Thursday, October 30, 2014

Luke 11:14-28  Jesus casts out a demon that was dumb... when the demon left, the man who had been controlled by the dumb demon was then able to speak.   How does that hit you?  It strikes me, as I read this, in a way I never saw before - the attribute of the demon - its inability to speak- was transferred to  and controlled the man within whom he resided.  I'll have to think about that....

The multitudes marveled at this, but others, namely the Pharisees, slandered Jesus and blasphemed by saying that His source of power came from Beelzebul - Satan.   In Mark there is more of this discourse recorded,  but there is something that has been striking me throughout this study in Luke, and it comes out again in this passage...

"Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste..."  Jesus tells them.  This is true of Satan's kingdom.  How could Satan cast out himself?  Would he cast out those over whom he has power?
Do the Jewish religious leaders cast out demons?  Do they do so by the power of Satan or by the power of God?  They need to think carefully about that question.

"But if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you."
Here is a profound proclamation!  Jesus has talked about the kingdom of God coming near.. but now He is stating that it has COME!  And the proof, the sign ( that they have been asking for) is evident.
The kingdom of Satan is destroyed by the Kingdom of God.
When God's rule and reign is established in a person, a place, or in a community - Satan is banished and has no power or authority!
Makes us realize again the significance of the prayer request - "Thy kingdom come!"
How is evil and sin and violence overcome?  By the good news that God reigns! That He has given us His King, Christ Jesus!

Verses 21-22 are an illustration of this important teaching.
A strong man who is fully armed and guarding his house is undisturbed UNTIL someone stronger attacks and overpowers him.  The stronger one will take away the armor, Jesus says, and distribute the spoils.
" He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me, scatters."  ( verse23)
Jesus wants us to take a side - His or the enemy's.   On the side of Satan or on the side of God?
We must make a choice.
If we don't decide to follow Him and join His side - we will be like the man in verses 24-26...
He was delivered of the evil spirit, everything was cleaned out and put in order, but there is a void which is soon filled with other evil spirits who join with the first one and the man is in worse shape than ever.

Verses 27-28  A woman speaks out and blesses the mother of Jesus.. thinking she was doing a good thing.  But Jesus corrects her, " On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God, and observe it."   Mary, the mother of Jesus, was truly blessed.. but not because she gave birth to Him, but because she heard the Word of God and obeyed.  Luke 8:21 " My mother and My brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it." 

Father God, Lord of heaven and earth, we thank You for Your holy Word, the Words of life.  We thank You for the Kingdom of God that has come to earth through Jesus Christ.  That all power and authority has been given to Him on earth and in heaven.  What a marvelous truth.  Our God reigns.
Satan has no power where Jesus rules!  Lord, will You establish and expand Your kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven, please! Deliver us from the lies and deception of the darkness. Complete in us the full work of salvation and sanctification.. fill us with Your Holy Spirit so that there is no void in our hearts where Satan can gain of foothold.  We seek You and You alone Father.  Empower us by Your Spirit to hear and obey Your Word.   For it is Your kingdom and Your glory and Your power forever and ever Amen!  Let it be so!

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