Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Mark 15-16  The chief priests, elders, scribes and council of the Jews consult together and all agree - to deliver Jesus to Pilate, to demand that He be crucified.
They delivered Him.
They accused Him.
They demanded His crucifixion.

The Roman soldiers took Him away.
They mocked Him.
They beat Him.
They spit on Him.
They crucified Him.
They took even His clothes from Him.

Yet Jesus did not defend Himself.  He submitted to this torture and death, willingly, with great love in His heart for them and for us.  He would not come down from the cross, even though He could have; for the atonement would only be completed with the death of the Lamb of God.
His body.
His blood.
This was God's plan.  His perfect plan.  In infinite wisdom, God shows His infinite goodness and grace.... He takes our sins, our transgressions, our guilt... and pays the debt in full.

Darkness falls while Jesus hangs on the cross.
He gives up His life.
He is buried in a garden tomb.

But on the third day... when the women go to the tomb - it is empty!
He is risen!!

Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene.
He appears to the 2 on the road.
He appears to the disciples.  They did not believe the reports of the others  and Jesus rebukes their unbelief.  Hardness of heart and unbelief... kept them from the joy of the resurrection!

How often do we miss out on joy because of hard hearts and unbelief?
Oh how we need to trust Him.  To know that what He has said, He will do.

Father help us in our unbelief and hardness of heart.   Lead us into the joy of believing and trusting You, fully and completely.   In large things and in small things.  Thank You for being so patient and kind to us.  Thank You that You are good.  As Tozer wrote, " To the frightened He is friendly, to the poor in spirit He is forgiving, to the ignorant,considerate; to the weak, gentle; to the stranger , hospitable."  This is Who You are.  We come humbly before You, to receive Your gentle grace and forgiveness. We love You Lord God. We desire to follow Jesus.  Help us, we pray.   Amen.

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