Thursday, September 4, 2014

Leviticus 1   - I know.... people like to avoid this book, with all its rules and detailed descriptions... but, I have learned that God speaks clearly even in this... especially in this.  For here we see a glimpse of His holiness and the depth of our depravity.  Here we learn what atonement really means.  Here we can begin to see God's heart for His people.

The Levites, the descendants of Levi, were given the task and the honor of serving in the tabernacle.  Aaron and his sons were chosen to be the priests.  They were responsible for teaching the Law, keeping the Sanctuary and handling the sacrifices.  This book lays out God's directions and standards for them to follow.

Chapter 1 begins by explaining burnt offerings.  Burnt offerings were sacrifices that were completely given to the fire on the altar.  Nothing was set aside for the priests or levites.  It was fully surrendered to God.   Verse 3 tells us that the offering is offered so that "he may be accepted before the Lord."  And verse 4 tells us "And he shall lay his hand on the head of the burnt offering that it may be accepted for him to make atonement on his behalf."  The man connects/ identifies with the animal by placing his hand on it,  whether it is an ox or cow, sheep or goat, or a bird ( for those who were too poor to have the other).. the sacrifice becomes the substitute.  It "covers" him.  The blood of the sacrifice cleanses and pacifies . It provides forgiveness and reconciliation.   The animal must be acceptable - unblemished, without defect, and offered as a "soothing aroma to the Lord."

Why is this important to us, modern day, American Christians?  We know that God gave His Son to be our atonement sacrifice.  We no longer need to bring burnt offerings over and over.. for Christ died once and that is enough!  But sometimes we don't think about what that really means,  or we forget all that Christ's atonement did for us....

Let's think about this:
Without the atonement/ burnt offering the man, any man or woman,  was not "accepted before the Lord."   We need to be reminded that we are separated from the Lord because of our sins; because we are not holy.  This includes every single one of us.  We cannot come to Him in any other way - not good works; not great intelligence; not moral integrity; not in anything that we do ourselves.  It is only through the complete sacrifice of the atonement offering that we can be forgiven, cleansed, accepted. Jesus paid it all! Praise and thank Him today!!!

We must connect with the atonement offering.  Personally, intimately, and wholly.  Jesus laid down His life for us.  And when we come to faith in Him, trusting in His atonement offering, we identify with Him.  So we can say with Paul, " I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me...."  We are also called follow Him by laying down our lives, picking up our cross, and following Him.  This is so much more than praying one prayer or signing a statement of faith.  He gave His whole life for us and we give our whole lives to Him. 

The atonement offering is accessible by anyone.  The burnt offerings were presented to the Lord according to what the man had.  God's atonement offering, our Lord Jesus Christ, was given so that anyone could call on His Name and be saved.  God is completely just and righteous.  He does not worry about what we can or cannot give, or about what we can or cannot do.  But, He does require us to give all of ourselves to Him. Even though I may not be much - He wants all of me.  And all of you - all of your heart, all of your soul, all of your strength .  We are called to present our bodies, " a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God,"  as our spiritual service of worship.

Oh Father in heaven, You are Holy!  You are Gracious!  You are so good to us.  To give us Your Holy Word that we might know You more.  Teach us and lead us.  We are so thankful for the atonement offering, Jesus Christ, our eternal Savior.  How wonderful and perfect are Your ways.   Draw us nearer, nearer, precious Lord.  We give ourselves to You.  In Christ, Amen.

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