Thursday, October 16, 2014

Luke 8: 4-15  Luke's version of the parable of the sower is presented here.  The seed is sown and some is:
beside the road where it gets trampled
on rocky soil where it grows quickly but withers away
among the thorns where it grows but is choked out
planted in good soil where it grows well and produces a great crop

Jesus tells the disciples that they have been granted to "know the mysteries of the kingdom of God"
As He teaches in these parables, Jesus calls out to the multitude, " He who has ears to hear, let him hear."   But He tells the disciples that He teaches with parables so that "seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand."  This is hard for us to understand.. Why would God not want some to see or hear?  It is a mystery.

The parable of the sower does tell us what happens when people hear the Word of God..
Some hear it, but it is snatched away by the devil. These do not believe and are not saved.
Some hear the Word, receive it with joy, believe for a while, but then fall away due to temptations.
Some hear the Word, and as they go on they get choked by the worries and riches and pleasures of the world.  They bear no fruit because of that.
Some hear "the word in an honest and good heart and hold it fast and bear fruit with perseverance."

To just hear the Word is not enough.  We must hold on to it. Keep it, memorize it, retain it, seize it.
Paul wrote, " So faith comes from hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ."  Our faith depends upon our hearing.  We must have ears to hear and actively HEAR what He is saying to us.  We must not let it be snatched away by the devil, trampled by the worldly temptations, or choked out by worries, riches, or pleasures.  We must honestly desire to hear the voice of the Shepherd, as one of His sheep. We need to recognize that our lives depend upon it.  We must desire it as a hungry man desires food.  Without the Word, our Daily Bread.. our faith will wither and die.

EM Bounds talks about faith in relationship to our prayer life, " How great - without qualification or limitation- is the power of faith! If doubt be banished from the heart, and unbelief made stranger there, what we ask of God shall surely come to pass, ..."  How can we banish doubt? Fill our hearts with the Truth, the Word of God.   Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised!  What a marvelous mysterious Kingdom He calls us into!

Father, open our ears and eyes we pray.  We want to hear Your Voice and to see Your glory.  We want to follow Jesus with all of our hearts.  We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen

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