Monday, October 13, 2014

Luke 7:1-10  Jesus has gone back to Capernaum , when a group of Jewish elders come to Him on behalf of a Roman centurion.  Now this was an unusual man.  First of all, he had a slave whom he loved and highly regarded.  Secondly, he loved Israel and had Jewish friends.  Thirdly, he had built a synagogue for the town.  

When the Jewish elders came to Jesus they "earnestly entreated", they begged Jesus to heal the centurion's slave because the he was "worthy".    However, as Jesus approaches the centurion's home, another group of friends is sent to Jesus to say just the opposite. " ... for I am not worthy for You to come under my roof; for this reason I did not even consider myself worthy to come to You, but just say the word and my servant will be healed." (verses 6-7).

The centurion understood the authority of Jesus.  He knew a measure of authority in his office as a centurion.  He ordered soldiers and slaves to do something and it would be done.  His orders were respected and carried out because he had authority in his position and because he was respected.  He, in turn, had respect for Jesus and His authority over everything.  Jesus called this "great faith".  The servant was immediately healed even though Jesus never went into the man's house.

E.M. Bounds wrote, " Faith does the impossible because it brings God to undertake for us and nothing is impossible with God. How great- without qualification or limitation - is the power of faith! If doubts be banished from the heart, and unbelief made stranger there, what we ask of God shall surely come to pass, and a believer hath vouchsafed to him 'whatsoever he saith'"

From this event we take away two lessons -

1. We need to have a proper evaluation of ourselves - we are not worthy, even though others think we are.
2.  We need to have a proper evaluation of Jesus - He has all authority- over everything and He is worthy of our respect and trust.

E.M. Bounds says that "prayer is simply faith... taking possession of its illimitable inheritance."  When Jesus tells us to pray and believe that we receive, and then we will have our requests - this is active faith "Here is described a faith which realizes, which appropriates, which takes. Such faith is a consciousness of the divine, an experienced communion, a realized certainty."

The centurion had this kind of faith.   I want this kind of faith too.

Father in heaven, we thank You for the Truth of Your Word and for the many examples that You have provided for us, to teach us Your ways.  May we know ourselves.. humble ourselves, realizing that no matter our position in this world.. we are not worthy to come to You on our own.  But, we have a Savior, Who is Worthy of all our respect and trust, for You have given Him all authority in heaven and in earth.  Jesus is Lord of all.  We come to You in His Name to make our requests.  We pray for our daily provisions - for food and health, for safety and wisdom.  We pray for forgiveness from all our sins, known and unknown and we pray for compassion and love to forgive those who have hurt us and sinned against us.  We pray that You would lead us in Your ways, to do everything for Your glory with pure hearts and clean hands.  We pray that You would deliver us from the lies and deceptions of the evil one.   And Father, we pray that You would send out workers into the fields to bring others into Your Kingdom. Let Your Light shine through us wherever we go and whatever we do today.  In Jesus' Name. Amen

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