Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Luke 5   Jesus travels about Judea, teaching and healing.  As He walks among the multitudes, who press in on Him, He reaches out to individuals.   This chapter records some of those interactions.

Verses 1-11 describe the calling of Peter, Andrew, John, and James.  Jesus sees the 2 boats and the men washing their nets after a night of working without success.  Jesus climbs onto Simon's boat and teaches the crowd from there.  When He is finished he instructs Simon to go out and let down the nets once again.  When he obeys, the nets are filled to overflowing!  This was a life-changing experience for those 4 men.   They recognized the power and authority of Jesus Christ and received faith in that recognition.  They followed Him then, leaving behind everything else, for the rest of their lives.

Verses12-14  Jesus meets a man with leprosy, who falls on his face and makes a statement of faith, "Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean."   Jesus was willing and healed the man immediately.

Verses 15-26 Here Jesus is teaching; and in the audience there are some Pharisees and scribes.  Some men bring their friend to Jesus to be healed of paralysis.  The place is so crowded that they can't get in the door, so they go through the roof.  Jesus calls this "faith".  He disturbs the religious leaders by forgiving the man's sins. Then He proves His authority by healing the man, who gets up and walks.

Verses 27-32   Jesus sees Levi ( Matthew), a tax-collector, and calls him to follow Him.  Levi leaves everything and becomes a disciple of Jesus.  His first action is to host a reception, inviting other tax-gatherers to meet Jesus too.   This disturbs the Pharisees again.   Jesus clarifies His purpose for them,
"I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."  Faith is given to individuals freely when they repent, acknowledging that they are sinners.. not those who think they are "righteous" and have no desire to repent of anything.

Verses 33-39  Jesus answers a question about fasting.  His disciples are not fasting because He is with them.  He is like a bridegroom and they are His attendants.  It is not time to fast. It is a time to rejoice.  But, a time is coming for fasting, when He is taken away.
Then Jesus tells them a parable -  No one tears a new garment to fix an old garment. Also, no one puts new wine into an old used wineskin.
Jesus is not trying to take a place in the reign and authority of the Pharisees and scribes.   He is doing something brand new and completely different than what they have been doing.  They are trying to make Him fit into their mold, into their system of religion... but it cannot work.  For Jesus is totally different and unique....

His authority includes nature and mankind.
His will is to help those in hopeless situations - physically and spiritually.
His relationships include those outside the clique of the religiously accepted. 
His work will not conform to the old ways and traditions of men. 

This is Who we put our faith in - Jesus Christ the Lord.  He has all authority in heaven and earth.
He is willing and able to help us when we come to Him in prayer.
He loves us, individually, personally, even when we aren't part of the in crowd.
He will do a new work in our lives if we let Him.

E.M. Bounds writes this about faith, " It is the initial quality in the heart of any man who essays to talk to the unseen.  He must, out of sheer helplessness, stretch forth hands of faith.  He must believe, where he cannot prove......  Faith does the impossible because it brings God to undertake for us, and nothing is impossible with God.... Prayer projects faith on God, and God on the world.  Only God can move mountains, but faith and prayer move God."

Father in heaven,  we come to You in faith, in prayer, asking for healing of our bodies and souls.  We need You and have no other help. Our help comes from the Lord of Heaven and Earth .  We ask for for Your perfect will to be accomplished in each of our lives, so that You will receive glory and honor and praises.  Open our eyes to see Jesus more and more clearly, that our faith will grow and our prayers will move Your mighty Hand of power and glory in our world today.  We need You so much.
We ask this in His Name, Amen

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