Friday, September 12, 2014

Leviticus 6 - 9  After giving the instructions for the offerings, Moses goes about the consecration of the priesthood.  He offers the sacrifices and anoints Aaron and his sons for this ministry of the priesthood.  Everything is consecrated - the tent, the furniture, the altar, the clothes, and the men.
Aaron and his sons are confined to the tabernacle for 7 days and then on the 8th day they offer the required sacrifices for the people.  When everything is done just as the Lord commanded, He appears to the people.  "Then fire came out from before the Lord and consumed the burnt offerings and the portions of fat on the altar; and when all the people saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces."

Once again we are confronted with the awesome and awful Presence of God.  We fail so often to realize the greatness of the God we serve.  All that is His is sacred... holy, set apart.  He requires His people to be obedient to His commands.  He makes a way for His people to be forgiven and cleansed from all unrighteousness so that they can come into His Presence.  So that WE can come into His awesome Presence.

There are lessons here that we need to take heed of, even if we do not live by the Law of Moses.
Disobedience to the Lord is sin.
Sin brings about death.
Sin can only be atoned for by a sacrifice of blood.
Jesus gave His life as the atonement sacrifice for us.
Through His sacrifice we can enter into the Presence of the Most Holy God.
When we are in His Presence we will fall on our faces.

Father, to know You in this way, in the fullness of Light and Truth, through Jesus Christ our Lord... we come.  We bring ourselves, to offer our bodies as living and holy sacrifices... to worship You.
How awesome in Glory and Splendor is Your Majesty.  Open our eyes to see and our ears to hear.
Slow us down and silence our minds and hearts that are wrapped up in the world's ways,  and bring us apart to draw near to You. Draw us nearer.  Let us have transformed minds that think rightly about You.  That You are Incomprehensible and transcendent, Eternal and infinite, Omniscient and omnipresent and omnipotent.  You are holy and good and merciful and loving.   When You appeared to Israel it was in a fiery glory.  We long for the day when we will see You.  Prepare us for that day O Lord.  May we be ready, alert, taking heed, for the day is drawing near.   O may men and women and children even now come to Jesus and be made ready for that Day.   In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen.

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