Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Leviticus 3 Peace offerings ( or fellowship offerings)  could be given for three reasons - thanksgiving ( a confession or acknowledgement of God's deliverance or blessings) ;  Votive offering - making or fulfillment of a vow; or a freewill offering - spontaneous gift( an expression of devotion or thankfulness for some unexpected blessing).   This could be a bull, cow, lamb, or goat.  It had to be without defect.  It was to be presented at the doorway of the tabernacle.  The worshipper would lay his hand on the head of the animal and then kill it himself.  The priests would sprinkle the blood on the altar and offer up certain parts - mostly the organs and fat - by burning them on the altar.   The priests would receive the breast and right thigh of the animal and the rest would go to the individual, for a celebration meal. According to Leviticus 7 that meat would have to be eaten on that day if it was a thanks offering, but could be eaten the next day if it was a votive or freewill offering.

There were a couple of principles that are emphasized here:
The fat and the blood of the animals was never to be eaten by the Israelites.
The sacrifices were to be made at the door of the tabernacle and offered to the Lord only.
A portion of the meat belonged to the priests.

Leviticus 17  emphasizes why the blood was not to be eaten - " For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement." (v11)  And, " For as for the life of all flesh, its blood is identified with its life." (v14).   Blood= life.  It is for atonement.  It is precious and valuable.  It is poured out on the altar.  ".. .whoever eats it shall be cut off." The penalty for violating this law was death.  The Bible Knowledge Commentary makes this note -"God has chosen sacrificial blood as the ransom price for a person's life, so the life of a substitute is given up in death; therefore to refrain from eating blood is to show respect for its sacredness as a vehicle of atonement."  God gave it for this reason. " He had chosen it as a fitting symbol of the reality of atonement and forgiveness."

Chapter 17 also explains why the sacrifice had to be made at the tabernacle.  Apparently some of the people were offering sacrifices out in the fields.  "And they shall no longer sacrifice their sacrifices to the goat demons with which they play the harlot..." (v7).  They were not offering anything to the Lord. They were idolaters.  They were to be cut off from the people.

BKC " The distinctiveness of the fellowship offering was in the communal meal which the worshiper and his family ate before the Lord.  It was essentially a voluntary act in which the worshiper accepted the meat from God as a token of His covenant faithfulness and gave God acknowledgement or thankful praise for His past blessings bestowed, whether in answer to prayer, or granted unexpectedly, or the normal blessings such as a good harvest."

So, what does that mean to us?  Once again we turn our eyes to Jesus, our Atonement offering.  Not only did He purchase our salvation by His shed blood, but He made peace for us with the Father.  We are so blessed! How can we not offer praise and thanksgiving continually to Him!!!

What if we had to take all of our meat to the church to be presented, butchered, and a portion burnt on an altar?  Would we then look at the steak on our plate and realize that this is God's gift and provision for us? Would we be a lot more thankful?

Also, think about how Christians give tithes and offerings... I've heard statistics that indicate that the average Christian in America gives a lot less than even 10%.. let alone a freewill or thanksgiving offering that goes beyond the "required" giving.   God loves a cheerful giver, we are told.  How many of us give to the Lord cheerfully? Or liberally?

Father in Heaven,  You are the giver of all things.  You have given generously and liberally to us.  We are so thankful.  We acknowledge You as our Provider, our Sustainer, and our loving Father.  You have blessed us with forgiveness from our sins by the Atonement offering of Jesus Christ the Lord.  You have given us food to eat and homes to give us shelter.  You have given us families to love and cherish.  You have given us the fellowship of Christian brothers and sisters.  You have shown us mercy and grace.  You are infinite in Your goodness to us.  All we have is Yours Lord.  May we be faithful to give it all back to You in thanksgiving and love.  Through Christ our Lord we come to You, Amen.

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