Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Luke 2 records the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.  Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem because of a Roman decree.  But, we know it was God's plan for Jesus to be born in this city.  There is so much that we can say about this passage.  Something that stands out to me today, as I read through this is the testimonies that Luke includes in his writing:

Verses 9-14 The angels were the first to proclaim the Truth about Jesus.
They proclaimed that this is "good news of a great joy".
That "there has been born for you a Savior who is Christ the Lord."
That the sign would be the baby wrapped in cloths and laying a manger.
That this baby was from God and He would bring peace on earth to those with whom He is pleased.

Verses 15-20 The shepherds were the next witnesses of the Truth.
They acted on the words from the angels, acknowledging God's revelation.
They found the baby just as they had been told.
They told everything that the angels had told them.
They praised and glorified God.

Mary and Joseph followed the Law, having Jesus circumcised and presenting Him to the Lord as required.  They offered the required sacrifices.  ( Verses 21-24)

Verses 25-35 Simeon is a witness for the Truth about Jesus.
Simeon was a man who lived for the Lord.  He was anointed by the Holy Spirit.
He was called righteous and devout.
He was looking for the Messiah.
He knew God in such an intimate way that he was told that he would not die until he saw the Messiah.
Simeon recognized Jesus immediately  ( by the Holy Spirit) and makes these proclamations:
He has seen the Lord's salvation, who God had "prepared in the presence of all peoples.
Jesus is "  A light of revelation to the Gentiles"
He is the glory of Israel.
He is "appointed for the fall and rise of many in Israel."
He would be opposed.
A sword would pierce Mary's heart.
God would use this to reveal the "thoughts from many hearts".

Verses 36-39 Anna was also at the temple that day.  She was an 84 year old, devout, woman who had been widowed for many years.  She also recognized Who Jesus was immediately.
She gave thanks to God.
She told everyone who "were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem" about Jesus.

Luke skips over the first 12 years of Jesus' life and tells of Jesus and his family traveling to Jerusalem for Passover. The family leaves to head home and has to return to find Jesus.  They find Him in the temple listening and asking questions of the teachers there.  Once again there is a testimony given.
"And all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers." ( verse 47).

Verses 40 and 52 tell us that Jesus grew physically - becoming strong and increasing in stature; spiritually - increased in wisdom and grace and favor with God; and relationally - gaining favor with men.

There are lessons here for us - how to be a witness for Jesus:
Be joyful - there is great joy in the good news that a Savior has come Who brings peace.
Share what you know - listen to the Word, act on the Word, and share was you have heard.
Be Spirit filled and led - live for the Lord, fully devoted to Him,  look for His coming, know Him so well that you are ready when He comes.
Be faithful in service and thankful in all that God has done.
Treasure the truths about Jesus in your heart.  Ponder them often. Rejoice in this great salvation, giving thanks and praise to our heavenly Father.

Father in heaven,  this is Your beloved Son that we read about here.  This old, old story is the one we love so much! May we hear it again with open hearts and with new understanding.  May we increase in wisdom and grace as we ponder these truths in our hearts.  May we rejoice with the angels and the shepherds, with Simeon and Anna, at Thy salvation that has come in Jesus Christ our Lord. We give You thanks for allowing us to see the Light of revelation to the Gentiles.  Fill us with Your Holy Spirit that we might also proclaim the good news of Jesus to those around us.  May we not stop talking about the redemption provided through Jesus Christ.  Many need to hear this old old story over again.  Fill our mouths with these wonderful words of life.  In His Name we pray, Amen.

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