Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Luke 8  Again, Luke tells of the miraculous works of the Lord, revealing His authority and power.

Verses 22-25 - Jesus has authority over the wind and the sea.  If He can stop a storm, He can do anything!  So, "Where is your faith?"

Verses 26-39 - Jesus delivers the demoniac from the legion of evil spirits.  If He can do that,  He can deliver us from any and all evil!  So, don't fear the evil, put your faith in Jesus; and when He delivers you... go and tell "what great things God has done for you."

Verses 40-48 - Jesus healed the woman who had suffered 12 years with an incurable disease, and if He can do that... He can heal us too... we also need to have the faith that will reach out to touch Him.

Verses 49-56 - Jesus raised the daughter of the synagogue official from the dead, and if He can do that... then nothing is impossible with God, so " Do not be afraid any longer, only believe... " 

All authority in heaven and on the earth is in the Hand of the One Who loves us and Who died for us.
Hear His Words and do them.  Believe. Reach out. Don't be afraid.  And when He answers your prayers and provides for you... go and tell the great things He has done!

Psalm 145:4 " One generation shall praise Thy works to another, and shall declare Thy mighty acts."
It is our privilege and responsibility to let our children and grandchildren know that God is great and awesome and gracious and merciful.  It is our mouths that need to proclaim the glory of His majesty and the greatness of His power!  To let the light shine, uncover the lamp.... so they also can see Him.

Oh Father, forgive us for failing to do this!  Help us to be filled to the full by Your Holy Spirit, that we might proclaim Your mighty works and Your holy Word, every day, forever and ever.  You are good to us and Your mercies have covered us.  Thank You!

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