Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Mark 14:22-42  Gethsemane.  The place where Jesus went to pray.  The place where Judas came to betray Him.  Jesus submitted to His Father's will.  Judas submitted to Satan's ploy.
The disciples slept while Jesus prayed.
They ran when He was seized.
All this was done exactly as it was ordained.  The Father's will was perfectly completed.

Because of His goodness, our heavenly Father sent His Son.
Because of His love, the Son laid down His life.
Because of His grace, we who have weak flesh, are given the Spirit of love and power, and sound minds.

Judas, the betrayer, kissed Jesus.   He had once been a friend and follower of the Messiah.
Now, he was the pawn of Satan,  willingly leading the enemy to the Lord.

Verses 53-65

The Council convened and witnesses were brought in to testify against Jesus.  The problem was that none to them agreed.  As they bore false witness, Jesus remained silent.
The high priest became exasperated with this and stood up, came forward, and questioned Jesus, himself.  "Are You the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?"
And to this direct question, Jesus replied, " I am; and you shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of Heaven. "  A reference to Psalm 110, a Messianic psalm written by David. ( In Mark 12:35-37 - Jesus had referred to this passage before)
But, the Council did not accept the truth, instead calling Jesus a blasphemer and condemning Him, beating Him, and rejecting their Messiah.

verses 66-72  Peter sits in the courtyard of the High Priest, warming himself by the fire.  3 times he is accused of being with Jesus and 3 times he denies that he even knows Him.  Only when he hears the cock crow does he remember that Jesus had told him that this would happen.  When he remembers, he begins to weep.  Immediate sorrow and repentance.

The greatest story ever told.  That Jesus would lay down His life for mankind.  That the Perfect Lamb would be beaten and spit upon, mocked and mistreated, condemned and crucified.. for us.

Father, may we not fail to confess that Jesus is the Lord, the Christ, Who sits at Your Right Hand in power.  May we not betray Him, accuse Him, reject Him, or deny Him.  Ever.  Oh, yes we are weak.  But You are strong.  Fill us again by Your Spirit and lead us deeper into the love of our Savior.   We ask for Your good and acceptable and perfect will to be done.  Through Him Who laid down His life for us.  Amen.

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