies
do good to those who hurt us
say good things about those who say evil things about us
pray for those who mistreat us
Give...  to the one who takes from you and to the one who can't pay you back.

It's easy to treat people well when they treat you well.
It's easy to love those who love you.
It's easy to do good to those who do good to you.
It's easy to lend to those who will repay you.

"But, love your enemies, and do good, and lend expecting nothing in return;  and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men." ( Verse 35)

He calls us to an uncommon life.. as some author wrote ( can't remember who)... To be like Him. To be like the Father in heaven.  Thankful that He gives us His Spirit so that we can walk in His ways.

Heavenly Father , thank You for loving us when we were yet sinners.  For continuing to love us when we fall so far short of Your perfect will for us.   Have Your way in us today and help us to do what the word says.. to build our lives on the firm foundation of Truth.  We are poor.. but rich in Christ.  Thank You..

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