Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Luke 7: 11-17   Jesus comes to the city of Nain.  As they are walking into the gates, a funeral procession is coming out.  A young man, an only son, a widow's child... has died.   Notice that Jesus responds to the grief of the mother, not to the state of the man.  "And when the Lord saw her, He felt compassion for her, ..." 

His compassion leads to action.
He stops the procession.
He approaches the coffin.
He speaks to the dead man.
He gives the resurrected son back to his mother.

The response of the crowd is one of fear and worship.  They knew that God was there.

Verses 18-35  John the Baptist sends his disciples to see Jesus. He seems to want a reassurance that Jesus is the Messiah.  Jesus complies with this... He heals many of diseases, afflictions and evil spirits. Then He tells them to go and tell John what they have seen -  Prophecy being fulfilled.
Jesus says that John is a great man, greater than "those born of women".  But, " he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he." There were 2 responses to this:
The people who had received John's baptism - "acknowledged God's justice".
The Pharisees and company "rejected God's purpose for themselves,"
Jesus compares them to children, not happy with John for his way of life, not with Jesus and His ways.  " Yet wisdom is vindicated by all her children."  Jesus says.

Matthew Henry's commentary says that those who listen to God's instructions and obey will prove that they are the children of Wisdom.  The lives of the believers will reflect the wisdom of God.  Those who reject God's Word and ways will be like these Pharisees, too proud to repent and be baptized ,  too self-righteous to acknowledge the Lord's authority over them.

Father in Heaven,  Help us to believe, to obey, and to receive all that You have purposed for us. We see through these passages that Jesus is Lord of all. That all power has been given to Him.  That He is our source of Life.  We chose to bow before Him and worship.  Lead us in Your will and may Your Kingdom come in its fulness.  Make us Your own in every facet of our lives.  Amen.

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